Chapter V

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Your POV:

Upon hearing the loud crash, Sebastian took a deep breath and walked into the hallway, where the other maid had dropped her cleaning supplies, the cart tipped over. She looked like a damsel in distress, I guess she kinda was.

"Mey-Rin, what is the meaning of this? You could have disrupted the Young Master, not to mention you made a mess of yourself and the hallway." Sebastian scolded the girl. She had red/maroon hair that was pulled into two short ponytails, with a maid outfit much longer than mine. I wonder if I have to wear the shorter one because of this perverted demon... ugh.

"I-I-I apologize S-Sebastian! I just meant t-to get out my s-supplies so I could go and c-clean the main h-hall." The girl stuttered. I glanced at Sebastian, wondering how he handles these situations. Do they even know he's a demon?

"Do not let it happen again. Clean this up immediately and get back to work." Sebastian scolded. Out of nowhere, I got a weird feeling, that I was being watched. The girl was looking at me, no, not just at me but behind me. I looked behind me and I heard rustling around. I went back into the kitchen and saw a man with blonde hair, holding a flamethrower. From the hallway, I heard the girl mumble something. The man lifted the flamethrower at some sort of meal? he created.

"Woah! Wait! If you use that flamethrower you'll burn down the entire kitchen!" I screamed at him, ripping the flamethrower from his hands. "What on Earth do you think you were doing with this?!" I scolded him. I am in no position to scold the other servants, but I couldn't just let him burn down the manor.

"Well, I was tryin' ta speed up the cookin process on this meal I made." The man responded, scratching the back of his neck. He was smoking some sort of cigarette, clouding the room with smoke.

"First things first, you shouldn't be using a flamethrower to cook a meal. Another thing is that Sebastian and I already made the young master a meal. And one last thing, I'm not giving you this back," I said gesturing to the flamethrower "until I talk with Sebastian about this." I finished, slinging the flamethrower over my shoulder. I turned to walk back into the hallway but Sebastian stood there.

"You don't need to speak with me about anything, I heard it all." He said, taking the flamethrower from my hands. "Bardroy, how many time do I have to tell you to not use a flamethrower to cook a meal, it just causes havoc." Bardroy looked down and mumbled something about it being many, many times. "Now, go do your work. (y/n)," Sebastian looked at me, Bardroy's flamethrower nowhere in sight. "since today is your first day, I will be assisting you. I do not doubt that you will do wonderfully at this job, after all, you stopped Bardroy from burning down the manor within your first few hours of work. Now, let us take the young master his breakfast before it gets cold." I smiled a genuine smile at his compliment and nodded in agreement. After all, cold food is the worst. (a/n: unless it's pizza...) Sebastian set the plate of food on a cart that had some sort of beverage, I'm assuming tea, on it and started to push it towards the dining hall. These walls, they're so familiar... where... where have I seen this place before... with Megan? No.. it's not from there.. it was with my own two eyes... I started to feel dizzy, the hallway spinning around me.

"Sebastian can you wait a moment, I'm very dizz-" my eyes flashed white, showing a couple, and a small toddler with navy hair and blue eyes. "Oh, (y/n), this is our son, Ciel. Ciel, say hello." The child smiled at me from behind his mother's back.

"h-hello Miss (y/n)."

"Hello Ciel, it's a pleasure to meet you." His father sighed and said

"Excuse his manners, he's rather shy around people he doesn't know well." Ciel's mother giggled and put Ciel down on the couch next to their dog. "What are you laughing at Rachel?"

"It's funny Vincent, he's just like you were when we first met." Vincent looked taken back but eased into it realizing it was true.

"Alright, I suppose you are correct. Now, (y/n), why don't we get you cleaned up. Rachel, could you help her? I can take care of Ciel." She agreed and took my hand, leading me to the washroom. A mirror, something very new in society, was laid beautifully on the wall, allowing me to see my bloodied self.

"Ah, I shouldn't have introduced you to Ciel in your current condition," Rachel commented, helping me undress with my wounds. She started cleaning them and patching them up.

"It's okay, it really is. My dress should have been dark enough to cover my wounds." I said, Rachel, finishing patching up the cuts. She redressed me, brushing my hair out. My hair was in a ponytail, but it gradually turned into a braid. Rachel tied it at the end with an (f/c) bow to match the dress I wore. Rachel led me back to the main hall where little Ciel was playing with the dog.

"(y/n), do you think you could watch Ciel for a moment, Vincent and I need to talk."

"Of course! I can care for him anytime you need, after all, I currently have nowhere to go." Rachel seemed surprised, whereas Vincent seemed to be more fascinated. Their faces returned to normal as they walked out of the room. After what seemed like hours of playing with Ciel, Rachel and Vincent came back into the room, both of them smiling.

"(y/n), if you would like, you are welcome to stay here. As long as you like, however as long as you stay here you will abide by our rules and our ways of living." I smile broke onto my face, I had no way to get back to the Angelic Realm, and now that Noah was sealed away... no. I refuse to think about it.

"I accept. Thank you so much!" I ran up to them and hugged them. They were smiling; I was smiling; Ciel was smiling; even the dog looked as though he was smiling.

The vision faded into a new one. Blood. Blood everywhere. My entire figure bloodied, and wings no longer there. Vincent was staring at me, from a distance, trying to determine if what he was seeing was real. I screamed in pain as someone grabbed me by the shoulder.

"You are not, and never will be able to live with them ever again. And if you do, there will be a punishment much worse than getting your wings chopped off." a contorted voice said. I knew, as well as any other angel, that wings can regrow, but they are never quite the same. I screamed again as the person threw me against a wall. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Vincent walk away. Up steps. Then that's when I notice the eyes. They were all around me. staring from every possible area of the circular room. I sobbed and sobbed, a gust of wind telling me I was sent back to the Angelic Realm.

Another white light flashed in my eyes, returning me back to the manor. I felt a single tear run down my cheek, not caring if Sebastian, who was now kneeled down next to me, saw my tears.

"(y/n)? Are you alright? Do you need to lie down?" Sebastian asked, helping me up from my position on the floor. I wiped away my tears and dusted off my dress.

"I- *sigh* I'm fine thank you. I just, saw some memories I'm not particularly fond of, that's all.." Sebastian seemed to calm a little, resting his hands on the cart again. "Let's just get Ciel his meal, so he won't scold us," I stated dully.

"As you wish M'lady," Sebastian responded, walking towards the dining area. I took a deep breath in attempt to calm myself. How could I forget an entire year of my life? And now only remember two moments from it? Not to mention how quickly it must have been for my wings to recover... My thoughts were interrupted when we walked into the dining room, where Ciel sat at the end of a long table. Three servants, not including Bardroy, were lined up near the wall on Ciel's left side. One of them was the girl from earlier.

"So I see you finally arrived with my breakfast. Sebastian, is this (y/n)'s fault?" Ciel said, clearly annoyed.

"Not necessarily my lord. She recovered some memory of hers. Not a good one either." Sebastian answered.

"(y/n), sit down." Ciel said, staring directly at me. I thought I heard one of the servants gasp, maybe even whisper something, but I decide against worrying about it. I did as he instructed and sat in the seat next to him. "Tell, me, what did you remember?"

a/n: yay new chapter, I'm such a lazy ass for not updating, but I have had some emotional things going on recently, soo.. :/ but anyways, since summer is so soon, maybe I can update more!! Love Ya,

oh and btw 1563 words (woot!)

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