Chapter fourteen

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I woke up coughing "oh thank gods your okay" I heard Jase say from my side "it worked" he said as I sat up and coughed up more water "w...what happened" I croaked. "A wolf came out of the water and dragged you under" he said now nuzzling me "a water wolf attacked me" I asked he nodded "come on you need a healer" he said wincing at something behind me. I tried to stand up but the second my hind leg took any weight pain shot up my leg I howled in pain and sat back down. "Oh this is bad" he said now pacing "open your wings Raya" he said turning to me "ok" I say a little confused I spread my wings and suddenly the wind picks up behind me.

I start to fly with help from Jase who is keeping me in the air. We soon reach the camp he sets me down a crossed the mote the bridge handlers lower it for us and rush out to help me. They prop me up and help me walk inside they lead me and Jase to a cave dug hastily into the ground. Inside the healer was busily tending to the Mammal I had saved from the fire. When I come in she motions for them to put me down near the entrance. The other wolves leave but Jase stays firmly where he stood at my side. The healer comes to my side and sniffs my injured leg. "How did this happen" she asked Jase starts to explain what happened once he was done she turned back to me. "You are lucky you didn't drown" she said to me she turns around and collects some leaves and seeds "eat these now" she said in a stern voice. I eat them and start to feel very tired. I yawn and lay down the second my head hits the floor I fall asleep.

It has been five days that I had been stuck in the make shift healers den with a Brocken leg.
I hated it tomorrow me and Jase would be going to see Thyra and Gwen again and I still wasn't aloud to walk by myself. The healer who's name I learned is Toad had rapped my Leg with vines connected to sticks to keep it from bending. Jase accompanied me everywhere he claimed it was so he could help me but I knew there was a deeper reason. I couldn't wait to get out of camp. Jase had gone with another wolf from the pack to investigate the fire but they couldn't find anything. I sighed as I watched the sunset with Jase. " I slowly started to dose of still leaning on Jase he was smiling he was happy and so was I.

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