Screw The Storyline, It's Filler Time!: Date Night!(1)

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A/n-warning, long, and it's Bakugo, so lot's of swearing.
You've been warned
Your POV

I had a great night, drinking, drunking, and singing with the karaoke machine mom "borrowed". All in all, last night was great. However...

"What happened last night?..." I was worried as I woke up, and Izumi was in my bed, and I can't tell if she's wearing pants with My shirt...why can't I remember what happened?

"Oh, heya Y/n, good morning~"

"Oh, good morning Izumi...why are you in my bed?..."

"Oh, because~" she leaned up and kissed my cheek, causing me to blush deeply "it is a good dream~" while she just crashed back onto my bed. I can't tell if she was still drunk, or just tired. But any man would be glad to have her as a girlfriend, so I won't stick around, just in case I do something I'd regret.

I decided to just grab some food while trying to get away before-

"Oh, now where are you going young man~?" Too late, she saw me

"I'm...I'm just going to go out for a little while..." I try shrugging it off, but she quickly saw through me.

"Alright~, just 'going out' is it? Alright, take this bag with you. It has all of the 'necessary supplies', youmay find it'll come in handy~" she handed me a bag, and I just decided not to argue, since I would just lose this battle. I didn't even bother checking what was in the bag at the time, but if I did, I would have some choice words for her.

I left quickly, taking a few corners, turns, and alleys, heading past the university, some restaurants, and a few shady places.

At a dead end alley, I turned around to face my follower...

". . .Uncle Koro. . .Just because you turn invisible, does not mean your clothes do too." I gave an annoyed tone at my now pink uncle, already knowing what his intentions were

"I'll give you to the count of" I immediately began the countdown, as he began panicking, turning purple while stuttering over every word.

"W-wait Kiddo, i-it's not what it looks like! I-I'm just out on my morning jog...with a notebook...have I ever mentioned how much I love mapping out back alley streets in every city?"
He wad trying to spit out nonsense


"Hold on, I'm your uncle, you can't just do this to your elders, or your sensei! What about your mother!? She's intersted too!"


I just kicked him in the face as he literally was tangled in a knot, kicking him into the sky.

"It looks like I'm blasting off agaaaaaaain...." I knew he was just messing around there, but he's a good sport about it. I just had one more pursuer, turning to the trash can next to me.

"Go home Mom."

"Tch! Stupid Octopus, he ratted me out!"
Followed by said trash can shining a bright purple light from the inside
I just left for the town square afterwards. I left early just to get them both off my back, before we actually meet up.

It took about half an hour for her to arrive, but it was okay, because she seemed happy.

"Hey Y/n, did you wait long?" She greeted me with a bright smile and a blush. Her coat was open and she wore the necklace that gave her before, I'm surprised she kept it, especially since I thought she was a guy before. But something was different, a lot different.

"It feels so good to finally have that wrap off~!" I had a light blush myself, but she was the same Kachan I grew up with, even if her name isn't actually Katsuki.

"So you wore a wrap, I guess tha

t makes sense considering..." I tried my best to continue

"My 'endowment'? Yeah, I could guess you'd be surprised. I know you're not good with girls. It's fine, now let's go~! We gotta have a good time to make up for yesterday~!" She grabbed my hand and began pulling me along.

I guess things never change, she's just like she's always been.

"Come on, let's head to the cold blooded district~! You're not getting out of our bet!" She yelled to me, nearly pulling my arm out of its socket.

"Oh come on, we're celebrating my birthday, can't you forget about that one?"

"Nope, you bet that you could cook, and you proved you can't, so now you're gonna eat something actually considered food."

Yep...same as always...

"Now let's goooooooo!!!!"

Random Douche Brigade POV

"Yo, boi, you see dat rack?"

"Ye mate, you ready to go snatch"

"I'll say. Now let's get us a lady~"
Later, Cold Blood District, your POV

"God, I can't believe you ate those wasp pops."

"You're the one that bet I wouldn't eat them, and it was the deal I would eat one."

"But you ate two."

"They tasted good, and you wanted me to eat the tarantula hawk, and I wanted to try the Japanese giant hornet. So I tried both."

"God you do odd things sometimes."

"Says the girl that named herself victory."

She blushed as our banter continued back and forth, and I was nearly knocked out for waving at a frog like girl and a snake headed girl, but Bakugou is surprisingly good at controlling her explosions.

"Jeez, you already have a smoking hot babe by your side, you don't have to go looking at other girls." She pouted as I just wiped myself off, still covered in soot.

"I was just being polite."

"Yeah, yeah alright. I know, just remember, you're mine today..." she muttered to herself, unaware of what I heard.

"What was that?" I

"Nothing, Bakane!" She snapped

I couldn't hear most of what she muttered, but I could hear that last part. She still hasn't changed~

We had been walking towards the restaurant where our reservations were made beforehand, we talked with each other, and caught up with most things.

It turns out things had smoothed over between her parents, and her mother even came out of retirement to model again, and her father joined the force again. They still technically live together, and are still good friends, but decided to look for other people.

I guess after everything that happened they both just wanted to get their mind off things, but I'm happy they are still on good terms with each other.

'Mine on the other hand just up and left. No! I'm not gonna deal with the thought of that guy, he's not gonna ruin my time with Kachan! He doesn't deserveit after what he did to mom!'

My thoughts were burning through my eyes, so I guess it made sense why she looked so concerned.

"Heh, I'm fine, Kachan. It happened a long time ago...but I'm glad your folks are happy." I put on a smile to try and ease the tension

"Alright," she tried to turn the conversation around a bit, to get it away from the serious topics "I believe there's a short cut over here. I'm sure you're getting hungry too~."

As she said so, ae turned down a side road towards a dark alley. I could feel the cold from the shadows around us, like we were being followed, which we were, but how were we supposed to know?

We were wandering for a little while until we ended in a closed off alleyway. It was only then that the thugs showed themselves.

"Hello you two, you seem to be lost, now what would a lovely lady be doing here with a bitch like this~?" The man with purple skin peered out from the shadows, giving a toothy smile with a creepy glint in his eyes as he looked towards Kachan. It appeared that his friends had arrived.

"Get the fuck out of my face and leave us alone." she easily snapped back at him

"Ooh, this one has some fight in her. I like that~. Maybe we can play with her longer than we thought!" His disgusting smile widened, with his toxic breath bubbling out.

"Maybe, we can just have...a taste for now, how about it? Come with us and we'll show you a fun time~." He was pulling every cliche in the book, the feathers on the other guy was unfurled, and the serpentine's eyes glistened.

Just as he was going for Kachan, I grabbed him by his blackened wrist.
"Hands off hot shot, you're so toxic you might just poison her with your god awful breath!"

I shoved him back as he snarled, clawing me across the arms and tearing my jacket in the process.

"Okay you fuck faced bitch, we got a special way to treat people like you!" He signalled for his buddies to gang up on us, while I socked Barney in his shit eating face.

I took a hit from the birds talons, and surprisingly the serpentine had snakes coming out of his back.

Dodging a knife to the chest, and punching a snake, I dealt an uppercut to purple. Seeing how they couldn't fight without going at me all at once, they circled around.

"Oh, you think you can take us?! Well good luck with that, you won't be getting out of this alive!" They all lunged, the snakes coming at me as I wrapped them behind bird boy, while Barney stabbed my back with his claws, before I broke his knee cap off with a well placed kick, and had to bite the purple one when he had me in a headlock.

Trading blows repeatedly, and thoroughly kicking their asses, something seemed odd.

"Oh, so you finally noticed~?!" Barney was laughing his ass off, his blurry face looked so smug


"You're the one that called me toxic! Now you know how toxic I really am~! No way are you getting out of here alive, and now for the-!"

Get the villain monologuing...oldest trick in the book, before they all got blown the fuck up.

"Geez, doesn't this feel familiar?..." I sucked my lips as my wounds already began sealing, turning purple as they gently oozed.

"Shut up, we need to get you to a hospital! You're not dying on me like this! Now let's get you up and-!"

She was panicking. She should be enjoying herself...I had to do something.

"Alright, let's just skip the dinner, how about we go do some Karaoke at the private shop down the street?"

"But you're fucking injured, I'm not just-!"

"Kaachan!" I yelled at her, sucking on my arm where I'd been clawed. "I'll be fine...I have something to tell you, so just trust me, okay? I have some medicine in my bag, so I'll be fine either way."

She looked desperate, but slowly gave in despite her opposition.

"Alright, but I am going to treat you, and help you suck out that poison."

"By all means, please do." I watched her back as she panted, restless, as I barely held together, as a slowly faded out of conciousness.

'Huh...she...changed her hair...beautiful as always'

Little did we know that while we called the police, those thugs called their own backup.
Cutscene brought to you by tsundere bakugo complaining about length, and getting slammed by her mother. In the good way~.
(I promise this ends soon) Back in the alleyway

" called were beat a child?" The large figure in hood stood above them, the headless, uniformed bodies hanging limply from the walls, swaying from side to side.

"Two children!"

"And they were strong!"

The two were smashed into the ground, their corpses flattened through the pavement, the bitemarks covering their flesh after lifting his foot, their flesh torn from their bone.

"You, you have your poison, so you're still useful~ now, let's go find these kids. We can't have this blemish on my...resume, now can we~?"

The purple skinned man gulped deeply, aware of his impending doom once his use was done, as he watched his friends lifeless bodies. He shuddered quietly.

"Get in the car, we have some trash to take care of..."

And so, the two drove off, as our heroes sat unaware of ths impending danger

A/n- part two is coming folks, I'm binging many things, and updates is one of them, part 2 is in the works and being worked out, hope this works, and tell me if you want lewd, if nothing is said I'll do it anyway, but still, i like hearing your opinions.


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