Anika belongs to him

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Shivaay's eyes shoot open as tia blubber shit from her mouth. He don't understand why she is behind Anika why always she drag Anika in everything. In jealousy mode she don't know what is she doing but one thing he knows she is digging her own grave where he gonna burry her killing her brutally

Shiv. Mind your own business tia. Let her decide  what she wanna do in her life and what not. You are none to give her your stupid ideas.

Tia. I just told fact shivaay. She is already 25 and I guess she should Marry infect I'll itself search groom for her.  What's say Anika. 

Shiv. Tia if you didn't shut your mouth then I'll

Dadi.  Shivaay she is bit harsh but I think she is right.  If Anika don't mind then I'll itself get groom for her infect one of our business partner mr malhotra was asking about Anika as his son had seen her in your wedding and they wanted  her as his wife but I couldn't answer them as you married her and circumstances was different that time but now I guess there won't be any problem. You tell Anika you have any problem with that.

Anika just got quite and not able to utter anything.  She look at shivaay and found him looking at her with blood shot eyes

Ani. I i ,, can I get some time Dadi to think

D. Take your time Anika but don't forget mr malhotra and his family is coming in our home today at prinku's engagement Anika nods silently not able to understand what to answer to Dadi but  the way she asked time she knows it's didn't go well to shivaay and he will be so angry over her to accept this like this.  She gulp and look at shivaay who seems to be burst out anytime.

Ru. Anika Bhabi gonna face his wrath

Om. I hope so not 

Shiv. Excuse me I've work.  Saying this he left from there pushing his chair harshly alerting family about his anger but Anika knows very well why he is angry and aggressive. 

In shivaay's room

He  throw the show piece on the floor scattering all around in anger.  His mind is just blank right now with wrath. He is feeling to break everything which ever could come in his hand. Whole world is looking so unbearable to him. He wanna finish every thing breaking it zillion pieces and specially that tia. He wanna break that bitch face for talking about Anika's marriage. She very well knows that why Anika is here with him still she got guts to talk about her. What she think herself how dare she talk about her marriage. Doesn't she have shame.  And Anika why did she ask for time when she  knows that he would never let this happen. She is his no matter what happens he would never let go from his hands.  She will be always with him.   And he only has right over her no one else not even she her own self

Ani. Shivaay as she entered  in the room she awarded with disheveled room. Everything is scattered around. It's feeling like earthquake has came here. After seeing all this one thing is sure that his brain has been bursting out in anger and he will Do something which she already predicted and that's it. Her thoughts even didn't reach in half way that shivaay pulled her towards him holding her arms.

Shiv. What did you say you need time ha.   Why did you say like this Anika when you knew that you are mine and I would never let you go from my hands why would you do that whyyyy

Ani. I I i

Shi.  What happened why are you stammering.  Speak up  damnit infront of Dadi you didn't stammer a bit  well answering her but infront of me getting difficult to answer me. 

Ani. Shivaay I was helpless

Shiv. No you weren't helpless you did it deliberately because you wanna get rid of me as soon as possible and why won't you when you have fed up from me and want another fresh piece for fulfilling your needs isn't. 
Shiv. I know you Anika don't need to deny it. You are a selfish  girl who just think about herself not others.   When first time I had married you that time as well you chose herself and left me alone and now also you wanna leave me and wanna go to that anknown person. Why Anika why you are like this. Why can't you see my love for you. Why always you choose others over me.  Whyyyy he screams making her  burst into tears.  She started crying hanging in his arms closing her  eyes like a doll

Shiv. Will you answer me woman

Ani.  When you already made up your mind about me then what  can I tell you shivaay. You already decided that I'm selfish and greedy girls who  changes men like clothes then what's left behind to answer.  I don't have anything to tell you as you already predicted what I'm gonna do further. 

Shiv.  I'm predicting or you are clearly telling me what you gonna do further. In morning itself shown that you don't want me you feel filth with my touch then how can you expect me to think positive about your feelings

Ani. I'm confused I'm confused in everything. I don't know what  my heart wants or my mind.  You made me stand in circle where I can't move around.   I'm helpless I I just don't know about my future. I don't. She   Tiringly left sob and Kept head on his chest crying bitterly.

Ani. My head will explode anytime if I'll think about it.  I can't do anything. Everybody are highly bent to take decision about my life without caring what I want and what not they wanna do whatever they feel like.  No one is considering me as human. I've left being doll.  She hiccups   Keeping her Forehead on his chest being tired with all this

Shiv. Anika chup ho jao.  Look at me. Just look at me. He made her look in his eyes and caresses her face lovingly

Shiv. Anika you know na you can Share with me so tell me what you want. I promise I'll try to fix everything.

Ani.  I don't know what I want. I don't know. 

Shiv. Ok ok don't pressure your head. Otherwise you  will get headache.  He kept hand on her back and pulled her near his chest stroking her hair lovingly.

In downstairs.

Tia is searching shivaay but seems like he is not home. She wanna talk to him and wanna ask him about their future and all that. Because the way he is behaving she is sure that something is cooking in his brain which is not good for her and their marriage.. marriage but that's fake right then how come she think about it. But he did it infront of thousands of people so what if it's not valid. In people eyes she is still his wife not any other girl and she will make sure to use her this power. She is walking in corridor well thinking about it when suddenly shriek came out from his mouth being pulled by someone inside. She about to scream more when someone just placed slapped on her face making her fell on the floor.

Tia. Youuuu she about to shout when one more slap being placed on her face making her shock

Shiv. How dare you woman. How dare you even talk about marriage of my anika.

My anika words just worked like coal in her ear making her eyes red in anger

Shiv. Since I've came back and anika entered in this house you are just everyday insulting her and giving her hard time. I thought today you will stop. Some day you will get sense but no your bullsit didn't stop and kept renting like cow. But today you have crossed your limits. You asked my anika for her marriage. How on earth you got courage

Tia. How can you say that your anika. She is not yours. I'm your. She is nothing to you shivaay

Shiv. She is my everything bitch everything. She is my love my first love whom with I was from last one year. She is the only one who has right over my heart my everything she lives there. The way she has impact me no one ever has not even my family. She is that for whom I take breath. She is reason of my smile my happiness and you say she is nothing to m

Tia. You have got insane shivaay. Do you know what you are blubbering

Shiv. I'm saying that which is truth.

Tia. I will kill that bitch she can't take my place. She can't she try to get up but before she get up he pushed her again and point finger over her

Shiv. Don't even think to touch my anika and what did you say your place. No bitch you never had any place she is the only one who has right on my everything. Did you get that

Tia. I'm your wife shivaay she sobs looking at him with teary eyes

Shiv. No you are not. You never been. If someone is my wife ithen it's anika and always she will be

Tia. But your divorced her. How can you call her your wife. 

Shivaay look at her face and started laughing hysterically.

Tia. What's so funny.

Shov. Do you really think so that person whom I love more than my life I'll divorce. No you bloody slut. I never divorced her she was always been my wife from start. She never left me. She was with me 24/7 near my Heart. He smirk

Tia. Don't lie please. I love you.

Shiv. I don't care. I loved only one person and that's anika. Keep one thing in your brain tia if I ever saw you near my anika or found you nsulting her then remember one thing that will be lasts day of yours in this house or better to day world. And sweetheart don't take it lightly. I'll surely do it. Saying this he left from there flicking his hair leaving her shock. That's mean she was with him all the time and if he came here then it's just because of her.

Tia. Anika you are gone. My hate for you has been increased instead of decreasing. If I didn't make you taste your own medicine then my name is not tia kapoor she wipe her tears determining to kill her

Précap .... Engagement

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