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Whole family turned and got shocked to seeing Anika is standing in the door looking at them sternly. 

Dadi. Anika she calls her name and walk towards her fastly. 

Ru. Di he immediately hugged her tightly having tears in his eyes. He can't believe she is standing infront of him. One by one all hugs her and shower kisses on her except tia who is in shock state and about shivaay then he so wanted to grab her and kiss her  hard but family presence is stopping him. 

Pinky. Anika beta she cups her face and kissed her forehead showing her to love to her through her eyes.

P. You don't know how much we missed you. Where you had been sweetheart.

Ani. I I was here only she whispered holding the file in her hand.

P.  We tried to contect you but couldn't get any news of yours. We were  worried for you princess.

Ani.  I was fine aunty. I just  moved in another city she said looking at shivaay who is giving her a big fat wide smile thrusting his hands in his pockets .

Jhanvi. But why you didn't call us.

Ani. Wo I was just

Om. Guys let her come inside first.  Let her sit.  All nods and get her inside.  Anika look around the house and remember all those days which she struggled here.  After coming here she is feeling so suffocated but then she exhale breath and set on the sofa along with pinky who is caressing her hair giving her brightest smiles.  After seeing whole family one thing she realised. If you won't respect yourself then no one will do.  Only one step which she took made all people respect her.  She smiles at pinky and then bend her head down  lost in her own thoughts. 

T. But one thing is  Anika  you didn't shame before coming In this house ha.  Same place from where you had been kicked out today again you cAme back.  How shameless you are. Are not you.

Shiv.  If you spill one more word tia then surely I'll sue you here. He threats her holding her hand tightly making her  gulp.

P.  Have some manners tia n is this the way you talk with guest. If you are not liking her then leave from here. We don't want your presence here tia stamp her foot and left from there gritting her teeth.

Ani. Aunty when is wadding.   So that I could start arrangement she spoke in low voice making Omru confused because that girl who always used to spoke loudly and bluntly today she is speaking so low infect its feeling like someone has  threaten her which caused her being like this.

Pri.  My wedding is in September nine means next month so you can start work according to it.

Anika nods and write the date on her dairy looking down.

Ani. I will start  my work now. 

Pinky. First have something

Ani. No aunty I'm fine. Anyways my workers would be arriving soon  so for keeping things I need a room.

Ru. Di you can use same room which you had used before for shivaay bhiya's wedding but he stopped when he realise what he said

Ani. Ok all family for confused to seeing her reaction because they were expecting something else from her but here she just said ok and march towards  the room with slow steps

P. She cAme in our home after so many days I'm gonna make her gajar ka halwa.

Jhanvi. I'll help you in that. Pinky  nods excitedly and left from there

Dadi. I can't believe she is same pinky who used to hate Anika now look she itself gonna Make gajar ka halwa for her

Om. Seems like she got her lesson

Ru. But very late they got disappointed to thinking about shivika separation.

In room

Anika open the door but getting problem to step in when she saw all dark around the room. She started breathing heavily  clutching her dairy. She gulp and about to turn back when suddenly she whoops when someone pulled her in and pinned her with the wall turning the light on showing his face. 

I'm so happy to get you here baby.  Saying this he took her lips in his mouth making her close her eyes tightly

Shiv. You don't know how my heart is swelling to seeing you here.  He mumbled against her lips and again suck them hard pulling her closer

Ani why did you bring me in this house shivaay she spoke breaking apart from the kiss

Shiv.  As if you don't know. He turned her  keeping her hair aside and lick her shoulder

Ani.  You have wife shivaay.  Shivaay turned her and carry her in his arms marching towards sofa.  He set there taking her in his lap and speak playing with her locks

Shiv. My wife was only one and That's you.  He said kissing her fingers one by one

Ani. We are divorced shivaay. As these words slipped from her mouth he just cup her face and pulled her towards him harshly making her winch in pain.

Shiv.  We are not divorced for god sake two mare signs can't separate us. What you think you will sign on those papers and we got divorced then you are wrong mrs Anika shivaay singh oberoi without submitting in the court we can't be divorced and I've already told you I never submitted them.

Ani. And tia she is your wife

Shiv. She is not my fuckin wife.  I hate her I hate her to the core.  He said pushing her on the sofa coming on top of her.

Ani. Aaaaa she started crying when her head collided with the sofa  hand rest and started bleeding slightly from behind

Shiv. Baby he got panic when he heard her cry. He immediately Make her sit and kept hand on her head which made his finger tip red with the blood making her scare hell out of him

Shiv.  Ani ani I'm sorry baby I'm so sorry.  Sorry sorry sorry I didn't mean to hurt you I'm sorry what to do what to do. He started walking here and there searching something to tend her wound.
Shiv. I'm sorry jaan I'm so sorry. He grabs the aid box from drawer and started cleaning her head

Ani. Aaaa it's paining she hiccups keeping hand on her head.

Shiv. I'm sorry baby just relax it will be fine it will be. He sobs and wipe the blood tending it with cream

Shiv.  Baby you always make me angry now look what happened. I didn't want to hurt you Jaan. It's happened unintentionally.   I'm sorry he cups her face and blow her wound soothing her slowly

Ani. I'm fine I'm fine she said wiping her nose

Shiv. Are you sure

Ani. I'm she sniffs and clear her face. Shivaay sighs and hugged her tightly rubbing her back

Shiv. I love you baby.  I love you a lot.  Anika closed her eyes and reciprocated the hug uwantedly

Shiv. Did you eat anything baby

Ani. Yes I did she mumbled looking down

Shiv. Don't lie I know you didn't eat

Ani. I'm not hungry shivaay

Shiv. You are hungry I know that. Just wait here I'm bringing something for you.  Anika nods and he left from there leaving her behind.  Anika leaning to the sofa and burst into tears thinking about her life. When she had left him she thought everything gonna be fine.  now Atleast she will take breath on her own but she didn't thought that a big tragic future is waiting for her ahead. She still remember that day when he had kidnapped her straight after his marriage with tia.


Chanda. Anika it's been week you are trying for  job but still not getting being having experience of   Event managing

Ani. My fate won't let me get anything so easily Chanda. I've to work hard for it. She said keeping her laptop aside where she was searching job for her.

Chan. Anika don't be sad. I'm sure something good will happen

Ani. I've lost hopes after my marriage with him. He made  me feel disgusting on my ownself. She murmured playing with the bed sheet

Chan. Anika I think you need fresh air. Come let's go outside

Ani. Chanda your baby needs you. We can't take him out at night so leave it

Chan. Ok fine if I can't go then why don't you go alone

Ani. But

Chan. Just half an hour Ani you will feel fresh.

Anu hmm ok she slipped in her  jacket and got ready to go out.  

Chan.  Come back in half an hour then we will do dinner together. Anika nods and left from the room. She reached in hall but stopped when she saw news of his wedding on the tv.   A thick layer of tear fell from her eyes when she saw him standing with the tia again  the way he was standing on their  reception. Atlast that got done which world known.  Now she won't come in his any category.  They both are separate and  their  previous relationship would never come infront of the world. She just clear her tears and walked out from there. 

On road she is walking on the road folding her arms without looking her surrounding when suddenly she saw car  stopped infront of her.  She try to look through the glasses but unfortunately it's black which is not letting her peep through it.  She  shakes her and try to go but next second she fell on the floor when  owner of car open the door and stood infront of her having smirk. 

Ani. Shivaay she whispered but her words dead  in the mouth when he placed chloroform  handkerchief on her mouth and made her subconscious

Shiv. I missed you sweetheart.   He kissed her forehead and drove away from there having her WiTh him



Anika comes out out from her zone when she heard his voice she blink her eyes twice and smile slightly without showing her inner feelings

Shiv. Were you crying baby he said wiping her tears with the thumb

Ani.  No I wasn't she sniffs rubbing her hands on her face.

Shiv.  Ok here have this

Ani. Shivay I'm not hungry seriously

Shiv.   You always never been hungry  sweetheart. He glares her and makes her eat egg

Shiv. I'm gonna sack Mrs Morris I had strictly  ordered her to keep an eye over you and makes you eat every an hour but seems like she took me lightly now I guess time has come to throw her out

Ani. Shivaay this is tenth maid for god sake. Don't change everytime. Infect don't keep any. I can take care of myself

Shiv. Shut up baby. I can't compromise with you and your health. Because I know you can't  take care of yourself so I'll change this maid and will  bring another  one.

Ani.  You are caging me with you she sobs holding his hand

Shiv. Because I can't see you with someone else. I want you to be with me always. I don't want any filth eyes fell over you.  You don't know how I spent that week without you when you had left me but now I won't let you go anywhere I wanna be with you always understand he pulled her towards him and suck her lips.  Anika closed her eyes and let her tears roll down from her eyes. 

Shiv. Now eat it he broke  apart and feed her lovingly

Ani. I'm full Shiv

Shiv. Hmm this is last bite. Saying this he feed her last bite and then make her drink water.

Shiv. That's like my good girl. He caresses her face with his thumb and peck her cheek. 

Shiv. Love you baby

Anika nods bending her  head down

Shiv. I'm waiting for my answer jaan he said chinning her up

Ani. I love you too

Shiv. That's like my girl.  Anyways now you can do whatever you feel like I'll meet you after sometime. He peck her head and left the room.

Shiv. My baby my jaan is with me back. Now I'll make sure to keep her here with me. He mumbled walking in corridor lost in his own thoughts

Who is your baby bhiya  shivaay stopped on his track when he saw Omru standing folding their arms

Precap ..... tia fight with shivaay and then she get to know shocking truth

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