She is pregnant

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As doctor told him about her pregnancy news. First he felt like his all world got ups and down. Everything started revolving around him. He don't knows what's happening with him but it's first time he experiencing. After couple of minutes when he analysed his whole words. He smile full heartedly and hugged him happily.

Shiv. Awww Doctor such a good news you gave me I can't describe how much happy I'm. I can't believe me and my ani are going to be parents. Thank you thank you so much for telling me this news. I'm just spell bound. You tell me what you want. I'll give you whatever you will spill out from your mouth. He said breaking the hug making doctor chuckle awkwardly

Do. I don't need anything mr oberoi. I just want you to take care of your wife as much as you can she needs proper love and care. And I'm sure you will do it.

Shiv. I will doctor. I promise

Do. Hmm anyways here is the chit of some vitamins which you have to give her till three months. Make sure to give her after dinner

Shiv. I'll get this now only. Don't worry

Do. That's good mr oberoi and one more thing after week get your wife in my clinic. I wanna check her properly

Shiv. Ok doctor. He smiles and bid bye to him having brightest smile he ever had. His Anika is always become the reason of his happiness and today again she proved it. He jump happily and went inside smiling like an idiot. His family got confused to seeing him all happy as he was same person who was lifting whole roof on his head before few minutes and now seems like he never been worried for anything

P. Shivay why are you smiling what doctor said

Shiv. Erm mom he just told me about Anika's medicines which she had to take.

P. But seems like something else as well happened

Shiv. Erm no mom nothing happened you are over thinking. Anyways I guess you people should let Anika take rest.

Dadi. He is right Let's go all out

Ru. But I wanna stay with Bhabi he pout

Tia. She is not your Bhabi rudra. She instantly Catch Bhabi word shouting at him.

Shivay gritted his teeth and felt like to break her mouth punching her hard but he suppress his anger and ask his family to better leave. He don't want Anika to get scared seeing loads of people around her.

Shi. Kindly leave now. All nods and left from there leaving him alone with anika

Ru. Bhiya you also come. She needs rest right

Shiv. I'm coming in two minutes. You go

Ru. But

Shiv. Rudraaa

Ru. Fine he nudge his shoulders and walked out deck there. As shivaay felt he is alone he goes near Anika and set besides her holding her hand. A adore smile appeared on his face looking at her elegant face. He can't describe how happy he is after hearing this news. He and his jaan are going to be parents. Their symbol of love is coming in this world making their relation more stronger.

Shiv. I love you ani. I love you so much. And thank you for this big gift. I would never forget it. He slowly remove blanket and kiss her bare Flat belly where right now his baby is having residence.

After sometime

Shivaay came in pinky room to ask her make something for his wife when stopped seeing her sitting on the stool infront of mirror lost in her own thoughts.

Shiv. Mom what you thinking. Pinky turn and saw shivaay is standing infront of her having questioning look

P. It's good you have came shivaay. Actually I need to talk to you.

Shiv. Mom we will talk later first can you make your special soup for Anika which you used to Make for me to boost my energy

P. First we need to talk

Shiv. Mom ani

P. It's about Anika only. I know whole family have same questions as mine in their minds but they won't ask you as they don't bother what you does on your life and what not. But I'm your mother and I'm concern for you.

Shiv. Will you clearly tell me what's going on in your brain

P. That's I'm gonna ask you. What's happening. Why Anika is here

Shiv. What kind of question is mom. You know that why Anika is here. Then why are you asking me

P. Don't twists words shivaay and tell me why Anika is here. I know there is reason behind of her arrival. Something is there which no one knows except her. In all one year. We didn't know that where she is gone. We didn't know about her residence. But now suddenly she is appeared that also same second day when you arrived here. Is there some connection between you both

Shiv. Mom you are over thinking it's just a coincidence. He said looking here and there.

P. Look in my eyes and tell me shivaay don't need to hide from me

Shiv mom I'm not hiding anything. You are just reacting unnecessarily

P. Oh really then why you always flutter around her. Why you rescue her first when she fell in trouble. I never seen you doing anything for tia. You always criticise her and degrade her infront of all. You even don't let her to touch you. .

Shiv. Oh now I've understood that bitch filled your ears. Isn't she

P. She did nothing shivaay

Shiv. Don't lie mom. I know her very well. She is just over reacting because of anika's presence. That's why she is filling people's ears against me and her. But mom I'm done with it. I don't like that lady. I can't bear her any more. She is so annoying.

P. But shivaay

Shiv. No if and but mom. Just no. It's my mistake I cAme here to ask you to Make something for Anika. I'll do on my own. Thank you for your lecture. He join hands infront of her being frustrated and left from there fuming in anger.

Pinky shakes her head and set on the bed holding her head.

In rudra's room

Om. Why shivaay was so happy after talking to doctor. Is there something which we don't know

Ru. Even I don't know but something really happened good. Maybe

Om. Maybe

Ru. Bhabi can be pregnant he winks grinning like stupid

Om. Shut up rudra. You and your logic. Both are stupids

Ru. Ar oo think about it. I can be right as well because Bhai can't be happy suddenly after hearing the doctor. He must gave him good news that he is going to be father and I'm going to be super cool super dashing and handsome Chachu. O god I'm already a getting Khushi ki vibes after thinking all this. He jump like little girl giggling happily

Om. You are really idiot rudra. It's better if I don't take ideas from you. He hit his head and walked out from there.

Ru. Everyone consider me idiot but I know that how intelligent 🤓 I'm. He grin lifting his collars up.

In kitchen

Tia. Baby she come from behind and hugged him from behind but soon her bum kiss the floor when he pushed her

Shiv. Stop being so clingy tia

Tia look at him angrily and got up holding his arm.

Tia. Yes I'm clingy that also with my husband unlike you who always stick with that loser Anika. Shivaay just tell me what she has which I don't. Am I not beautiful or hot that you don't come near me

Shiv. You have everything tia just you don't have heart like Anika. My Anika is selfless , caring and sweet girl. She is beautiful from inside and outside both. There is nothing which is missed in her. But unfortunately I can't say that about you. You couldn't attract me the way she does her one gaze Makes my heart beat run like marathon. She has charm which no one else have understand.

Tia. No it's her fake drama. She does all this to snatch you from me. She is attracting you so that she could enjoy your wealth and status

Shiv. Same thing I could predict for you tia also . You didn't marry me just because you loved me. You married me because you wanted the tag of oberois along with our money otherwise if you would had little shame then you would had left this house by now instead getting humiliate from me everyday. Anyways enjoy as much as you can. You have few days. After that I'll itself  kick your ass away. Saying this he stormed away from There grabbing tray in his hand.

In room

Shiv. Aniii he got worried when he found her crying sitting on the bed. He kept the tray on couch and engulfed her in tight hug

Shiv. You ok baby

Ani. I'm so scared Shiv. Don't leave me please she Hiccups squeezing him in her arms.

Shiv. I'm not leaving you Janna. Don't worry.

It was so dark Shiv. I was feeling so scared. I had called you. I had called you many times but you didn't come I thought i would be died till now If you didn't find me. I wanted to hug you Shiv. Everything was so terrifying. I I she try to say more but again burst into tears. Shivaay felt broken to seeing her like this and also started crying caressing her hair

Shiv. I'm here baby I searched you as well. I was scared to not find you near me. Your Shiv wasn't able to breath when he didn't see you around him. I had looked for you in every corner

Ani. Punish that person who pushed me in that room.

Shiv. Who locked you there Ani

Ani. I don't know but it was lady and she was wearing blue clothes she complains him well crying like baby. ShivAY WENT in thoughts thinking who can be that person. He don't even remember who was wearing blue dress and how would he when his eyes were all over his love of life his Anika.

Shiv. I'l promised baby I'll punish that person that bad that he will remember till his death. Anika nods and hugged him more tightly

Precap ..... shivaay tells Anika about their baby later pinky asked Anika about the truth

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