She wants divorce

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In morning

Shivaay's eyes jolt open when he saw bad dream about Anika. He look around his room but he got panic when he didn't find her. He immediately slipped in his slippers and run outside in fast speed.

Shiv. Mom did you see Anika he stopped his mom holding her hand. Whole family who were sitting in the hall they got confused after Hearing his question

Shiv. I've said something mom did you see Anika

Ru. What do you mean by that bhiya. Bhabi must be at home only why you are getting worried like she is not at home

P. I didn't see her shivaay from last afternoon. I don't know where she would be.

Shivaay hit his head and started walking here and there calling on her phone but again it's coming switched off.

Om. Will you care to tell me where is Bhabi

Shiv. That I also don't know. Last night she left the home and didn't come back. I thought she will
Be back In morning but she didn't till now

Ru. Are you gone nuts. Your wife was missing from
Last night infect you knew about it but you didn't even care to searching her.

Shiv. I was going to but I just

Om. How careless you are shivaay. If you didn't care about her then atleast you should had informed us but you didn't and slept like nothing happened. O god I don't know what would condition of Bhabi.

Ru. Today I'm really regretting for shipping both of you. You really didn't deserves her.

Shiv. Stop blaming me and do something. He again get his phone to call her but then it got snatched by om making him shock

Shiv. What you doing om. Give me phone I need to call her.

O. If she is not picking up the phone that's mean she is not fine.

Ru. Last night only you should had take action don't forget she is a woman and anything can happen to her but you didn't do anything and now calling her is waste of time

O. I guess we also shouldn't waste our time on this man. We have to search Bhabi as soon as possible.

Ru. We shouldn't delay let's go now. He about to go when shivaay stopped him

Shiv. I'll come with you

Om. No need we will go on our own.

Shiv. Stop being ridiculous and let me come with you. Saying this he started walking towards exit but suddenly he stopped when his phone beeped in om's who saw notification from some unknown number he immediately
Open the phone and next second he got shocked when he found Anika is laying on the floor all wounded. It's feeling like someone has beaten her up Tip to toe her nose forehead arms everything is been wounded ... with one sight only terrified another person

Shiv. What happened he stammers when he saw his brothers are so horrified looking at something. Shivaay march towards them with slow steps and look at the screen. Land slipped from his foot when he saw her

Shiv. Anika He mumbled seeing her condition

Hellooo shivaaay mera dost. Daksh come on the screen like clown smiling ear to ear

D. I know You would be so happy to seeing me after so many days. You missed me are not you

Shiv. Daksh he stutter looking at screen sticking his eyes on Anika who is laying on the floor unconscious bleeding profusely

d. Shivaay mera Bhai I'm really angry over you. You and Anika didn't do right thing with me. Here I was dreaming to marry her and you took her away from me. How bad. You know I was so mad at you and her. I was feeling like to slap you till death for playing with my heart but then I realised your heart beat for this little sparrow so why not hurting her. With this she will also get hurt and you will as well . So mera Bhai I've took her back and now she gonna die I'm gonna kill this bitch who played with me. What she thought she will do engagement with me show me some little little dreams and then marry you finishing everything between us like nothing happened then she is wrong. She is wrong that I'll leave her easily if I didn't take my revenge then my name is not Daksh khurana. Kaya nhi Kya Mein na is ka Lia. I tried to sue hate beans in your heart for her. I attacked her home three times. I sent tia behind you so that she could fill your ears against her. For separating you from her I said to you that she slept with me for 15 lacks but in actual she didn't do anything infect she just had cAme to help somaya whom I had scared That night to Make situation like that so that you think she slept with me in my room. I've fucked Her whom you kept fucking from ages. I'd made you feel betrayal. I'd made her characterless but still after so many attempts you married her and took her away from me. Why why whyyyyy he screams jolting the screen making all family people scared hell out of them and worried as well for Anika who is in his clutches.

D. This bitch will die and I'll surely kill her. She has to die. Saying this he started pouring patrol all around her

Shiv. You dick head Daksh don't you dare to do anything to her I will kill you otherwise. Leave her aloneeee he screams but Daksh is the one who is just laughing and pouring patrol all around the building

D. If you wanna safe her then come steal mill You just have ten minutes. I'm gonna blow this building. And in ten minutes her body will turn into coal if you didn't come. Now it's up to you he said stepping out of the building

D. Good bye Anika. I'll always remember you. I love you sweetheart. Saying this he blow the lighter and throw towards door which cause whole building catch the fire

Shiv. Anikaaaaaa he screams throwing the phone and run outside in fast speed along with her brothers

Shiv. Kuch nhi hone doo ga. nothing will happen to you I promise. He sobs taking turn towards right side without caring how much speed he is going in. He just wanna safe her and that's it. If something happens her then surely he won't forgive himself. His life will become so hard with burden of his deeds which he did to her. A innocent shouldn't die because of him. Just shouldn't. Suddenly his breath stopped when he saw steal mill burning in fire. He pressed a sharp break and come out from the car along with his brother

Shiv. Anika he screams and fun towards inside.

Ru. Bhiya don't go inside. His brothers try to stop him but he didn't listen them and went inside licking the door.

Shiv. Anikaaa He step back when a big block fell infront of him.

Shiv. Don't worry nothing will happen to you i won't let it happens he wipes his tears and just squeeze down from the block marching inside. He run upstairs saving himself from fires and started looking around in hope to seeing her. Suddenly his foot collided with something and he fell on the floor. One more shock hit him when a big pillar was going to fell over him but before it's happens he rolled down and went other side. He got up Immediately and started looking around in hope to get her glimpse

Shiv. Where are you Anika. Please come infront of me. He sobs and run towards other side of building. He about to go further when his feet got gemmed when his eyes fell over a figure who is laying in middle of hall on the stomach

Shiv. Anika he run towards her and take her in his arms pressing her dress side in his hand which has caught the fire

Shiv. Anika he pets her cheek but she is just dep unconscious without any movement.

Shiv. Anika please open your eyes please please he hold her wrist and try to hear her pulse which is slow ans faint.

Shiv. I'm sorry I'm just so sorry for not trusting you. He says joining his forehead with her crying like anything. Suddenly he jolt up when a loud blast happens

Shiv. We have to leave Anika we have to leave he wipes his face and carry her in his arms.

Shiv. Im with you nothing will happen to you. Just nothing. Saying this he run outside having her in his arms. He got down from the stairs and run towards exit.

Shiv. Everything will be alright darling. He just kick the door and come outside along with her who is Lifeless in his arms

Ru. Bhabi both brothers run towards her and kept their hand on her head.

Om. Bhabi Bhabi please open your eyes look everything is fine. Just open your eyes

Shiv. Rudra get water from the car. And small towel it would be in little drawer of car. Just be hurry up. Rudra nods and run towards car to get stuff whichever he asked him

Ru. Bhiya shivaay Immediately snatched things from him and started using them on her. He open the lid of water and push little bit in her mouth. Which caused her exhale breath and she started coughing in subconscious state.
Shiv. Anika he got happy when he found her slightly open eyes. He made her sit up keeping her head on his chest and caresses her hair lovingly

Om. Thank god Bhabi you are fine. We wre so scared because of you. He said caressing her hand which is wounded.

Ani. Aaaa she moan letting her tears come out from her eyes

Om. Sorry sorry Bhabi I'm sorry

Shiv. Anika are you alright. I'm sorry it's all happened because of me. He was my friend and he put you in trouble. I promise I'll make sure I'll give him punishment till his death and but he stopped when he saw her looking at his face without blinking her eyes

Shiv. Anika are you alright.

Anika slowly come out from his hold and straight up closing her eyes

Shiv. Anika what you doing but she didn't answer him and got up from the floor but next second all shrieks when she fell on the floor getting hurt on her belly

Shiv. Anika he try to grab him but she didn't and again got up with the help of herself.

Shiv. Anika what you doing. You will get hurt let me help you please. He try to hold her but she just show him hand jolting around and started walking towards the car.

Ru. Bhabi let me help you. Saying this he open the car door for her and let her sit in it. Shivaay Immediately Run otherside and set on driver seat. He look at her face and found her leaning to the seat with closed eyes.

Shiv. Anika are you alright but she didn't say him anything and kept closing her eyes. He sighs and start the car looking at his brothers who were looking at him like what the fuck you did which they don't know. Shivaya gulp and started driving slowly in case If she feel any hurt then he can stop the car without hurting her. In whole way he kept stealing glance from her but she is the one who didn't look at him which made him sad but one thing he is promising himself. As they will reach at home he will first ask her for forgiveness. And will keep apologising till she don't forgive him.

After some minutes

They got down from the car along with anika who started walking without anyone help. Trio brothers tried to offer but she denied it without uttering a word. As she enter in home whole family surrounded her asking her about her well being all people are feeling bad to seeing her nose bleeding along with forehead arms and legs.

P. Anika beta are you fine. She cups her face showing her mother hood but Anika nods no and removed her hand

Shiv. Anika come let's go in room. Om you call the doctor.

Ani. Don't show concern to slut like me who fuck around people for money mr oberoi. Don't touch me otherwise your soft hands will get dirty after touching this filth

Shiv. Anika don't say that

Ani. Why ? Only you have right to say all this.

Dadi. Putar come inside first then we will talk

Ani. I'm not coming Inside Dadi. I don't wanna Make your house dirty

Shiv. Stop this nonsense and let's come inside

Ani. I want divorce from you. All grasp after hearing her statement including shivaay who just lost land beneath his feet

Precap ..... you hated me and hurting because you thought that I slept with a guy. So what if I did ha so what if I did. Didn't you sleep with another ladies I don't think so man can live without these things. I'm sure you did it then why you wanted a virgin untouched girl for you whyyy

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