Part 3

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- Dave's POV -
You were extremely worried.

After school let out you ran to your apartment. Almost all of the busses past you on your way. You were extremely worried about John.

You are currently in your chair at your desk. You computer displaying the recent Pesterlog between you and Egbert.

You stood up and walked over to your turntables. The slick records are cold under your fingertips. You spin one and it makes a delightful sound. You can feel the goosebumps rise up your back and to your head where they fade.

You start practicing the song you started making for John. You called it OhGodwhat for ironic reasons. You hope John would like it when you give him the record tomorrow at school.

You let the track play and sit down on the chair. Your bro would be home any minute with Dirk on his trail.

The thing is about your Bro and Dirk is that they're almost identical. They both have pointed anime glasses, spiked up hair, and a smuppet obsession. Of course you shared none of these traits with the others.

You grab an AJ of the small bedside table. Opening the cap John comes to the front of your mind again. You slowly smirk at the memories of you and him.

One of the memories becomes clear. It was the memory of him telling you about how someone could've pissed in the Apple juice. The bottle was currently residing on your lips, only needed to be tilted for the liquid to spill.

You quickly shove the bottle away from the lips in disgust. Oh you would so get him back for this. Maybe later because of the whole ordeal that went down today.

You put the bottle back down on the table to put the cap on. After firmly placing the cap on the bottle, you slammed the plastic bottle into the garbage bin. You sat, slumped in your chair, for a while observing the memories that played in your head.

"Hey little man."

"Aaaaauuuugh!!! FUCK, BRO!"

"So, how's school"


"Nah, anyways you haven't talked to me since yesterday. What's up?"

"NOTHING IS UP BRO PLEASE GET OUT!" You start pushing on the door to get it closed.

"I'm hurt little Bro, I'm hurt."

"NO YOU'RE NOT!!!!!"

"See you at dinner, Dirk's making Ramen." Then he fUCKING LEFT WHAT THE FUCK BRO. He less of left and more of disappeared.

You angrily slam your door shut and heard the yelp of the upstairs neighbours. You sigh and sit down on your bed. You almost fall asleep until something perches itself on your head.


It's a fucking crow. You swat it away from your face and it insists on staying in your room. You grab one of your shitty katanas at throw it at the devil bird. It catches the bird mid-flight in-front of the window.

You run to the window and watched as the poor bird you stabbed decend. It landed on the hood of someone's car. You grimice as you slowly walk away from the window. You open your door and leave the apartment to get the sword.

Of course you could just leave it there, but you don't want anyone suing you for their car being damaged and it leading back to you. You carefully take the sword out of the bird. You feel horrible for stabbing the little guy.

You ascend up the stairs twords your apartment once again. You arrive to the door of your apartment, lean your head against the door and sigh.

You open the door and slip inside. Dirk is in the kitchen making Ramen like Bro said he would. You don't feel like spoiling your dinner so you grab a small bag of Doritos and some water. You weren't going to warm back up to AJ for a while because of John.

Speaking of John, you wonder if he's still online. You grab your snack and head to your door. You open the door and walk in, not caring to slam it shut. You put the water on your bedside table and fall face first onto your bed.

Your shades pressed up against your face and hurt like hell. You hesitantly sat up and looked over to your computer. The light showed someone was on but you couldn't make out the words from your current position.

You got up off your lazy ass and opened the Doritos. You placed one in your mouth as you sat down at the computer once again. You checked your Pesterchum to see if anyone was on. Sadly, only your cousin, Rose Lalonde, was on.

You close your internet explorer tab and open up Paint. You start on a new slide on your webcomic Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff. You decide you wanna make Sweet Bro fall down some stairs. Yeah, that sounds cool.

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