Chapter 17

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Manik looked at Nandini with his mouth open and then shook his head and looked at her again with his eyes a bit wider and mouth trying to form words and said "you said what I just heard? Or did I heard something wrong? Am I alright?"

Nandini who was smiling after her confession never expected Manik to ask such questions and that too as such moment, every award of romance just broke themselves.

"No, you heard wrong." Nandini drawled with her nose scrunched up. Manik looked at her and then smiled a biggest smile and twirled her in his arms making her squeal with surprise and wrap her hands around his neck and laugh when he suddenly kissed her lips and she replied with the same fever, she was captured, in the trap of his romance, cute smiles and crazy acts. His indulgence in her, his gaze on her, his attention, she can't do without these anymore. This might be the phase of happiness and she doesn't know what future holds for her but what she knows is that now is the present and he is hers and... she doesn't mind living in this present, in this place with him and she doesn't care about future anymore.

Nandini held Manik's face and gazed at him when he too spoke the words that she was waiting for. "I love you too, I am in love with you from so long that I can't... just... you know."

Expressing these feelings was difficult for him but she was happy, she knows him and he spoke his feelings, his eyes spoke for him and she understands them. She knows him and would always understand him.

"It's okay. I understand. It's okay, Manik." she whispered holding his face watching him trying to tell her but not being able to understand his own self and lamenting at himself in his heart made her want to kiss him and that's what she did.

Under the stars, the two kissed. Slow, calm and quiet, the kiss was something different, was passion there? It was, in the slow responses, trying to kiss each other wholly yet trying to not let it end soon. Completing the craving that they both felt yet trying to compete with each other. The dominance and power that both held started slipping and the hold was now in their heart's hand.

Manik's hand around her waist were holding her tightly while hers were in his hairs holding him like her rope on the mountain, her saving grace which god has graced her with.

She was beautiful in her own way to him and so was he. They both broke the kiss and kept their forehead it each others while their hands entwining at their sides.

Both looked at each other and smiled.

After some more sweet moments and under the moon, both went to their own rooms.

Nandini who laid awake in her bed was looked at the ceiling and was imagining the new life that was ahead of hers and then suddenly her mind remembered about the work that she was supposed to complete today.

In all these things she forgot to submit the new program coding that she was asked to submit. Her love was quite too much over her head for her to forget the third most important thing in her life.

She got up and took out her laptop and for around two hours kept working and finally submitted her work and then put her laptop back and again remembering her love life and shook her head thinking how her work used to be the priority of her life and now how things have changed.

Maybe someone said true 'love changes more than we could see or understand but what ever it changes is always beautiful in the end.'

Nandini now understood how love can actually be precious in its own way.

Manik who has already slept hiccuped once and woke up a bit and then slept. Someone was missing him especially today.

Nandini who finally went to sleep waited for the day to announce it's arrival and even in her sleep she was counting the hours that were left to be spent alone in her bed and the time to meet her Manik. Finally.

After expressing her feelings she suddenly realised how love is an amazing feeling and how much blush can she actually do.

When she woke up in the morning the next day, Manik noticed her looking all bright and glowing and even felt that she has grown a bit more beautiful than she already was and he also felt the difference in her carefree smile. She was happy, deeply.

Manik who looked at her smilingly, felt even more happy when she came and pecked his lips.

The way she was taking initiatives in everything was making him feel all the love in the world.

They both sat together and ate breakfast when Manik suddenly said "Cabir, Uncle and Nandini, I want to go back to my home and would love if Nandini can move in with me, and it's all her wish to listen or not. I just wanted to inform you this."

Manik was feeling homesick, not that he was uncomfortable here or some problem but he was missing his own place. And he wanted to go back with Nandini, he wanted to show her his place, his adobe, his world.

Manik looked at Nandini who smiled at him and looked at father nodding how she would like to move in with him.

Everything was open between them, they can't seem to stay away from each other and that meant there was nothing to think about her moving in with him. She would love to live in their own privacy.

She wanted to learn more about him, they were together for almost whole day in office and her home but she would like to know his comfort and his home.

For Manik, Nandini was his home and where ever she is, his home is there and her agreeing to move in was nothing Manik never thought would be true.

As Manik left for his work, Nandini went to pack her bags and then she suddenly got a call from hospital and her phone fell from her hand.

Anira had an accident. And she is in city centre hospital

Nandini who was shocked and a tear fell from her eyes ran out of her room and got into her car and zoomed to the hospital.

Her heart was beating loudly and she was scared for Anira. Her car finally reached the hospital parking and she ran out of her car and to the receptionist.

Anira khanna, in room number 10 has just been through the operation and they got her bag where there was two number and her ID card with Nandini's number as well. The operation was successful and she was pretty serious and one thing that was great was she was pregnant and the baby is fine as well.

Nandini who was relieved finally heard about the pregnancy as well but her relief didn't got lost but rather her thoughts were thinking on how Anira has always been careful about everything then how did she got into an accident. And that too when she was pregnant.

She called Yuvraj who was in his meeting and told him about the accident and called him there. She ended the call and turned to move towards Anira's room but was knocked out of the way by a guy who came running and entered Anira's ward making Nandini worried and run behind him as well.

As she entered behind him and almost shouted noticed how he went all still and his face contorted in pain and his face went red with anger or some other emotion, she don't know but she patted his shoulder and asked him who he was.

The guy with fair skin and dark shiny black hairs with sharp jaw looked at her and finally answered "her boyfriend." His answer short and simple but distressed Nandini was a bit shocked at his answer.

Anira has never hidden such things from her and felt it then have drifted away from each other.

The guy who claimed to be her boyfriend held Anira's hands and sat beside her in his perfect black tuxedo and the room was guarded by two bodyguards on door and Nandini informed Manik and Cabir about her whereabouts.

The guy was Leonard Woods, the prince of England and he is in New-York for his business.

He looked after Anira very well and as she woke up and noticed him, her eyes weren't happy at all but as she noticed Nandini, her smiled came and she asked for water from her but was vary of the guy who called himself Her boyfriend.

As Leonard went out, Nandini informed her about her pregnancy and Anira was elated and told her the baby's existence shouldn't be known by the guy at any cost.

Anira after talking a bit with Nandini and giving monotonous answers to Leonard slept in her bed and Nandini was trying to think why exactly the guy was here. It was clear Anira doesn't want him here and was quite blunt with her thoughts.

The guy just ignored her and stayed here anyways.

Manik who came looking for her, asked about Anira and then both called her parents who disagreed to meet Anira at any cost since she doesn't deserve them making Nandini throw a vase in anger making the nurse angry.

Nandini always knew how much gold digger of a parents Anira had and that's what always scared her and now they have proved that they are not worth calling parents. Not at all.

Read the note left on the end of the next chapter on inkitt.

Thank you!

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