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Nichole's POV

"Stop it." I angrily whispered to the others behind me. They bent over their desks.

"Why? Nerd can't handle a little humor?" They said as they threw another spitball. Everyone laughed, the teacher quickly turned around and the entire room went silent. Mr. Brawny, or Mr. B as the students like to call him, is one of the meanest teachers on campus. He was about to open his mouth when the bell signaling lunch rang. I let out a sigh of relief. I quickly slid my books off the desk and exited the classroom. I walked to my locker and opened it. Out fell a note, I rolled my eyes. I unfold the paper and it read;

I saw what you did with Ander yesterday. Don't get any ideas. Our powers combined can literally, like, kill you or something and you wouldn't be able to fight against us because you're ... powerless.

I rolled my eyes again.

"Hey Niki !" I heard Crystalyn yell behind me. I turned around and folded the note.

"Hey Crys !" I said

"What's that you got ?" She asked.

"Just another stupid insult." I replied. I put my books in my locker and shut it. We started walking to the lunch tables outside.

"What's it about this time ?" She asked.

"Same old, same old. No powers." I sighed. I put my arm around my best friends shoulder.

"Well-" I sighed again "at least we got that in common. That's why we're friends." We passed kids hanging by their lockers and others sitting on the hallway ground. Crys glanced back as we passed a guy. She blushed when she turned back. I looked over my shoulder.

"Who's that ?" I asked

"Oh, no one." She replied.

"Suuuuure. 'No one'." I said with a laugh. She playfully rolled her eyes at me.

"His name is Matthew. He's in a lot of my classes and sits at the back of the class. He's really, really shy, yet he's so cute !" She blushed again. I laughed at my friend that was head-over-heels. I stepped into the lunch line and moved along. Once I had my lunch I rushed out of the crowd and sat in the shade of our favorite tree. I sighed as I sat down. Crys took out her lunch and started eating.

"So .... what's up with you and Ander ?" She asked after ten minutes of silence. I rolled my eyes.

"There's nothing going on. Just because we had to work together for a freakin' project everyone thinks something happened !" I yelled flailing my arms in the air. A couple feet to the left a girl's water bottle exploded and he shrieked while taking a couple steps back. Just another school prank. Then Ander walked up to us. He sat down next to me. I glared at him. He gave me an awkward glance.

"What do you want ?" I snapped.

"Just wondering if you've been told to 'back off' ?"

"Yeah I have. Why ?"

"Just to be clear. Nothing is happening between us." I rolled my eyes for, what seemed like, the 100th time today.

"Of course there's nothing going on. Like I would ever be interested in a self centered, selfish, idiot like you." I snapped back. He put his arms up in defeat.

"Calm down she-hulk." Ander said.

"Oh, by the way, you can see your bra strap." He said trying to somehow embarrass me. I rolled my eyes once more.

"Oh my god! What a crime it is! Now the whole world knows, that I, a teenage girl, is wearing a bra! Someone call Victoria cause her secrets out!" I yelled. Everyone stared, some even laughed. I was used to it but apparently Ander wasn't. He tried to look away from people's eyes. I looked over at Crystalyn and noticed she was bored out of her mind. I stood up and got my stuff. Ander stood up with us. Crys and I started walking towards our lockers and Ander followed. We stopped in front of my locker. I quickly turned around, my hair hitting his face.

"Ow." He said

"Why are you following us?!" I snapped.

"Fine I'll leave you guys alone." With that Ander walked away.

"Thank you." I whispered. Then I heard heels and she appeared. Roxy Rich, aka the 'mean girl' of the school. Power, duplication. She took a step closer so we were face to face. Crys tried to say something but I shushed her.

"Listen powerless." She said "I see what your doing with Ander. Stay away, he's mine. Just go back to your tree house and play dress us or whatever you powerless do." With that Roxy made a sharp turn and her hair hit my face. The bell rang and the halls fills up with teens again. I headed to my last class of the day.

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