Chapter 16

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(Dream Sequence)

Peter Quill was walking in a bright tunnel of light and becoming more dumbfounded, because the only he could remember that he was being abducted by a group of tall grunt beings in Corbulo. He had no idea what was happening afterwards which he ended up in pitch blackness.
This time, he was all alone and wandering around the place where he  was frightened.

" Hello, is anybody here?! Hello! " he loudly yelled. " Hello! Hello! "

Still, there was no response, but his voice echoed back. Quill heavily sighed and kept walking around the unending tunnel of light.

" Am I dead? How come I am seeing heaven? " he nervously asked to himself. " This ain't good! I need to go back! Those brutes could have killed me! Damn it! I can't leave my friends like that!! I'd better go back! "

Quill quickly ran as he could to return from where he had started. He kept running, until he ended up in circles. The red-head Terran panted and got tired of running. He realized it was pointless of escaping the place unknown to him and heavily sighed.

" Look, if I am dead, I can't save the world and our present timeline from that Grape Ape! " he loudly ranted. " If you're hearing me right now, I need your damn help! Just bring me back to life, Okay?! "

Just behind him, a tall woman dressed in white appeared. Quill turned around and recognized her.

" This is the right time, I need to speak to you again, " she called.

" Lady Librarian? "

" Hello, Starlord, " the Librarian calmly spoke, with a hint of apprehension.

" It's good to see you again, my lady, " the Terran greeted and asked. " What's going on? "

" I need your help, " she sadly sighed. " Thanos and Septimus had visited me on Titan and stole the Composer from me. "

Quill widened his eyes in shock and remembered the tall long blue object which he had seen before.  Then, he understood what she meant which the Forerunner technology was very important to her.

" Wait, so they just came from the other planet I had gone and stole that thing from you? "

" Yes. "

" But why? "

" The Covenant seeks and uses it as a weapon to wage war against humanity, " the Librarian explained. " Now, I do not know if I could retrieve it. "

" Damn..."

" Humanity's future will be in ashes once the Covenant has the Composer. You must help me to retrieve it. "

" My lady, I don't even know if I could escape in this place. I'm stuck. I do want to help you and return to my friends, but I can't. I don't even know if I could break free. "

The Librarian listened to the Starlord's vent and understood what he meant. She instantly held the human's hands and intently looked at her. Quill was surprised to see her doing it.

" Lady Librarian? " he called her name.

" You are so special and capable to do greatness, Starlord, " she answered. " I know you can escape from this prison which the Banished had set you up. "

" You mean those Gorilla guys?! "

" Yes. "

" Well, honestly, I rarely used this light show back in my timeline, " he unsurely said. " I killed my biological father, who's a freaking planet. But before that, I defeated an evil Kree guy along with my teammates and returned the Power Stone to the NOVA  Corps. I don't know if we could defeat the bad guys here and even Thanos. "

" You can, Starlord, " the Librarian smiled and gently patted the human's shoulders. " You will help your people in this timeline, however if you will return to your timeline. You may also help to save humanity from the Mad Titan, however, you cannot defeat him. "

" What do you mean? I can't Thanos?! Who's gonna fight him? Tell me!! "

" Only the herald will call out your people to fight him, " she said. " Then, the ten warriors of the Stones will come out to stop him. "

" Herald? Ten Warriors?  I don't understand, why we can't fight him? "

" We the Forerunners can see the history and time in the universe. We have known everything that has set in place. "

Quill heavily sighed and learned the truth from the female Forerunner when he got disappointed.

" I am sorry...."

" So, what I am gonna do now? "

" Now, you must do your mission here in helping the humans against the Covenant and the other beings. Then, you will bring back the Composer to me. That's the only thing you can do before you return and warn anyone from your timeline. "

" Yeah, but where exactly I could find that Composer thing? "

" You have to find those two Mad Titans. Are you prepared for this mission I will give to you? "

Quill deeply thought and slowly smiled as he understood what she meant. The Librarian was waiting for the human's response. Finally, he nodded and said, " Okay, Lady. I'm in! Just help to get bust outta this place! Kick some A-Holes for good! "

" Good luck, Starlord..." she smiled and felt pleased.

" See ya! " Quill smiled back at her and illuminated his body in bluish-white light until he disappeared.

Opening his eyes, Quill moved his head around and got surprised to see a group of Banished guards. He was contained inside the glass cell and attempting to break it. The guards angrily hissed and stared at him.

" Damn..." he thought and pouted. " Those freaks are gonna put me as a lab rat experiment! Now, how will I get outta here?! "

Looking around the place, the guard kept chattering around and waiting for their superior. Atriox entered the room when his minions saluted and talked to him. Quill was not amused to see the tall muscular alien with long dark hair wearing a strong armor. He was crossing his arms and glaring at the banished leader.

" Well, well, well, the human has awakened from sleep! " the leader of the Banished loudly laughed.

" So, you're the leader of the freaks who kidnapped me from that planet! " the red-head sarcastically answered and ignored his laughter. " It's nice to meet another A-Hole like you! Tell me, are you part of the Covenant?! "

" Those imbiciles, my race's affiliation had ended during the days of the Human-Covenant war. My people were killed from these wars. I was the only survivor who left that foolish faction. "

" With that, you still kill humans, don't you? "

" Of course! "

" I have a second question. Are you connected to Thanos's bastard, Septimus? "

Atriox evilly grinned and chuckled, " That Covenant loyalist fool, he is my rival and nothing like his ancestor. I still do have respect for Great Thanos, but not the other Titan! "

" Why?! Did you have a history with him? " Quill asked.

" I don't want to answer your question, human, since you have mentioned the name of that disgusting bastard! "

" Okay, okay, okay, I won't ask..." the human wryly smiled and chuckled. " Look, Bud. If you're gonna end another planet into ashes, Congratulations! You will be the greatest madman in the history of entire Universe! I'm gonna give you a big hug and great kiss for that! You know, What if the UNSC finds your damn and ugly dwelling? Even, you have sent out some of your guys to fight against the humans to death! How amazing is that?! "

" SHUT UP! "

Atriox was not amused with Quill's nasty remark and taking his weapon  to break the glass and kill the human. The red-head nervously gulped and chuckled.

" Cheese Wheeze! Can't you even take a joke?! "

" I will kill you, human! "

" Kill me?! Yeah, go ahead, I'll haunt you in your dreams and giving you nightmares! "

" Boss, " the guard called his attention when Atriox turned around. " We need your help. "

" I will kill you later, human! " Atriox turned to the red-headed man. " I swear! I will do it! "

" Yeah, take your time! A-Hole! "


" Chris, we need you back at the UNSC Headquarters and report what happened at Corbulo, " John-117's holographic image appeared at the Guardians along with the Spartan-II and IV.  " The Guardians of the Galaxy will be staying on Reach for the meantime. "

" What?! " the rest of the team raised their voices in shock as they found the   other Spartan ridiculous.

" The UNSC Commanders' orders. Your mission with the Forerunner and the Corbulo conflict are accomplished. "

" Why?! " Gamora raised her voice in disbelief.

" The other SPARTAN missions are strenuous and difficult for you to handle. We have lost a lot of good soldiers in this dire Human-Covenant war. "

" You gotta be kidding us! " Drax exclaimed. " You're telling us that we can't handle your job! What about out friend, Quill?! We can't lose him! "

" It's none of our concern, now. "

" Maybe, we should negotiate about this, " Tengfei the Kree Voidwalker raised his hands in interjection and suggested." Perhaps, we should team-up and then retrieve Starlord. How's that sound? "

" I agree with Teng's solution, " Mantis added.

" I am Groot, " Groot nodded.

" No...."

" But Master Chief, we have to save the leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy, " Chris reasoned. " The team from the past will not function without their leader. "

" But your presence is highly needed here, Spartan, since you have rescued some trainees at the Corbulo along with them. It's time to have your mission with us. "

" Sir, you don't understand. "

" As I said, that's an order. "

The rest of the Guardians heavily sighed and got disappointed at the conversation between the Master Chief and the Spartan-II. They were all listening and waiting for their signal to save their leader. Anna-26's face grimaced when she crossed her arms. Rocket Raccoon felt sorry for his friends which he looked at them and remained silent throughout the trip.

" We will make an all out war against the Banished as soon as possible before we take down the Covenant heads, " John added. " So, Chris, you have to return and I will give you your next mission. "

" Sorry for interrupting your talk here, " the furry being broke his silence. " What about us?! So, you're gonna ditch us without our leader and friend?! Chris is needed here for Universe's sakes! Yeah, we can help you fight the bad guys, but we need to rescue our friend wherever he is?! "

" What are you implying, Raccoon? "

" What am I saying here, chief is we have a friend who's damn in trouble! You're gonna take Chris away from us?! Like really?! "

" I am not taking orders from a talking animal like you, " the Master Chief sternly answered.

" Look, John, " Rocket shrugged. " How would you feel if your friend got missing?! Will you be able to do the job without him?! " 

The other members of the Guardians of the Galaxy got surprised to hear of the talking greedy raccoon's words. They couldn't believe what he had gotten to. Chris-77 recalled those days of his beloved friends many years ago who lost during the Human-Covenant war. He understood how the Guardians were upset of John-117's words. Anna-26 sadly sighed and deeply thought of the Corbulo people who lost their lives. At the same time, John felt convicted to what the raccoon had spoken. He intently looked at him and remained silent. Everyone was waiting for his response.

" Look, we need him, " Rocket continued and bowed his head down. " It's all my fault why I made him miserable in this mission. I'm a selfish and greedy guy who likes to have more money to buy new guns, gadgets, and gizmos. When I got here with these guys, I didn't deserve all of it. I realized that you guys are having a lot of trouble with those freaks as well as your home planet got doomed. I hope you understand this guys. "

" Rocket...." Drax muttered and sincerely looked at his furry friend. " I forgive you. "

" Thanks, Drax. " Rocket nodded.

" I may be a Spartan-II of the UNSC, but deep in my heart I considered myself as a member of Guardians of the Galaxy, " Chris sincerely smiled and spoke. " We can't abandon this mission until we help them to return to their timeline. We have to save Starlord first. "

John-117 got convinced and saw Chris-77, Tengfei, Anna-26, Gamora, Groot, Mantis, and Drax stood behind Rocket. He remained silent and thought of the words that he could say to them. The Kree Spartan-IV lady looked concerned at him and waited for his response.

" Master Chief? " she called his attention.

" All right, I am with you, " the Master Chief nodded. " I will be in full-support for the rescue mission, but we need someone who could help us. "

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