Chapter 6

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(Sometime Later: Tam-Borr Emergency Fleet, Intergalactic Space)

" So, what's gonna be now? " Gamora asked while sitting on the bench and looking at the stars from the window pane.

Peter Quill leaned on the wall and putting his hands on the jacket. He was thinking of what he could answer to his green-skinned girlfriend. His mind was drifting around the Infinity Stones and the Mad Titan which they were being talked about. Gamora looked concern at her boyfriend as she never expected him to be silent.

" Peter? Hey! " she called his attention. " Are you with me? "

" I didn't know how complicated it is. You know how these people lost their planet and that doomsday..."

" I know how hard it is to fathom. "

" If there's gotta be a way to make the future into normal. Like you know? "

" The stones and those people. They will give us hope. We need to find them. "

" But what if they're just made-up, like fairy tales or legends? "

" I don't know. If we can find them, we can ask for help. "

Gamora leaned on her boyfriend's shoulders and found comfort on him. Quill held her left rough hands and sighed while they were looking on the wide dark blanket of space with stars and galaxies floating and dancing around. The future seemed questionable and mysterious as they were thinking of. Suddenly, they were being interrupted when Mantis approached them. The couple curiously turned to her.

" I'm sorry for bothering you, " the insect lady in green called them. " Rocket is getting crazy at the hallway. He's fighting Drax. "

" Wait, what? " Quill raised his voice.

" Peter, let's go, " his girlfriend replied.

The three headed to the hallway as the Kree people got surprised and terrified at the two dueling beings. Quill widened his eyes and turned around. The small furry being was chomping at the giant's arm when Drax yelled in pain. Gamora turned to her boyfriend as he nodded.

" Hey! Hey! Rocket! " he cried and grabbed the creature away. " Stop it! "

" This is just my vengeance! " Rocket replied and angrily gritted his teeth. " I'm the rightful owner of the cash price! "

" He started it! " Drax pointed at his friend turned foe. " I was just ignoring him, but he bit me on my arm! "

" Just cut it out, okay?! " Quill furiously exclaimed. " You're getting into my nerves, Rocket! "

" Quill...I..."

" I'm gonna take you out of the team whether you like it or not! "

The talking raccoon remained silent as he couldn't compose any words from his thoughts. The harsh warning from his colleague had snapped out of him. Drax and the others looked at the being. The Kree people turned away and sighed. The others got disappointed to see a group of misfits turned heroes became angry and stubborn warfreaks.

" Guys, this is embarrassing, " Mantis sadly sighed.

" I think we should go..." Gamora added.

Then suddenly, a loud thud was heard outside the ship as the passengers and crew got alarmed. Quill and his team turned around in seeing what was happening. Hearing the intercom voice, Captain Roh Norison's voice echoed all over the place. Everyone paid attention as Drax and Quill ceased fighting.

" To the passengers of Tam-Borr, we are experiencing some unforeseen attacks from an unidentified object. Please remain calm. Just in case, please prepare to evacuate into the emergency escape pod. "

Tengfei and Groot joined the team as they heard what was happening around. Quill approached them.

" Teng, Groot! What the hell's happening? " the red-head cried.

" We've got some anomalies outside the fleet! " the Kree Voidwalker replied in worry. " We need to get into our spacecrafts just in case. "

" I AM GROOT! " the plant being pointed at the window and showed the unknown spacecrafts coming and hitting them.

" Seriously? " Drax raised his voice.

" We have to fight right now! " Gamora sternly spoke.

" Right, " Mantis nodded.

" Okay, Gang. Let's do this, " Quill summoned his team, but except for Rocket who crossed his arms and went grumbling.

Groot instantly grabbed the raccoon as he got annoyed and ranted all over him. His roots tightly hugged the little furry one.

" LET GO OF ME!! " Rocket yelled.


" But I'm leaving this rag-tag team! "


As the team headed to the fleet's hangar, Rocket angrily mumbled and crossed his arms while Groot was bringing him. Tengfei turned around and looked at the bay's window. He intently saw the unidentified fleets as he turned to Quill and the others.

" Teng, what the hell?! " the red-head raised his voice and grabbed his Kree friend's hands.

" Peter! Those attackers are something else! " the Kree Voidwalker warned.

" What?! Are they Skrulls, Shi'ar, or anybody?! "

" Look at the fleets! "

Quill realized by intently looking at the flying attackers. Tengfei was indeed right, they were something else. Were they from another dimension or timeline? Drax was surprised to see them.

" So, what are we gonna do now? " the giant asked.

" Let's see if we could beat them up! " Mantis replied.

" Everyone to the Ceres Galliot! " the Kree Voidwalker signalled them as he thought of a better idea.

" But what about my ship? " Quill asked.

" The Milano can stay here as we return. We're going to the future! "

" The future! Man, this is far-out! I thought we're gonna beat those goons! "

" We can do both! Trust me! "

The team turned to the Ceres Galliot and entered. Everyone took their seats. Quill and the others felt astounded the ship's interior. It was bigger than the Milano.

" So, who's gonna be my co-pilot? " the Kree asked.

" I'm in! " Quill answered and volunteered.

The two maneuvered the ship and left Tam-Borr as they set off to the Intergalactic Space. It rushed off to the attacking fleets when it blasted Void Energy in targeting them. The Guardians of the Galaxy saw the action as Quill got surprised.

" Woah! This is cooler! " Drax beamed in awe.

" How did you do that? " Gamora asked.

" The fleet is powered by my Void Energy once I get in, " Tengfei explained. " Now, we have to throttle out of here and...."

"...I am Groot? " Groot continued and pointed to another bigger fleet coming towards them.

Quill and Tengfei both exchanged glances and gulped as they saw it was about to destroy the ship. Everyone got afraid. The bigger fleet was giving a destructive blast as the Ceres Galliot got shaken.

" Das't! "
the Kree Voidwalker angrily cursed from his language as everyone stared at him. Tengfei felt embarrassed and sighed.

" Hey no worries, bud. " Quill turned to his friend and smiled. " You're also an A-Hole just like us! "

The attacking fleet was preparing itself to blast the Ceres Galliot into its doom. Mantis turned to the two pilots as she sensed danger.

" Guys! That monster ship can kill us! Please do something!! "

" Teng, what's the plan B? "

" Okay, my ship has a Monolith! We have to travel through time and find out what's with those attackers. Now, do you understand what I'm saying? "

" Time travel? Monolith? "

Gamora understood as she turned behind and saw the large rectangular rock with attached wires and apparatus that was linked to the ship's engine and systems.

" Okay, I get what you mean, " she answered.

" Right, it's about time! "

Tengfei pressed the button connected to the Monolith's energy. It began warping as the ship had speed-up and vanished into milliseconds. Finally, the mysterious attackers couldn't locate the Ceres Galliot's whereabouts.

The Tam-Borr's crew had lost its contact to Tengfei's ship while fighting their enemies. Captain Roh Norison understood of her childhood friend's another disappearance as she continued to command her subordinates.


Quill was still sitting and sleeping on the co-pilot's seat. He was unaware that something was flashing on the screen. The ship shook and landed as the red-headed Terran instantly woke up and saw the warning sign on the screen.

" What the hell?! " he muttered and removed the seatbelts. Quill was surprised that no one was with him. He walked around and began searching for his team. " Teng...Gamora...Drax...Mantis...Rocket...Groot? Come on, guys! This is no time for playing hide and seek! We have to go! "

He searched everywhere on the ship, but still no one was answering. Quill kept scratching his head and heavily sighed.

" Seriously! I'm not playing games here! Why don't you guys show up! "

Suddenly, he saw a broken vent pipe from the ceiling and climbed on the walls. He tried to fix it into place, but he instantly fell down on the floor and groaned.

" This is not funny, guys! " Quill angrily exclaimed. " I'm gonna kill you all when I find you! "

The red-headed human slowly stood up and held his lower back as he felt pain. Moving his head in sideways, he couldn't find his friends. Silence and confusion had visited him as he kept walking and searching all over the ship. Then, he realized to check the cockpit's window and looked out as he noticed the glass was too blurry and frosty. Quill wiped it using with his right hand and saw an Earth-like environment. The view was in blue skies with a rough mountainous terrain. He got dumbfounded to see the place where the ship had landed.

He turned around and thought of opening the ship's hatch when he headed himself to the hallway. To his surprise, he loudly screamed and saw a man donned in a heavy gray armor. Quill raised his both arms and gulped as if the man was pointing a weapon to him.

" Oh shoot, now what?! I'm in big trouble! " he anxiously thought and felt sweating on his face.

" Please identify yourself, " the man sternly spoke.

" Peter Jason Quill aka Starlord! Guardian of the Galaxy! Who the heck are you?! What the hell do you want from me?! "

" My name is Chris Halsey aka Chris-77. We're here to talk. "

" Talk, eh?! " Quill sarcastically spoke and laughed. " Come on, dude. I'm not gonna talk to you, unless you put your boomstick down! Okay? "

" Permission Granted. "

" First of, where did you take my friends? "

" Come with me and I'll explain further. "

" Fine, I need some damn answers from you. "

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