Return to the Living

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I watched him from outside his window as he laid there. His peaceful eyes closed, hiding that beautiful blue colour behind those lids. His pale pink lips drooped as he hopefully dreamt of all the sweet things in life. His thick brown hair was in knots on his head and his cheeks were a little heated. He appeared cosy beneath his grey duevt that I wanted so desperately to climb under, just to get out of the bitter coldness.

A pain shock through my heart. Oh, how I much I wanted to hug him. How much he had grown. How tall he had gotten. How wise he had become.

Oh, dear brother...

I could have gone inside, woke him up and told him I loved him. We could have talked for hours before eventually, I would have to leave again and return to Heaven. But I couldn't bring myself to do it. I couldn't bring myself to pain him like that. He had suffered so greatly when I died, seeing me once more would probably only worsen it all.

I let out a sigh and my attention drew to the window I stood before. If I were human, the glass would have fogged up from my breath, but it didn't. Because I wasn't anymore. Not even a reflection stared back at me. Usually, I hated those. I used to hate walking by mirrors or glass in fear of those reflections. However, now I just missed catching glimpses of my long, brown hair that hung over my moody face.

As much as it ached, I forced myself to turn away. There wasn't much time and too many people to see. I spread out my foot in front of me, pausing. My head glanced over my shoulder as I started back at the window.

Don't. Just go.

"Goodbye, " I whispered before walking off.

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