Prologue ¦ Leave It All Behind

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All my life I've spent hiding in the Mines of Gudrún,
Creating stories for young and old. The Keeper of Runes.

But now my soul is longing for something more.
Time to leave the past behind and embrace the new.

To hear the babbling brooks of Brallin with their
Twittering birds and chittering insects.

To feel the warmth of the sun on my sallow skin and
Soft blades of grass beneath my feet.

To taste the succulent juices of ripe fruit and berries
And the electric tang in the air before a storm. 

To see the sun rise above the mountain and
Set in a dazzling array of colors.

To smell the freshness of spring rain and 
The fragrance of summer blossoms.

Free me from this darkness.

--Gwella Runekeeper

(Word count: 120)


Chapter 1 is dedicated to MayTijssen for her lovely cover. Thank you so much. ♥

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