12. liar

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"Liar.. he lured us to the fox, he is not a hero" you meowed. 'I know he is a terrible person and he is nowhere near good but.. why would he kill an apprentice? Especially the medicine cat apprentice... why?!' You thought as you grinned your teeth and slightly growling at him.

"What are you talking about? If it wasnt for me, you wouldve died too! Ungreatfull child!" He hissed. Your mother stared at our argument in shock.

"P... pherhaps you were just seeing things... my mate would never kill anyone" you mother meowed.

'How dare she belive her father more then her own kit' you thought in anger.

"Your mother is right.. besides, you dont have proof" your father meowed, his sharp claws are unsheated, he stared at you in a trheatening way.

'This is not good.. i need to think of a good reason..."

A》your not hurt! If echopaw died and i got a scar, why are you left without a scratch? Or is it becouse the fox never wanted to hurt you
B》if the fox just need some food, it would probably pick the biggest one, echopaw isnt the biggest nor the smallest!

[Sorry i only made 2 choices, i ran out of ideas]

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