Chapter 2. The Escape of ME!!!

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Blood pumped through my ears and the only thing I hear is the roar of blood. It's been about ten minutes but they still haven't attacked. "Why aren't you attacking you bloody monsters!" I shrieked in a high pitched voice, holding my pocket knife out. My hands were sweaty and trembling violently. There was about two dozen shiftshapers I probably looked very thin and weak with my tattered blue and green 'Keep calm and go to Hawaii' tee shirt.

The shiftshapers didn't say anything. They just made a circle around us and growled. Some of them flying and most of them prowling. The shiftshapers spat on us and the bird formed ones pooped on us. Yeah right, HA HA HA! Laugh as much as you want but this was a life or death situation. Those things can kill us any time they want.

I felt Ethan's sturdy back on me and slightly relaxed. At least I had someone watching my back. I thought as I tried to make up on a plan.

"Why haven't you attacked yet?!" shouted Ethan in a deep growl. "Where is coyote?!"

All of a sudden, the shiftshapers were quiet. All heads snapped our way. "Do not speak of her name!" A big bulky shark like shiftshaper snarled. "We can't attack or even make a scratch on you because your blood can't be wasted." growled a two metre tall she wolf shooting a death glare at the female crow who attacked us before.

I lower my red pocket knife down and sigh as my stomach rumbles. Ethan raises an eyebrow quizzically. Then he lowered his Saber down

"Let's eat." I suddenly said to Ethan as I crashed down. "What?!" Ethan stared at me puzzled like I was crazy. "I'm hungry." I replied. Suddenly snorts of laughter came from the shiftshapers.

"They would never guess that the pizza would be a way out of this place." I whispered into his ear. "What?" He whispered back. "So... You know the pizza that you were cooking earlier?" "Yeah? What about that?" "We need ice cream too.

Remember the time when you accidentally teleported Chase's lunch from our classroom to the woods?" "Yup, I totally remember. That time I didn't tell you I made this happen but I told you that I didn't know how it got there."

"Can you teleport us both to the kitchen? Are you powerful enough?" I whispered urgently slightly shaking his arms.

He hesitated for a moment then gulped. But he nodded with determination back looking straight into my eyes.
For a second, I was lost into his eyes. Deep tropical twin pools of dark green forest eyes swirling and sparkling. Behind them I see something warm... But I can't see what.

"Hey!" A hyaena snarled baring it's teeth. "Are you going to eat? Because I like my food plump and juicy, not thin and stringy!" The male hyaena laughed and snortled. None of the others joined in. Everyone stared daggers at him including the little half puppy half human. The monsters laughing died down to a nervous high pitched chuckle as he soon realised none of his mates were joining in.

Ethan sighed then turned around facing towards the hyaena. "I know that we will die very soon but I want to say thank you for not eating us yet. I have something to show you monsters." Then, slowly I stood up in amazement as Ethan sat down cross legged, muttering some kind of spell. Blinding light became scorching orange and red, just like the sun. Then there was a weird circle around him with languages I didn't know glowing and floating around him. Suddenly I heard a small, soft voice in my head. 'When I say six, jump into the circle. Ok? And, close your ey-'

I snapped my head towards Ethan as everyone gasped. My eyes rolled back into my head as I screamed my head off. It was unbearably hot.

Pain I have never felt jolted from my eyes as if millions of needles were repeatedly stabbing my eyes. I could hear no other than a high pitched woman's scream... No MY scream, I thought as I fell to my knees clawing at my eyes. I was unaware of my surroundings as I scrambled on hands and knees crying and screaming, begging to stop the pain. There were howls and whimpers all around me as the shiftshapers scrambled rubbing their eyes.

Then, something happened. I touched a warm light and as I crawled towards it, my screaming lessened and my head was starting to take less ache. I continued crawling and finally after what felt like ten hours I felt his well built arm.

As soon as I touched him, it was like as if my eyes were getting better. The black world turned slightly red as my whimpering lessened. I was recovering. I spread my arms and legs lying down. Now I could hear the soft soothing voice trying to calm me down.

Ethan's deep worried voice lulled me to sleep as I closed my eyes and crammed myself into a ball rocking back and forth. "I'm sorry..." He whispered looking down.

Now I could see at least Ethan who is in front of me but I had black and red spots dancing in my vision threatening myself to collapse and knock out. The only thing keeping me awake was the weird white light of ball in front of Ethan that I kept my eyes on for the whole time. That seemed to help me because I got better.

I quietly looked at Ethan and a silent tear slipped from my lashes.

He was sweating while trying to hold up the protective circle around us. He groaned as the shiftshapers tried to break in.
They figured out that they shouldn't open their eyes and attack the force field Ethan made.

I pray to God. Anyone who can hear me to please stop this horrible dream.

Then, I hear the ear splitting screech. I feel Ethan tense at the nasty noise and work harder chanting now.

I look out towards the noise and gasp.
Out there right in front of me, there is a  coyote. A big female one who is screaming in pain like I was before.

Then things get worse.
The coyote charges straight at Ethan and he goes unconscious...

I close my eyes as I pray that this is all just a terrible dream.

No, but it had to be real. It would even be better if it was the most horrifying, terrifying nightmare.

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