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Almost everyone on the planet has a soulmate connection, Something that connects them to their other half. These connections vary widely from unique things like shared dreams to something more subtle like matching tattoo-like markings.

Lee Reina was no different. The one she had received was definitely on the more average side. She had a necklace with half of a pendant that would match up with the one her soulmate had.

Reina's pendant was a beautiful shade of green, like the vibrant color of leaves after a downpour of rain. A deep green that filled her with a comforting calm at the sight of it. Her necklace should be a perfect circle when reunited with the other half. The raw edges of the pendant were jagged but thankfully not sharp enough to hurt. Reina had quickly found that this was a good thing, considering how often she ran her fingers over the edges.

Another quality the necklace had was the warmth it emitted the closer she got to her soulmate. There was only one instance where she'd ever actually felt it warm more than its usual ice cold. Reina had only been 13 years old when it happened, she was visiting family in Australia, and of course, her parents were skeptical about letting her run off to find her soulmate while they were out sightseeing. The necklace had been slightly warm since she had arrived, but she had ignored it, thinking that she was just imagining things. Though, the sudden and very apparent increase in temperature was all the proof she had needed.

Sadly, Reina's parents had easily brushed off her pleading. They told her that she was far too young and wasn't ready for something like that, pulling her away as the warmth slowly faded. Missing out on that day had become one of her biggest regrets because the necklace wouldn't even warm up slightly for the next seven years.

The only sign Reina had that her soulmate even existed at all other than that experience years ago was the steady heartbeat she felt when she held the green pendant in her hand. There was also another, more personal aspect of the soulmate connection that let her know about them. Every now and again, they could hear each other's thoughts.

It was very sporadic. Reina never knew when to expect it. In fact, the first time it happened, she'd been too startled to even respond for the first moments. She had held onto the pendant expecting the steady thrum of her soulmate's heartbeat but was instead met with a calming voice.

She had listened intently as the person ran through a list of things they needed to buy at the grocery store. Finally relaxing after the initial shock of hearing who she assumed was her soulmate.

When they had gone quiet, Reina's mind had gone blank. Although calmer, she had still been unsure of what was happening. Suddenly it occurred to her that they could probably hear what she was thinking.

'Hello?' Reina had thought tentatively.

'Hi...?' The voice responded, 'I'm Chan, your soulmate... I think?'

'Hi, My name is Reina!'

This was the start of the few conversations the pair would have. Well, they had a total of three of these moments. They always came and went abruptly, but they always made the most of the time they did have.

Reina had learned that Chan was a year older than her, that he liked to sing, that he was a songwriter, and so much more. She'd learned about his dreams and aspirations, what he loved about the world and what he feared most. It seemed that one of the only things she didn't know about him was how he looked.

Reina had told Chan just as much about herself. Reina had told him about her love for poetry, how she wanted to be an artist or even an art teacher. Reina had mentioned her love of rainy days and warm cafes. She had let him know all the things she adored about life, every moment that filled her with joy.

Reina had even ranted about her feelings of loneliness despite being surrounded by loving family and friends. The overwhelming feeling of being alone had enveloped her, she had felt like she was drowning, and Chan had comforted her, telling her how he wished he could be there to hold her. He had also confessed his own feelings of a strange emptiness as if something was missing.

All they could do after their time 'speaking' with each other abruptly ended was feel the other's heartbeat, reveling in the comfort of knowing there was always someone out there who cared about them, someone who was thinking of them. The conversation had left both Reina and Chan wondering just how you could miss someone you had never met. Sure, they had had brief conversations, but the longing ache of wanting to meet the love of your life was overwhelming.

That was the last time Reina had spoken to Chan. Sometimes she would hear a faint whisper, a voice singing, or maybe something that seemed like lyrics to a song. The whispered voice would send shivers down her spine. Leaving her wondering if she was imagining things.

Reina had two options, either she was going crazy, or it was just Chan. For her own sake, Reina went with the second choice. Hoping to find comfort in the inconsistent mumbling, she even looked forward to those moments.

Now years later, at age 20, Reina had arrived in Seoul, South Korea, and for the first time in seven years, she felt her necklace warm slightly from its typical ice cold. 

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