Chapter 46: Return to Dimension X

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"So, do we even have a real plan here or are we just winging it for laughs?" Raphael asks as the Turtle Blimp moves through the clouds, en route to TCRI.

"It's all on the Mighty Mutanimals," Donatello answers, focused on the blimp's navigation screen. "First they break into TCRI, then Doc Rockwell activates the portal—"

"And then it's back to Dimension X! Yeah boy! I get to be smart again," Michelangelo interrupts, tapping his head and smiling proudly. He's hanging from the railing surrounding the upper half of the blimp, his knees holding him in place.

"I get the first part. Makes sense," Raphael says. "It's the 'save millions of mutated New Yorkers' part I don't get."

"Well, Donnie's got his super retro-mutagen stuff," Leonardo points out as he steers the ship. He glances over his shoulder. "That'll work. Uh, right Donnie?"

Donatello grins. "Heck yeah! And once we change all the humans back, Rockwell will hone in on us with the Kraang portal and, theoretically, teleport us all back to Earth." His brothers and Destiny stare at him as he continues in a rambling tone, "Hopefully. Maybe." The intelligent turtle flashes a nervous smile.

Raphael groans and smacks his forehead. "Yep. We're doomed," he says, deadpan.

"Have a little faith, Raph," Destiny says, flipping downwards so that she dangles off the same railing as Michelangelo. She flashes a fanged smile as she shakes her hair around, which sticks straight up because of her position. "Donnie's pretty much never let us down. We've got this."

"Dimension X, here we come!" Michelangelo whoops. Him and Destiny share an upside down high-three.

Destiny shuts her eyes briefly. "Quick comment here, let me see if I've got the gist of what happened while I was gone and why we're doing this," she says. "You guys went to Dimension X, Mikey is super smart over there, Slash and the Mutanimals are all mutants you met on other days and other times, and..." She frowns, her eyes opening as she tries to think of what she's missing. "And...uh, TCRI is the Kraang HQ."

"Basically." Donatello shrugs. "I gave you a basic rundown before. Later, I can elaborate on finer details."

Destiny nods as she sways, her tail drooping up towards the ground. Her lips pucker and she gains a pensive glint in her wild eyes.

"I just hope the Mutanimals don't screw this up," Leonardo admits as his eyes fall on the distant TCRI. "If they can't get that portal open..."

"We won't think about that," Destiny finishes. She flips over and swings onto the main deck of the ship, wobbling for a brief second as the blood rushes back to her feet. "Let's focus on saving the people of New York."

"Good idea," Raphael mumbles. "If we talk about it much more, I'm gonna go nuts."

They keep sailing onwards in relative silence, waiting for what may never come. After a few long minutes, a large blast of purple light erupts from TCRI's roof, opening a swirling portal within the stormy clouds.

"Yes! They did it!" Michelangelo exclaims, pointing towards the beacon.

"Unbelievable," Leonardo mutters.

"Hoist the mizzenmast, lads! This pirate ship's about to jack Dimension X!" Raphael hollers.

"Ready your oxygen converters, guys," Donatello reminds everyone.

They slip their converters on and go zooming up into the portal, immediately becoming engulfed in a bright purple light. They go sailing down a spiralling pink tunnel, their bodies feeling stretched and warped as they zip into the new dimension. Only Michelangelo laughs at the ride.

The blimp and its five mutant passengers pop into Dimension X, completely upside-down. Nothing is off about the turtles except for their mask tails sticking upwards. Destiny, however, has her tail sticking up and her hair in the same position. She tries to push her hair down but it does little in the end.

"Okay. Welcome back to Dimension X," Leonardo says.

"Dudette! You look like the Bride of Frankenstein! You've even got the streak!" Michelangelo laughs, poking at Destiny's curls.

She frowns. "All the blood is rushing to my head."

"Hold on!" Donatello calls.

He rights the ship, making Destiny's hair and tail fall back into place. She shakes her body out, then leans over the blimp railing as she stares out as Dimension X. Her eyes are wide and practically sparkling.

"Phew. Well, that's twenty-three percent better," Donatello says, brushing off his arms.

"And I got a way of making it a thousand times better," Michelangleo insists. He swims through the air for a moment, a blissed out look on his face. "Booyakasha!"

He deploys a smoke bomb, sending purple clouds into the faces of his teammates. They cough loudly, groaning his name in annoyance as the smoke dissipates.

"Savage Mikey of Dimension X returns!" the orange-masked turtle proclaims, wearing a Kraang-like hat and a supply of Kraang crystals attached to a belt. Kraang tentacles dangle from his arms.

"Again with the costumes?!" Raphael shouts.

"What in the..." Destiny mumbles.

"Let's just go with it," Leonardo sighs, placing a hand on his brother's shoulder. He clears his throat and dons a happy persona. "Great, Savage Mikey! So, uh, where do you think the Kraang are keeping all those mutated humans?"

"Hold on," Michelangelo says, popping one finger in his mouth before placing it on his forehead. "I can sense them close by with my organic antenna." He shuts his eyes and starts wiggling his fingers. "Wa, wa, wa, wa, wa, wa. Wa, wa, wa, wa, wa, wa, wa, wa. Wah, beep, beep." He does a few little dances as he moves up to the roof. He stops and points. "That way!"

"You heard the man, Donnie," Raphael calls. "Full speed ahead!"

"To boldly go where no man has gone before!" Destiny proclaims.


"Are we there yet?" Destiny asks, slumped against the Turtle Blimp's railing.

"Feels like we've been searching forever," Leonardo groans.

"You got any idea where we're going, Mikey, for real?" Raphael asks.

"Of course I do, dude!" the younger turtle calls, peeking his head over the edge of the blimp roof just long enough to flash a thumbs up to his brother.

There's an ear-splitting roar as a giant, bulbous white worm appears ahead of them, beady black eyes aimed straight at their vessel. A childlike laugh emits from the baby face on its back end, something that makes Destiny's tail fur stand on end.

"But there are always surprises along the way," Michelangelo says, laughing weakly.

"It's a Kraathatrogon! Man the defenses!" Donatello screams.

Raphael launches garbage balls at the worm, the green clouds of trash surrounding the worm's face. Its second face spits the balls out and attacks them again as if the attempts mean nothing. It zooms forward, right towards Raphael, and the turtle rolls out of the way just in time for the worm to go straight through the blimp's balloon. There's the prolonged sound of stretching before there's a loud pop.

Everyone screams as the aircraft goes flying out of control, all the air deflating from the balloon. It zips around wildly, each of them holding on for dear life as it bucks and flails beneath them. When the air is fully depleted, it goes in for a crash landing on one of the islands. Leonardo throws himself around Destiny as impact is made, the force throwing the teenagers from the wreckage and sending them bouncing along the strange, silvery terrain until the momentum dies, bringing them to a stop.

Leonardo unravels his arms and legs from around Destiny, allowing her to get up. She looks slightly dazed, but otherwise okay. She grasps Leonardo's hand and pulls him up, concern etched into her eyes and mouth.

"Are you okay?" she asks.

He nods. "Yeah, I'm good. I've got a shell. I...thought you could use some extra protection." He thumps his plastron with his fist for emphasis, making her smile.

"Thank you," she murmurs, rubbing her arm.

"Uh, I think I broke my brain," Michelangelo groans as Donatello helps him up.

"Ha, what brain?" Raphael snorts. He stumbles to his feet and spins his sais, jabbing one towards the sky. "I'm takin' this freaky space worm down myself!"

The worm comes up behind him and smacks into his shell with its butt-face. He screams as he sails off the edge of the island. Donatello races after him, staring off the edge in search of the red-masked turtle, but Raphael reappears above them and smashes into Leonardo with a heavy grunt from both parties.


"Whoa!" Donatello yelps as the worm goes zipping over his head.

"I got this, D!" Michelangelo shouts.

He launches himself over his brother's shell and zooms away, climbing up the Kraang crystal structures easily and grabbing a nearby grub. He squeezes it, making a rope-like thing shoot from its mouth and latch on to the Kraathatrogon's butt-face. He flips over, landing on its body, running along it, and leaping off the edge. As he does, he spins around and launches Kraang crystals at the butt-face. They explode on impact and the creature squeals and flies away as the orange-masked turtle lands on the island again.

"FYI, guys, Kraang worms' weak spot are their butt faces," he calls to his stunned companions. "Got that?"

"Woah..." Destiny mumbles.

Donatello's gaze travels to another island, his eyes widening, and he points. "Guys, look!"

Leonardo pulls out his telescope and peers through it in the direction of Donatello's finger to see that the island is covered in Kraangitized New Yorkers. "This just keeps getting worse and worse and worse," the leader in blue grumbles.

"Let me guess. The humans that got Kraangitized have been turned into servants and are mining energy crystals for the Kraang," Michelangelo says, arms crossed over his plastron.

The other four blink in surprise.

"Mikey, you never cease to amaze me," Leonardo admits.

"I'm sweet like that, dude," Michelangelo says, sweeping his hand off his shoulder.

"So, we figure out a way to turn the humans back..." Raphael starts.

"And then the Mutanimals figure out a way to bring us all home," Donatello finishes.

"It doesn't seem possible," Leonardo admits, his sapphire eyes fixated on the horizon. His lips purse.

"Dude, it's the Mighty Mutanimals, the operative word being mighty!" Michelangelo says, flexing his muscles on the last word. "They got it all under control," he insists.

Destiny adjusts her weight from one leg to the other. "Can we be sure of that?" she asks.

"I don't think we can really be sure of anything," Donatello replies.

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