Chapter 58: Skate to the Death Death-a-Thon

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Michelangelo makes quick work of tying up the other Purple Dragons. Diaval stacks their stolen loot in a small pile away from them with Casey's help, the boy's mask already flipped up. Mondo scampers over and starts kicking Fong's leg.

"And take that! And that!" He slaps Fong across the face. "And one of these!" He flails his fists. "And this, and—"

Casey grabs Mondo by the back of the shirt, lifting him into the air as he keeps flailing. "Whoa, whoa! Fight's over, bro!" He drops him. "Relax, we won!"

"You guys saved my life!" Mondo says. He scratches beneath his hat. "On the streets, it's everyone for themselves out there."

Michelangelo places his hand on Mondo's shoulder. "Friends don't let friends get kicked off of buildings, dude."

"Alright, let me leave my calling card and we can get outta here," Casey says.

He uncaps a black marker and scribbles 4 COPS FROM CASEY :) across Fong's face. Diaval taps Casey and points at the marker and Casey hands it over. Diaval draws a moustache across Fong's lip, making Casey grin.

"Whoa! 30,000 smackeroos!" Mondo gushes, snatching some cash stacks from the stolen loot pile. He tips his hat. "This'll really help a gecko out."

"Dude! Are you stealing?" Michelangelo asks. His smile has disappeared and he eyes Mondo's hovering hand with unease.

"Only from the bad guy's personal stash," Mondo says with a shrug.

"Put it back, Mondo!" Casey orders.

Mondo glares at the taller boy. "Make me, Casey!"

"Love to!"

They growl and loom closer to one another. Diaval and Michelangelo hurry over and split them up, Michelangelo on Mondo and Diaval on Casey.

"Cool it, guys!" Michelangelo says. "Can't we all just skate along?"

"I don't hang with criminals," Casey snaps. "I'm out like your mom in a beauty pageant. Peace!" He glares at Diaval. "Are you with me, Wiz-Kid?"

Diaval glances at Mondo and Michelangelo, then back at Casey. "Mhm," he says, nodding. The two boys head off, side by side.

Mondo shakes his fist at their retreating backs. "Skateboarding is not a crime!" he shouts. Once they're gone, he relaxes. "C'mon, Mikey. Let's hang out at my place," he says, snatching up his board and walking away.

Michelangelo's shoulders slump. "Aw, man."


Casey drops onto street level, ranting away as Diaval listens diligently. "Stupid talking lizard!" he mutters. He flips his mask down. "Mikey's fallen for your shtick, but not Casey Jones!"

"Kinda worried. Couldn't read Mondo's desire," Diaval mumbles, adjusting his cloak around his shoulders. "Casey?"

"I'm telling you, he's off. I can feel it, dude," Casey snaps. There's a crash from nearby and both boys turn around, weapons ready. "Huh? Who's there?"

Nothing. A shadow creeps along the wall beside them and by the time they hear rapidly approaching footsteps, it's too late. Their worlds go dark.


Donatello and Raphael are completely focused as they battle each other on their hockey pong video game. They slap buttons wildly, defending their goals while simultaneously hitting the puck back and forth between them.

"Come on, glove safe!" Raphael mutters.

"I've got this," Donatello returns, tongue poked out in concentration. They both growl. The puck goes sailing back towards Raphael's little red character. "Slap shot!"

The player smacks the puck, sending it bouncing back into Donatello's goal before taking the blue player's head off. The game beeps wildly as Raphael whoops and does a victory dance.

"Watch it, watch it, watch it!" he celebrates, laughing at Donatello's stunned, and somewhat enraged, expression. "Raph for the win! Oh! In yo' face!" He turns and pokes Leonardo's plastron, nearly chest bumping his brother. "Who's next? Who can give me some real competition? Casey?"

He aims his fingers towards the couch, but only Destiny and April sit there. April types away at her computer with furrowed eyebrows and puckered lips while Destiny stares at her phone, her pointed teeth snagged on her bottom lip.

"I think that'll be kind of difficult," Destiny says, referring to the chance of Raphael getting to play against Casey. Her eyes don't leave the screen in her hand.

"Oh right. He's gone..." Raphael frowns. His gusto deflates faster than a popped balloon.

"What kind of trouble could they get into?" Leonardo imitates. He rolls his eyes. "They've been gone all night!"

"Casey and Mikey are big boys. They can take care of themselves," Raphael says. He pauses. "Diaval, on the other hand—"

"He's got street smarts, Raph. Give him the benefit of the doubt," Destiny scolds. Her ears flatten against her head as she stands up, still tapping lightly at her phone. "But...okay, when it's like that, all three of them have street smarts...technically."

Donatello arches an eye-ridge. Leonardo leans back as his lips purse and he too arches an eye-ridge. Raphael ponders what they've been saying and exhales.

"Right. I'm calling," he says, pulling out his t-phone. He dials the number, but the only sound that reaches his ear from the other end is rapid beeping. He looks back to his family with a frown. "Casey's signal is lost."

"Mikey's not picking up either," April cuts in from the couch, her device also beeping.

"We should get Diaval a phone..." Destiny says. "Can't use Splinter's forever..." she mutters to herself, like an afterthought, pocketing her phone.

"At least Mikey still has a signal that I can track," Donatello says, looking at his own phone as he gets to his feet. "Come on!"


Mondo shoves a manhole cover out of the way. Michelangelo waits nearby. The turtle's eyes brighten as his friend descends into the tunnel, Mondo's muscular tail holding his skateboard against his back.

"Whoa! You live in the sewers, too?" Michelangelo asks, peering down after him.

"Of course," Mondo replies. "Mr. X has taken a lot of us mutants in."

"Mr. X?" Michelangelo asks, loosening one hand from the ladder rungs so that he can dangle back enough to see Mondo.

"You've never heard of Mr. X?" Mondo gasps, stopping his descent for a moment. He aims a finger gun at him. "Great man," he praises, starting to climb down again. "He gave me a home, a job. Maybe if he likes you, he could give you a job too!"

"I already gots a job," Michelangelo retorts. "I'm a ninja, dog!"

He chops the air with both hands. Gravity starts to take its hold again and he yelps, wobbling and pinwheeling his arms before grabbing the rungs again. They finish climbing down and drop into a wide sewer tunnel. Rushing water echoes in the draughty spaces and Michelangelo feels a tingle run up his spine as he trails Mondo's leisurely walk.

"Come on, dude. Just a little further," Mondo says.

"Where are we? I've never seen this part of the sewer before," Michelangelo admits. He almost slows to a complete stop as he looks around. As he does, a giant cage drops from the ceiling and traps him. Michelangelo screams and starts tugging at the bars. "What the—" He grunts, putting his full body weight into tugging at the bars, but they don't budge. He shoves his head through the gap and stares at Mondo. "Run, run, run! Before you get caught, run!" he pleads.

The gecko doesn't budge. He doesn't even look scared. In fact, the only expression on his face is that of guilt as he bows his head. "Mikey, I'm sorry," he whispers.

A webbed hand emerges from the lingering shadows and clasps on Mondo's shoulder. "Excellent job, amigo," an accented voice praises. "You lured him right into my trap."

"Fishface?" Michelangelo breathes as the mutant's shadow bears over him.

"That name is an insult!" Fishface snaps, knocking Michelangelo into the centre of the cage with a quick snap of his wrist. "I am Xever! can call me Mr. X."

Michelangelo's eyes narrow and he latches his gaze on Mondo. "Mondo, how could you?" he asks. "I thought we were pals, dude!"

Mondo looks up at his boss as the fish backs away from the cage. "You sure the turtles are as bad as you say, Mr. X?" he asks.

Fishface places on hand on Mondo's back, jabbing a finger at Michelangelo. "Stamp out any sympathy you might feel for him, for tonight, he races to the death!"

Michelangelo's pupils dilate and he shrinks inwards as Fishface cackles.

Mondo grips Fishface's arm. "That wasn't the deal! I thought it was just a normal race!" he exclaims, shaking his arm. Fishface slaps Mondo across the face and the hapless gecko goes rolling across the floor.

"Mondo!" Michelangelo cries, racing to the bars again. He glares at his approaching enemy. "Why are you doing this, Fishface?"

"It is simple economics, really," he answers. "Mutants get entertained, I make money, everyone wins." He grins. "Well, not you. You are going to lose, tartaruga."

In a short amount of time, Fishface transfers (read: throws) Michelangelo into a different cage where the only light comes from a small space between the front concrete walls. The turtle groans and opens his eyes as footsteps approach. Casey stands above him with an annoyed pout on his face.

"Huh?" Michelangelo asks.

"It's about time you got here," Casey mutters. "We were starting to get worried."


Casey helps the orange-masked turtle up and points to the far corner of the cage. Diaval huddles there, face buried in his knees as his entire body quakes, his rough voice occasionally heard as he mumbles to himself.

"He hates cages," Casey whispers. "He's been muttering to himself ever since he woke up."

"What do we do?"

"I don't know, dude. We're just...trapped until whatever comes later."



"We're close," Donatello says as the ShellRaiser moves down the street. "Not much..." The signal from Michelangelo's phone beeps and goes off, revealing that the signal was lost. "Uh oh."

"That can't be good," April says.

"Need me to track?" Destiny asks.

"Wait, listen to the police radio!" Raphael calls, placing a hand over one of the headphone earpieces on his head.

"Third and Sullivan, members of the Purple Dragons with the words 'For cops, from Casey' written on one of their foreheads," a man on the radio says.

"Well, at least we know we're close! Let's go!" Leonardo orders. He glances at Destiny, who remains standing beside him, undeterred by the jostling of the vehicle. "Des, get ready to get that nose sniffing."

She nods and salutes. "Aye aye, Captain Leo."

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