Forest secrets

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Theodor or less formerly Theo, stared at me like I grew a second head out of nowhere. "What??" I said, staring back at him.

I only tore my eyes from him when once I felt a massive puff of hot air that was blown down on me.

I swear I screamed like a little girl when I saw that hulking beast looming over me. Theo screamed too of course but he'd never admit it, even to this day. We ran like it was the end of our lives, to which Theo still says it was but I disagree. I tripped over a root, cliche I know and I silently cursed to myself before scrambling after my best frenemy. I've never seen Theo run as fast as he did at that moment, And he's the best on the track team! My legs felt like butter once I caught up to the puffing pansey Theo was.

"Thanks for the help Deodor!" I yelled at him before collapsing onto the grass beside him.

Theo stuck his tongue out at me and sat down. We both sat there for a solid hour probably when one of us dared to speak. "Kasper. What in the 9 circles of hell was that!?" Theo squawked, no longer looking at me with his usual grin and instead an expression I had only seen once before.

I for once, didn't have an answer. I instead opened my mouth but promptly closed it and shook my head. Theo's brow creased worry and he frowned. "Well um, It looked like a centaur didn't it?" He mumbled casually.

I nodded and sat up with a grunt of pain. "I'm surprised you even know what those are." I mocked softly.

Theo rolled his eyes but I could see a small grin forming on his lips. "Yeah, Yeah I don't read much I know." He huffed playfully.

I snorted in amusement. "Anyway yes, that thing did look strikingly similar to the beast we call a centaur."

Theo glared at me. "Okay now you're just making fun of me." He huffed.

"Oh no I would never! Deo how could you say that about me!?" I held a hand to my chest, faking my offendednes.

Theo looked utterly unamused and turned his broad form away from me. I watched him for a moment before laying on my legs. "I'm sorry okay?" I scuffed the ground in annoyance.

Theo didn't say anything and instead stood up to run a hand through his wheat blonde hair. I looked at the ground in guilt as he paced around the forested area we stopped in. We both stared at each other for a while, both of us still confused as to what had just happened. I opened my mouth to speak but Theo raised a finger to shush me. "Before you try and say sorry again, It's fine. I know you meant it as a joke."

I nodded and stood up with a wince of pain. "My legs feel like jelly." I mumbled.

Theo smiled somewhat and put an arm around my shoulder, I swear my whole face went red that moment. "You need to work out more, y'know like me!" he curled his arm, showing off the muscles he had.

I smiled and started walking with him out of the woods. "And you need to read more." I commented.

Theo cringed and stuck out his tongue. "Reading is for nerds like you." He then thoroughly gave me the worst noogie I had ever had.

Eventually, we got to his house, my legs probably would've given out on me at this point had it not been for Theo's encouragement, If you could even call it that. He had to hold me up at one point which embarrassed me to the point of almost passing out but that's that I guess. The house wasn't even particularly bad looking either, it was just really old looking. Like something from the 1920's. He helped me inside and we collapsed onto the nearest couch. He laughed and I did as well. It felt like we were little kids again. It was just me and him for a while, until his foster mom came downstairs and about scared us half to death when she decided to speak up. "Hello Kasper, Hello Theodor. Fun day I assume?" She only ever called Theo by his name, it was weird but Theo didn't seem to mind. I think he was just happy to have a roof over his head again. 
Theo nodded. "Wicked actually." He wrapped an arm around me and I swear my entire face went red.

  His foster mom smiled and winked at me, leaving us alone together in the living room. Alone.

"Hey lovebirds!"

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