Chapter 1

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"This still seems like a stupid idea."

Bryce turned around to look at his friend with a scowl. "That is, like what? 10th time you said this?"

The bearded man rolled his eyes, tighting his grip on the backpack. It's not like he wanted to go in the first place.

"I'm just saying, do you really expect us to find some 'powerful' spirits in a forest?"

He really didn't meant to be so mean, but they were here for at least 3 hours, trying to figure out the right way! Do you really not expect him to be like this?

"You need to have a little bit more hope, Luke."

"Yeah, 'little bit more hope' my ass! Im tired!"

The younger male couldn't help but chuckle, his chearful personallity not letting him be mad so long.

"We had a break 3 minutes ago."

Luke opened his mouth as to say something, but he quickly shut it. Glaring at Bryce, he pointed at him.

"You won this time, McQuaid but just you wait! The revenge shall be mine!"

Putting his left arm where his heart is, Bryce give Luke his best fake scared expresion.

"No please! I have a wife and 8 children!"

Luke chuckled and tried to whistle, key word 'tried'.

"I see you've been busy with your wife, 'cause damn that's a ton of kids."

The two men were staring at each other for a few seconds before bursting into a fit of laughter, making the quiet and scary looking forest seem like a wonderland, at least to them.

But they weren't the only one having fun. Because somewhere deeper in the forest, two spirits were having a staring contest. Not so boring as it may seem.
The sparkling blue eyes were staring directly into the soft green ones without blinking, both pair of eyes watering.

"I'm going to win!" The green eyed man grinned, trying his best not to bling.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that, Ohm." The blue eyed man grinned back, chuckling a little bit.

After 2 minutes Ohm finally blinged and in that moment the other male started celebrating, making Ohm chuckle.

"I won, bitch! I finally won something! Now Im the champion!"

"I will beat you next time, Delirious!"

Delirious looked at him with a playful smirk.

"Wanna bet?"

Ohm chukled again, standing up from the uncomfortable sitting position he and Delirious were in.

"I mean, if we had something to bet than yes but, you know."

Delirious lied down on the grass, looking up at Ohm.

"Shit, that's true. We need some money, man. You know, so we can bet like ol' times."

The other male stretched his arms while looking up at the blue sky.

"Yeah, we really do."

There was a silence between them, both of them just looking up at the sky, watching the clouds slowly move. It wasn't awkward silence, it was... peaceful.  Just the 2 of them, and the world.

"You know..." Ohm broke the silence, making Delirious look at him curiously. "I always wondered what it's like, well, being normal, you know? As much as these powers are cool, how nice must it be to be a human. Going anywhere you want without being afraid... Living life..."

Ohm stopped himself, nervousness began to form in his features.

"Sorry, Im babbling again." When he said that, Delirious's smile fell.

"No you are not, Ohm. I thought about the same thing many times..."

Ohm looked at the blue eyed man surprised, not really expecting him to be thinking about this.


Delirious sadly laughed.

"Of course! I may be full of stupid jokes and weird ideas but that doesn't mean Im incapable of thinking about it."

Ohm sighed and looked up at the sky again before slowly lying down next to Delirious.

"Yeah, i guess it was kinda stupid of me to think you wouldn't thought about this."

Delirious laughed, making Ohm look at him with a grin.

"Yeah, it was really stupid of you."

The green eyed spirit rolled his eyes before pushing Delirious, making the other male roll away with a laugh.

Delirious sat up, glaring at Ohm playfully he attacked him with the power of tickles!

Ohm, of course, started laughing loudly and tried to get away but there was no use.

"Delirious stop! Please! Have mercy!" Ohm was able to say between his fits of laughter.

They were having fun until they heard voices, making them both freeze in fear.

"Great! Now we are lost! Good job, Bryce!"

"You lost the map! It's not my fault!"

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