Chapter 6

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Delirious slowed down, looking around he sighed. For how long was he running?

His heart was beating rapidly but at least he was calmer now that the humans were out of his sight. He was safe. But... Ohm was still out there, somewhere away from Delirious. For what he know's, the humans could've got him!

He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath he started to calm down.

Ohm his strong and smart, he surely got away. For now, Delirious just need's to follow the plan.

Opening his eyes again, he observed the place. Normal trees were around him, but one in particular caught his attention.

This tree was... big to say at least. To humans it must seem like a normal tree, but Delirious knew better. His strong yet thin tree trunk was more... 'welcoming' shade of brown. His leafs beautiful shades of green, reminding him of Ohm's kind green eyes.

He felt himself smile, not only because of the thought of Ohm but because now he knows where he is. That calmed him down much more.

"Okay..." He sighed out, turning away from the tree he looked to his left.

"If the Tree of Protection is here, that mean's..." He trailed off, as he started to walk he caught a glimpse of a small creature, playing with the flowers who were just a little bit smaller than him.

"Bingo." Delirious thought, letting himself smile. It took a second, but when the creature saw him it let out a small shriek of excitment before running to the water spirit.

"Delirious! Man, I missed you so much! What are you doing here?!" The creature yelled out to him, it's surprisingly normal voice reaching to his ears. Delirious grinned.

"Hey, Lui. I was just...uhm..." Delirious trailed off, not knowing what to really say, while kneeling down in front of the creature, to seem at least a little bit smaller.

At this answer the creature, Lui, chuckled. Looking into his friend's blue eyes, he spoke. "You got lost again, didn't you?"

Delirious's grin faded away, being replaced with serious, yet scared look. The excitment in Lui's brown eyes seemed to fade away too at the sudden change in his friend's mood.

"Not really..." Delirious paused, taking a deep breath he continued. "Lui, listen. I don't know how much time we got but we need to get to the castle. Now."

Lui looked at the water spirit with confused and concerned look. This is not a normal behavior for his, normally cheerful, friend. "Why? What's going on?"

Delirious looked directly into the eyes of his smaller friend, scaring him. "Two humans are rooming the forest and Ohm is still out there, alone. We need to inform the king before something bad happens."

At these words, Lui widened his eyes. "How did they found us?! All the books should be destroyed!" He yelled out, making some birds fly away from their peaceful homes.

Delirious softly glared at him, shushing him. "I know, that's what I thought too but apparently they somehow got their hand's on the, supposedly destroyed, books."

The small creature tugged at his dark brown hair, his skin going pale. "This is bad."

The spirit let out a heavy sigh and nodded, silently agreeing with his friend.

After a small moment of silence, Lui looked at his friend. "Okay, let's go. I should have enought magic to teleport both of us without the humans noticing."

Delirious looked back at him with a little smile. "Thanks, Lui."

The small creature nodded, letting out a quick 'you're welcome' before going to the flowers, the water spirit following him.
Another chapter! Yey, right? Have some Lui here guys, hope the chapter is okay.^^ Im about to go right on chapter 7! You excited? I know I am.

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