Chapter | 13√

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Nadia shut her eyes tightly, ready to be reprimanded by the teacher. But when she heard nothing, she opened her eyes, only to see she was on the field.

Woah, how did I get here? She wondered in Amazement. I need to see Nurse Anya but first, where is that vampire?

She searched her surroundings. Having not seen him after some time, she concluded that he was already inside the school building.

She searched the hallways, meeting with different teachers at intervals who questioned her on why she wasn't in class. She always explained the situation and showed them the pass the nurse had given her.

She finally gave up, thinking that maybe he has gone to class. She turned into another hallway, only to bump into someone.

"Sorry," she quickly apologized.

"I've been looking for you everywhere," she looked up to see Ahryan, staring down at her.

"What did he say?" he asked, concerned. "I hope you're not in trouble because of me."

"No, I am not. I got out before he could see me."

"But how?" he asked confused.

"I teleported."

"You didn't tell us you are a hybrid."

"I'm not."

"But you just told me that you teleported. Elementalists can't do that."

Nadia just shrugged. He was about to say something else when someone interrupted them by calling Nadia. They both turned around to see Makena who had a guilty and apologetic look on her face. She walked over to them.

"I want to speak to Nadia," She told Ahryan.

He smiled. "Go ahead, I'm not stopping you."

"Alone," she clarified.

"If you want to say anything, say it. I won't tell anyone."

Makena smiled sweetly and said, "Ok, you can stay..."

Ahryan grinned but that quickly dropped when she adds.

"But that means I will have to tell Faryal that you're dodging classes."

Ahryan quickly turned around and started walking away.

"That's what I thought." she turned to Nadia. "He's really scared of his cousin."

"Yeah," Nadia agreed.

There was an awkward silence until they both simultaneously said;

"I wanted..."

"You see..."

There was an awkward pause.

Nadia quickly said, "You go first."

"I wanted to apologize for yesterday," Makena began. "I shouldn't have said what I said and I really shouldn't have said it was your fault, you were just trying to help a friend. You were right, we should have told you the rules."

Nadia smiled softly. "It's okay. I understood and I still understand. You said all that you said in a fit of rage. I accept your apology."

"So, we are still friends?" Makena asked hopefully.

"Yeah friends," Nadia stretched her arms for a hug but Makena quickly moved back.

"Sorry, I don't do hugs," she explained

"Me neither," Nadia quickly said, bringing her arms back to her side. "I was just...erm...stretching my arms."

Makena let out a snort just as the bell rang and students started rushing out of their classes.

"Let's go," Ahryan said from behind them.

Makena turned to face him with a scowl. "I thought, I told you to go to class."

"I did," he defended. "I'm hungry. Let's go get lunch," he said before walking off.

Makena shook her head knowing he was lying about going to class but she let it be.

"Have you girls made up," Mia asked when the girls have settled down along with the others. Abhay's seat was the only one empty.

"Yes," the two girls responded at the same time.

"Poor Abhay," Joanna sighed with pity. "He probably wants to sit with us but that girl won't let him."

Everyone's attention was now on the said boy who was seated at Leia's table, his head low, as he listened to whatever Leia was saying.

"He looks fine to me," Ahryan said, bringing his attention back to the table and taking a sip of his drink.

"He doesn't look fine to me," Nadia interjected, still feeling guilty.

Ahryan scoffed. "Can't you people see what I'm seeing."

Everyone exchanged confused glances.

"Look at them," he persisted.

They turned back to look at Leia's table and then back at him, still lost at what he was trying to make them understand.

"Just forget it," he grumpily said.

They must be blind to not see the flustered look on those two faces He thought.

Nadia abruptly stood up from her chair which got her friend's attention in the process. "I forgot. I need to discuss something with nurse Anya."

Mia frowned. "You hardly spend time with us, you're always with that Nurse."

"I just need to discuss something, keep an eye on my bag. Please."

She quickly left the Cafeteria and headed for the nurse's office, when she got there it was locked. Great, when something really important comes up, she's not here. She decided to head over to the principal office but it was also locked.

Where are they?

She decided to head back to the cafeteria, as she got closer, she could hear a lot of loud voices and shouts inside. She quickly hurried up and pushed the doors open.

She saw a lot of people gathered at the other side of the cafeteria including her friends while others were still at their tables minding their business. She quickly walked over to her friends.

"What's happening?" she asked no one in particular.

Ahryan answered, "Some demon dude and a shifter."

"What caused the fight? Who are fighting."

"We don't know how it started. I think the demon dude is either called Jake, Jace, or is it Bryan, I think..."

He didn't finish because Nadia was already pushing through the crowd trying to get to the front. She was a bit shocked to see Jace holding a guy and punching him repeatedly.

"Jace!" she screamed and ran towards him ignoring the stares and whispers from the students.

She grabbed his arm but he flung it back, making her release him and fall to the floor. But she stood up again and held his arm tightly.

"Stop it, Jace! It's me, Alexandra."

He seemed to stop at that and he slowly turned his head towards her, not getting off the nearly unconscious guy. Nadia would be lying if what she saw didn't terrify her.

He had bulging black veins on his arms and on his face, which were extended towards his pitch-black eyes that were emitting smoke from them. But she decided to ignore it and instead got him to stand up.

She didn't let go of his arm, so that he won't attack the guy again, "Just calm down, alright?"

Jace clenched his fists tightly. "He was saying disgusting things about you to his friends. Talking about how he will....will.."

He couldn't complete his sentence. Nadia looked at the guy who was struggling to stay conscious, no one bothered to help him because they were finding her and Jace more entertaining.

Nadia cupped his cheek, staring at him softly. "Thank you."

"Hey, babe," everyone's attention went to the guy on the floor. With a crooked smile on his face, he said, "Why don't you come over to my dorm tonight, we could have a great time."

Before Nadia could let out a retort, Jace had already handled the situation. He stepped hard on a very precious organ of the shifter. The victim cursed with his eyes wide open, he curled into a ball, grabbing his area.

Jace turned his attention back to Nadia and then surprised her by quickly wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her in for a passionate kiss. Claiming her as his.

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