Chapter | 24√

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🗝Dorm Room 45

Mia paced the length of her room in worry, she was dressed in her pajamas. Her hair is in a ponytail and her bangs fall above her eyes. She was worried for her friend.

“I seriously don't trust that demon, Jace. I don't trust any of his specie!”

Faryal looked up from the book she was reading, giving her total attention to her friend. Their other roommates were in the bathroom, showering, giving them enough time to discuss in private.

“What is it this time Mia, the tests are coming up next week. I need to read,” Faryal's soft and gentle voice filled the room.

Faryal was the quiet type, just speaking up when necessary or when asked a question. Faryal had a kind and gentle soul, just like how a child of an angel is meant to be. She was the peacemaker in their group and settled conflicts when they got too heated.

Faryal had never met her father, her mother had told her that he left when she was born. She had been angry and sad but after she got her wings for the first time, two years ago when she was sixteen, she finally understood. She was scared to go home, but a Senser saw her and explained what she was.

She understand a little that her father had duties but why did he wed the mother anyway if he knew he couldn't stay? When she went home along with her Senser, everything was explained to the mother. Faryal was afraid of rejection but her mother was overjoyed, she hugged her and called her a gift from Allah. Faryal was immediately sent to forestlands

“It's Nadia. She's falling for that Jace guy and it's going to end badly. Things never go well with demons, they are aggressive and they act irrationally when angered ” Mia explained, frustrated.

Faryal exhaled, exasperated. “Nadia is not a child Mia, we can't tell her what to do and what not to do.”

“But you said it before, demons are bad news, since the very beginning. We need to help her, she's thinking with her heart, not her head,” Mia tried to persuade her, her tone coming out as desperate.”

“I gave her my advice as her friend. If she doesn't want to take it, that's not my problem. I can't force someone to do what they don't want.”

Mia walked to Faryal's bed and sat on it, before taking her right hand into hers. “You know about my first encounter with his kind, Faryal,” she said in a small voice. “I don't want anything bad to happen to one of my friends.”

Faryal took Mia into her embrace, proving her with the comfort she needed. “Let's see how it goes, alright? If Nadia likes Jace as you said and chooses to be with him, we will be there to help her if any things go wrong. Okay?”

“Okay,” Mia whispered.

Boys dorm
🗝Room 15

“I like her a lot, Bry”

Jace confessed, annoying an irritated Bryan who was trying to get some sleep. Demons didn't necessarily need sleep but they still did because they wanted to feel more like the other students in the institute. They were the only students in their dorm room, they were not meant to have a third roommate.

“Do you think I should tell her?” Jace - who was seated, leaning against the headboard - asked, turning to look at his friend who was face down on his pillow.

“I don't know,” his voice was muffled but Jace still heard him, thanks to his enhanced hearing.

“But her friend, Mia,” he seethed. “She keeps getting in the way.”

“Get rid of her,” please shut up and let me sleep. Do I look like cupid?

Jace did think of that but that will result in Nadia not wanting to see him again. “That's definitely not an option. I think I'm going to tell her, yes I will.”

“Yeah, yeah. Whatever,” Bryan grumbled. “Get some sleep.”

Jace did as told getting under the covers as Bryan smiled to himself. Just as Jace was about to sleep, he heard a scream. It was faint, nobody would have heard it if they weren't a demon. It sounded like it came from deep in the woods.

He would have ignored it, after all, it wasn't his business to look after the students. The demons in the school are his priority, but it will take a lot of willpower and bravery to attack a demon.

Another faint scream rang out and this time he recognized the voice. Wide-eyed he quickly sat up and woke up an already sleeping Bryan.

“Get up, you're coming with me!” he ordered. Not giving his friend a reply, he walked over to the open window and flew out.

Bryan groggily got up, he looked out the window and shot a ferocious glare at Jace's retreating form.

This better be good he went after him.

Nadia's eyes were filled with fear as she saw that a cloaked figure with shining blue eyes had replaced Jace. She looked down at the hand gripping her tightly and let out another scream. It was bony and had barely enough flesh on it.

She struggled to get away but she stilled when an unfamiliar voice in her mind say; Be still. Her body froze, no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't. She began to panic.

Be calm,” the hoarse and scratchy voice commanded again and she found herself relaxing against her will.

The figure removed the hood of the cloak and she found herself staring at a pair of brown eyes that were filled with pain, sorrow, and sadness.

The figure was pale and had brown hair that had lost its shine. Its eyes were sucked into their sockets with eye bags beneath them. The cheeks too were sucked inside, bringing out the shape of the skull. It was malnourished. It was a male.

“I just want to talk,” he said. “It's about the missing students, I-we need your help.”


“Get away from her!” A voice interrupted from behind them, which Nadia recognized.

The figure snapped its head towards the intruders and took a frightened step backwards. Jace didn't hesitate to send a mist of black smoke toward it, it wrapped around the figure and set it on fire.

The hold on Nadia was released and she ran toward Jace. He was expecting her to thank him but was surprised when she screamed;

“Put it off Jace! Now!”

He was confused and looked towards the figure and was surprised to see it gone. He scanned the forest but it was gone. He focused his attention back on Nadia.

Nadia pulled her hair in frustration. “He just wanted to talk!” she was boiling in anger. “But you scared him away or probably killed him!"

Meanwhile, Bryan left eye was twitching in annoyance. Did I leave my sleep for this brat? Why is he letting her walk over him?

“Alexandra?” Jace breathed, confused and slightly hurt.

“Why is he everywhere?” she looked down, asking herself then her eyes were back on his. “Why are you everywhere? He was about to tell me about the missing students and you ruined it!”

“Shut up! okay?” he screamed at her, effectively shutting her up. She stared at him in surprise, Jace has never raised his voice at her.

“That thing!” he pointed towards the forest, never taking his eyes off her, “is dangerous. It was probably taking you away and you are here screaming at me?! How much stupider and naive can you get?” he grabbed her shoulders tightly. “Huh? Tell me?!”

Nadia's eyes rimmed over with tears. “You're hurting me,” her voice shook and she hated it. Why did she have to sound so weak?

Jace suddenly realized that he was gripping her too tight and he quickly released her. His angry expression was replaced with guilt.

“I'm sorry,” he apologized, reaching out to touch her but she moved away.

Nadia looked up at him and said, “They were right about you,” with that she walked away.

“Alexandra, wait!” Jace called, going after her.

Bryan face palmed, he just realized he has been friends with a fool all this time.

“Alexandra, please listen to me!” Jace desperately pleaded.

Nadia ignored him until he grabbed her hand, spinning her around to face him. She crashed into his chest, a breath escaping her. She looked up at him, ready to reprimand him but he stopped her with a kiss.

Nadia responded this time, it was sweet and demanding as Jace poured all his emotions into it. The hurt, the anger, and the bitter-sweet emotion he was feeling.

He pulled away and rested his forehead against hers. Nadia was out of breath and she has left yearning for more.

“I like you, a lot,” he breathed out the words.

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