Chapter | 43√

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Bryan was taking a small walk in the woods, enjoying the cool evening breeze when he heard a swooshing sound behind him. Bryan swiveled to the side just in time to avoid a shadow arrow. He scanned the trees and another arrow shot out. He caught this one just inches away from his face.

“What's this nonsense? Show yourself!”

He instantly felt a presence behind him and spun to see a dark-skinned girl with dreadlocks smiling at him. She was dressed in the AntiResistance uniform. He stared at her in question.

“What are you...”

The girl's fist shot out and he gripped it. Her other fist shot out and his other hand caught it. She headbutted him and he let go of her.

Bryan recovered fast enough to block a kick to his head by using his forearm. He grasped her ankle and she used her other leg to strike, hitting the side of his head. He let her go and she flipped in the air, landing on her feet.

Bryan recovered quickly from the hit and glared at her with his now smoky eyes. He was done playing nice. Despite the murderous look on his face, the girl just seemed to grin wider.

Bryan released a series of fireballs through his fist and she dodged them magnificently, spinning and twirling out of the way.

The girl created a shadow whip in her hand and struck. She landed a hit on his arm, tearing through his clothes and drawing blood. When she went for another strike, Bryan caught it and drew her towards him. She landed with her back against his chest and went snaked an arm around his neck. Gazing into his eyes with her kohl-rimmed ones, she tilted her head, she landed a slight kiss on the side of his lips.

Wide-eyed, Bryan pushed her away from him. She spun around to face him and he sent a kick to her chest, sending her flying backwards. Black wings busted out her back and flapped widely trying to gain balanced. When she landed on her feet, she came running towards him at an alarming speed but Bryan was ready for her.

They collided. The girl sent punches toward Bryan but he blocked them with his fists and forearms. He grabbed one of her arms and flung her over her head, just as she was about to hit the ground, she disappeared leaving smoke behind.

Bryan opened his demonic senses trying to pinpoint her exact location. He knew she was still around but, “Where exactly are you?” he muttered.

He felt a presence behind him and swiveled around only to have the girl take him by surprise by tackling him to the ground. She ended up straddling him and he quickly reversed the position, pinning her arms to avoid her head.

The girl stunned Bryan by letting out a laugh and a for a moment he was enchanted by the sound of it.

“Alright, I yield.” she smiled playfully. When he didn't move, she added, “Or we can stay like this, either option is nice.”

That sent him scampering off her and he fixed her with a hard gaze. She held out her hand to him and retracted it when he ignored it.

Bryan scowled. “Who are you and most importantly why did you attack me? Is this part of training?”

“Relax I was just testing you.”

“Testing me?”

“I have finally found my male.”

“Are you referring to me?”


All Bryan could do was stare at her. She was following the old traditions of demons where female demons will test their males in power displays to see if they were worthy of being their mate. “I'm not interested.”

“But why? We complement each other. We are equal in strength. Besides, I know you like what you see.”

He couldn't help it. His eyes roamed over her body appreciatively. Those kohl-rimmed eyes burned fiercely daring him to say otherwise, a dainty nose hovered above luscious heart-shaped lips. She was tall with glossy skin and luscious curves. She was gorgeous alright but he was still;

“Not interested,” he said, firmly.

The girl tried to reason. “We will breed powerful offspring.”

He was stunned. “You're crazy.”

“Only for you.”

Deciding that she wasn't worth his time. Bryan disappeared from there appearing at the base in an empty hallway, to his surprise she popped up beside him.

He gaped at her in surprise. “How did you? Get away from me.”

“Not until you agree to be my mate. I'm Angel by the way.”

“I don't care.” He disappeared and landed in a slightly occupied hallway. Just when he thought he had finally shaken her off, she appeared beside him.

“Quit following me!”

A voice asked, “Is there a problem?”

They both looked to see their nurse. Miss Emily.

“No offense Mam,” Bryan started. “But why didn't you tell us you also recruit crazies.”

“She's no crazy person, she's my daughter.”

She was adopted because demons were made not born.

He could only open and close his mouth as he kept looking at an amused mother and daughter.

That same evening, Nadia walked up to where Lloyd was spotted under a tree, near the entrance to the base. There were other students around, enjoying the cool evening breeze.

“Can I sit?” she asked.

She sat down when he gave her permission.

“How are you doing?” she inquired.

He looked at his leg and then back at her. “What do you think?”

“I'm sorry about your leg.”

“Why are you apologizing? You aren't the one who did it in the first place.”

“Who would have thought Ahryan would do this.”

“Since when I got here, all I've been thinking of is meeting Ahryan again and getting my revenge”

“Are you going to kill him?” she curiously asked.

He let out a humorless laugh. “Kill him? That's the easiest punishment I've ever heard.”

“It still surprises me how some of the students of forestlands wouldn't hesitate to harm others in the worst of ways,” she wasn't judging, just curious.

“Well, what we've done before makes it easier to do it again. Circumstances bring out the worst in people. Some of us had our powers revealed at crucial times. It made us kill. So being in a problematic situation again, we don't hesitate to do what we have done before. You might also have to kill, you know when we go get the others.”

Then they fell into silence until Nadia asked the question that has been bothering her for a while, “Why did you kiss me in the woods that day?”

He looked at her. “Because I knew Jace was coming.”

She titled her head in question.

Lloyd clarified, “It was the only way I could get back at him. Jace and I have this sought of a silent rivalry thing going on. You're not that special Alexandra, but you do make a good mystery partner.”

“But I have to say this Alexandra. What you did to Jace was bad. You made the guy look like a simpering fool running after you. He was at fault in some place too, I have to say.”

“I didn't, I told him I wasn't interested.”

“Nah. I'm pretty sure it was a come in - come out situation.”

“Mia told me demons were bad,” was her other excuse.

“Yeah and she won't be the one suffering from heartbreak in the end,” he shifted into a comfortable position. “Okay look at this, Ahryan and so many others took down the institution. What they did was wrong, bad even. They are Supernaturals. You and I are Supernaturals, so do his actions mean you and I are bad just because we are also Supernaturals? Come on, that's stupid.”

Not finding a befitting reply, Nadia asked, “Wait? Why do you even care.”

“Because Jace is my only worthy opponent in the school. Ever since you came in, our power fights stopped. Just accept this, so I and Jace can get back to being at each other's throats. I've been so bored ever since you came, except for the mystery-solving part.”

“Don't try to look innocent in this. You were also part of that bracelet plan.”

Lloyd laughed. “Yeah, and you fell for that.”

Nadia contemplated what he said. She needed time to think. “I will see you later.” she stood up and left.

Jace dressed up in his Resistance uniform. White shirt and white trousers. He hated the colour white. Even his room was white. In fact, the whole building was painted white. It was as if the Resistance had made everything white in a failed attempt to purify this disgusting building.

Today, he was going to get out of this deranged hellhole.

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