It all burns down

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The sight of Klaus covered in blood was an alarming one, though not entirely unfamiliar.
But he was standing in front of my house, my childhood home, with a propane tank in hand.

Elijah had been gracious enough to speed me here.

"Klaus, please." I stood between the brothers, Elijah looked like he wanted to step in, but didn't. "Don't do this."

"Should have thought of that before turning my hybrids against me." He held up a lighter threateningly. "If I'd known your kidnapping was really a scheme, I wouldn't have invested so much of my time in them when I could have gone straight to the source."

"That wasn't me! You really think I'd go so far as to actually hurt myself in order to trick you?! That's ridiculous." He flicked open the lighter. "Wait, I'm sorry." At this point it was better to tell the truth. Wasn't it? "She hurt me to get revenge, got me to agree. I was scared."

It helped that the woman's plan was just to give the hybrids free will.

That was her great revenge scheme.

"I gave you the opportunity to be honest. You chose to lie."

Elijah put his hands in his pockets. "We would have protected you." Like it was that simple.

"You never came. I begged- screamed for you. Kol was gone, and you both were nowhere to be found."

"Is that why you've lost your trust in us?" Elijah eyed the tank in Klaus' hands. "If we could have found you sooner, we would have rescued you."

"Drew?" Jeremy called from the front door, still dressed in his pajamas.

Shit. If I couldn't talk Klaus down... this was such a mess. "Jer, get out of the house! Get Elena if she's in there!"

Damn it.

I wish I knew how to use my abilities. I didn't want to accidentally hurt my siblings, but those powers would come in handy about now.

Kol and Finn appeared, clearly keeping their distance, though they were also covered in blood, Finn less than Kol. He'd stopped by my side.

Yay. More fun to add to the already extremely stressful party.

Maybe the sheriff had a point.

While a life on the run wouldn't be ideal, I wouldn't have to worry about the ticking time bombs that were the Mikaelson siblings. It was difficult constantly tip toeing over their fragile feelings because there was never anything less than drastic consequences.

I closed my eyes. Breathe Drew. Breathe.

"What's going on?" Kol asked.

"Drew was just explaining to us how our inability to find her caused all of this. Despite the fact that this kind of plan requires an awful lot of preparation." Klaus gestured broadly in a way that set me on edge.

How could he be so careless with something so explosive?

"Giving your hyrbids free will was wrong?!"

"They were loyal to me." Klaus growled. "They chose this path. Then they chose their means of destruction."

"No, you chose that for them. You killed them. All they wanted was to be free and you wouldn't let them."

He held out his hands. "You've clearly made up your mind. Never forget, little mouse, I may not be able to kill you, but I can certainly make your life a living hell. Your actions will have consequences."


"Yes, yes Kol. I know about your infernal need to keep her safe." Klaus flicked open the lighter. "But she has things to lose that don't involve laying a finger on her."


He threw the propane tank, hard enough that it broke the door. Jeremy wasn't standing there
but had he escaped?

"Wait Klaus. Don't do this." I begged. Kol's hands held me back, and it hurt, how could he try to stop me? When my twin, my family was in there and they were going to burn. "Let me go! Please Klaus."

The very distinct smell of rotten eggs was in the air, all it would take is a spark.

"Niklaus, this isn't necessary." Finn stepped forward but was stopped by Elijah.

"Tell them what you discovered." The noble original spoke. "What the hybrids were truly planning."

"They sought Mikael." Klaus flicked the lighter and threw it.

"NO!" I screamed, fighting against my soulmate's grip.

My childhood home went up in flames, wood popping and paint melting as fire engulfed the exterior.

Screams echoed from the house and I could see two figures in one of the upstairs windows. That would've been Elena's room.

Why weren't they running? I wanted to go help, but Kol's grip wasn't letting up.

"I'll admit, they got close, but our father will never rise, so long as I live." The original hybrid approached me. "And while they claimed to be searching for freedom, your refusal to tell me nearly cost our family. I would've thought after poor Aunt Jenna, you'd learn not to betray me."

"Don't you say her name. You're the one that killed her, you bastard." Kol pulled me away from Klaus. "And now you've killed the last of my fucking family." I didn't care that my voice wobbled or that my hands were shaking. "For what? To prove a point? That you're always in control of everyone? It's pathetic."

I hated him.

I despised how he treated people like this and got away with it, his brothers did nothing.

Elijah did nothing.

When I tore out of Kol's grip, he let me. "And all of you? You're all scared of a man that's long since dead, or buried, but he's gone. I lost them because of someone who's never coming back." I sobbed, pointing furiously to the burning building. "You're cowards."

The sound of sirens startled me out of my tirade.

Why did our fire department have such sucky timing? "We should go." Elijah glanced at his brothers wearily.

"I'm not going anywhere, not with him."

Klaus glared. "You might not be happy with me, but in the end, it would've been inevitable they would die."

"Nik, leave her be." Kol looked hurt, and it stung to know I'd been the cause. "She needs to grieve."

The words spilled out of my mouth before I could stop them. "Don't bother coming back. I renounce whatever connections I thought I had with any of you." But I meant them.

I needed to find somewhere I'd be safe from the Originals.

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