New York

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Hybrids moved around me, setting up Klaus' latest apartment. He knows how to stay places, I'll give him that. I was seated at the dining table, feet on the chair across from me as I read, comfortably out of the way of his minions.

"Don't tell me you're more interested in reading than what's going on around you." Klaus stole my book. "We're in New York, little mouse, why don't you take Jamie and a few other hybrids and explore the big city. You've been stubbornly cooped up for weeks."

"Maybe, if you didn't kidnap me." I grabbed it back. "I'd be more compliant."

"Let's go back to Mystic Falls then. I'm sure Damon would be more than happy to undergo the affects of a werewolf bite again." He grasped the top of the chair my feet were on.

"Like you've never used that threat before. Come up with something more original."

"I can hear your heartbeat love."

"It's really creepy when you tell me that." I flipped a page aggressively, even if I wasn't paying any more attention to the story.

Klaus couldn't go back. All he did was hurt my friends and family. If I could stop him, I would. Especially if it kept him from finding out Elena was alive.

"Fine. I'll leave you to your books. Far be it from me to try and help you see something further than that small town." He held his hands up in surrender. "I'll be back later this evening. If you change your mind, I want Jamie with you."


As soon as he was gone, Jamie sat down, arms resting on the table and he leaned on it excitedly. "So, are we actually gonna go?"

"Nope." All I wanted was to settle back into my spot and read. Was that too much to ask?

"I never get to go out and it's New York." He stressed, laying across the table dramatically.

"You can thank Klaus for assigning you to be my personal body guard."

"Okay." Jamie pulled my book out of my hands and kept it far out of my reach. "You and I both know you're not reading that. Why are you being so difficult?"

"He killed my aunt and sister. Any protest I can do to inconvenience him even a little bit, I will." I crossed my arms, slumping back into my seat.

He groaned. "I don't think it affects him that much if you stay inside and read or go out on the town and explore. Drew c'mon. I'll be your best friend." He offered hopefully.

Friggin' puppy eyes. "Fine, fine."

Jamie grinned. "Yes!" He punched the air excitedly. "New York!"

I couldn't help but laugh as he practically ran out of the room. He was a werewolf from Colorado and Klaus figured that since we were around the same age, and he was practically a golden retriever in human form, that we'd get along.

And we did.

If he wasn't so loyal to Klaus, I might consider him one of my friends. It was actually almost scary how closely he followed every command, how they all did.


"Hello gorgeous. Happy birthday."

Had it really been that long? Was I eighteen?

"What's wrong?" Kol wrapped his arms around me.

"It's just. This is my first birthday without Jeremy. I've never been away from my family for so long."

"Ah but this is also your first birthday with me."

"It's the second, technically. I started seeing you the night I turned seventeen." I played with one of the buttons on his vest. I needed something to get my mind off it. "How old were you, when you turned?"

"That one's a little difficult to answer darling. Our calendars were different a thousand years ago."


"I was alive for eighteen summers, or so I was told."

"So you were the same age as I am now?"

"Technically speaking, yes. Why do you ask?"

I shrugged. "Just wondering. You know, Klaus keeps leaving me semi-unattended. I have a hybrid body guard but that's pretty much it, I could undagger you and your siblings."

His knuckles brushed my jaw. "As much as I'd love to see you, I'd rather you not anger Niklaus. You remember what happened the night of his sacrifice."


"Exactly my love. Let Niklaus finish his little pet project and he might let us out. Have patience, our time will come." He promised. "You have Elijah there too. He can keep Niklaus under relative control."

"He could- if he wasn't in one of those forbidden coffins."

"What? Why did you not tell me?!"

"I didn't want you to worry! Klaus hasn't done anything but drag me across the country looking for wolves. If I really thought I was in danger, I would've done something about it."

Not that I could've really done anything against Klaus. Especially with his hybrids watching my every move.

"Angel, I agonize over your safety every precious waking moment I have. Your friends and my family are the greatest danger to you. If word gets out that you are my soulmate, there are monsters who will hunt you until your last breath." Kol took my face in his hands. "For whatever reason Niklaus is honoring our bond. He would've killed you already if he wasn't. Follow his rules for the time being and please, for the love of the old gods, tell me if anything changes. No more dodging sleep when you don't want to talk to me."



"I promise."

He grinned. "That's all I needed to hear." Kol leaned forward, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

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