The Ball

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Tonight was the Mikaelson ball.

Elijah felt there was a celebration to be made, but how could he and Klaus throw a party when two of their siblings weren't even here.

"You look beautiful, sister." Finn leaned against the doorframe.

"Thanks." The dress I had was from Rebekah. Apparently they'd been planning this for a while. It fit surprisingly well. "Why don't you go get ready, I'm sure I'll be fine."

I felt bad, he'd been waiting outside my door while I'd gotten dressed, because while Klaus and Elijah managed the mass amount of people getting this party ready, Finn was stuck on babysitting duty.

It did help me feel safer though.

"Niklaus would have my head."

"Fair point." Klaus had been extra irritable today.

"I have to admit, I'm nervous about tonight."

"How so?" I reluctantly pulled out a pair of painful looking heels. There was a note in the box.

'You'll thank me later'
- Rebekah

"A lot can change in nine hundred years."

"Nine- you've been in that box for that long?!"

Finn nodded. "They're a special kind of hell."

"Kol told me a little bit about them, but I imagine your experience was different. He got to see me at least."

"It's like being trapped in a never ending dream, aware of my body, but unable move or speak." He looked away.

"I'm so sorry." Kol had his dagger, and I'd find the rest of them. Klaus wouldn't be doing that again if I could help it. "That sounds awful."

"Bonding, brother?" Speak of the devil. "Why don't you go get ready, I'll escort Drew downstairs."

Finn and I shared a glance before he took his leave.

We hadn't exactly been on a happy subject.

"Klaus." I stepped into my heels, hadn't been the first time I'd been to a ball in shoes like these and it likely wouldn't be the last. "You're a horrible brother."

He rolled his eyes. "What is it I've done this time, little mouse?"

"Daggering your siblings."

"It's for their own good." He shrugged. "Finn endangered the family and he's so boring."

"This is why people try to kill you." It was going to come back to bite him in the ass. Just like me betraying him with the woman in the woods wasn't going to go over very well. Not unless she could get everything to go according to plan.

"They can try, they won't succeed and they in turn will meet a gruesome end." Klaus held out his arm. "Enough of this talk, this will be your first of many Mikaelson parties, and I won't have it ruined."

"Fine, but this isn't over."

"I wouldn't expect anything less of you." He grinned. "Sticking up for people has become your favorite pass time."

I grabbed his arm. "I might as well take advantage of the fact that you can't kill me."

"There are things worse than death, little mouse. You'd do well to remember that." He pat my hand as he lead me down the hall.

The chatter of hundreds of people echoed on the walls, even upstairs. Despite the fact I'd done this since I was little, this ball felt different then the rest.

"Have you heard from Kol?" It'd be better to change the subject. It was only a reminder, hardly a threat, but if I pushed him any further, he would escalate.

"I haven't, but he'll be back soon. He's drawn to you like a moth to a flame. He couldn't stay away even if he wanted to."

Then why has he been gone so long already?

I was kidnapped and he still didn't come.

"Cheer up, love, we're about to welcome in our guests."

Oh shit, wait. "Who exactly has been invited to this?"

"The town received an open invitation, while a few select people a personal note from each of us." We were getting too close to the party for comfort.

"Right, but I may have done something and the council might be after me." Why'd I have to do something so stupid as telling Elizabeth Forbes that I'd been recently turned.

The sheriff was going to kill me.

"No need to worry sweetheart. Should anyone lay a finger on you here, I shall rip them limb from limb."

"That's comforting Klaus, but I've been kidnapped too many times to feel even a little confident in that." The majority of the time it was him who'd taken me.

"And it won't happen again, no one would dare take you in a room full of Originals. I've even invited the Salvatores and Caroline as extra insurance. My hybrids will be patrolling the grounds, there is no where safer than here."

I'll believe it when I don't get kidnapped.

"Fine, I trust you. Wait, what about Ric?"

Klaus stopped at the top of the stairs and damn near the entire town was here. "We're releasing the teacher tonight as a gesture of good will. Can't have you sulking because I've stolen your favorite hunter." He smiled and stepped up to the balcony. "Welcome honored guests to our humble home, tonight we celebrate my family's arrival in your historic town. The first dance will be one centuries old but still well known, the classic waltz. Please find a partner and enjoy your evening."

"Quite the opener." I allowed myself to be escorted down the steps.

"I have a flair that's been perfected for centuries, given the opportunity, I can be as proper as Elijah." He offered polite smiles to different guests and smoothly lead me to the dance floor. "That'll be our little secret, mouse. It'd ruin my reputation."

"Right, because that's something you should be worried about." The steps were all too familiar, though thankfully Klaus knew what he was doing because the last time I'd waltzed was in eighth grade and it was required for gym class.

He tutted. "I have a surprise for you."

"Am I going to like it?"

"I'd hope so."

I turned, that wasn't Klaus. "Kol!"

"Hello, my love, miss me?"

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