Wolf Bite

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The Salvatore house was unusually dark and still. Damon set me down and almost immediately dropped to his knees.

"Whoa." I grabbed his head, but he was already out of it. "What's wrong." Damon's skin had a sheen of sweat, I hadn't noticed it before, but now I could see it.

What could make a vampire have a fever?

Shit, what do I do?

He blinked, a crease in his brow.

Stefan. I needed to call Stefan. "Alright, c'mon Salvatore." I hooked my arms under his and Damon's head fell onto my shoulder. I guess I'll just add this to the list of things I need to be worried about tonight.

I couldn't think about Jenna or Elena. I couldn't fall apart yet.

Damn he was heavy. Dragging him to the couch was a feat all on its own. I was actually pretty impressed with myself, even if I had to pause several times to catch my breath and I was as sweaty as him.

Okay. Stefan. The line rang.

And rang.

Why wasn't he answering? Had Klaus killed him too? Would Caroline know? She had to have learned something from the Salvatores.


"Caroline, you're alive." I let out a breath. "It's Damon, he's sick."

"I'm a little busy at the moment."

"Right, I know, but he saved me from Klaus and just dropped. He's not responding to me."

She huffed. "Did you check him for any bites? He saved me and Tyler and it's a full moon."

"I don't know what that means Care." Though I did start working off Damon's leather jacket. "Why would Tyler bite him?"

"If a warewolf bites a vampire, they'll die. Did you find anything?"

"When did- nevermind, uh." I searched him and found it. "He's got a bite on his forearm. There's like black veins surrounding it. It looks bad."

"Shit. Okay, you need to lock him in one of the cells downstairs. He's gonna start hallucinating soon and he'll get dangerous."

I set a hand on my hip, pacing along the rug. "Caroline, I could barely get him to the couch, what do you think's gonna happen if I try to drag him downstairs. I don't have supernatural strength and Damon is of no help."

"Then leave him on the couch, just don't stick around when he's lucid. I've gotta go Drew." She hung up on me.

There was no way anyone else was available. Not with the sacrifice. "Guess it's just you and me Salvatore." I knelt down next to him, gingerly helping him to be more comfortable.

Damon was mumbling under his breath, eyes flickering back and forth under his eyelids.

"That looks like it's painful."

"Probably is. Unless you can magically heal a werewolf bite, I can't figure out why you're here." I sent a look over my shoulder at him. "I don't like you."

Elijah put his hands in his pockets, a small, amused smile on his lips. "Come, it's time to go get Kol."

Was this what he was talking about earlier? Was this the choice? Between my friends and family and the Mikaelsons. "How do I know this isn't just Klaus' empty words?"

Damon's hand shot out, making me jump, and grabbed hold of my forearm. Though he seemed as dead to the world as before.

"He gave me his word that as soon as this sacrifice business was done, he'd lead me to the remnants of my family."

"No offense Elijah, but I don't trust his word, now, I have a sick friend I need to take care of." Damon's grip wasn't that strong, so I moved it to my hand. "And I'm not particularly fond of the idea of being playing family with the guy who killed most of mine."

"That bite makes him a danger to you."

"Thank you, Captain Obvious." I brushed some of the hair away from his forehead. Would a cold rag work? Like in the movies? Elijah took off his jacket, laying it across an armchair. "What are you doing?"

"Well, if you insist on staying here, then I shall assist you in any way I can." He began rolling up his sleeves. "Including, getting you out of here should he become violent." Elijah said it so casually, like he was commenting on the weather.

"Fine." That was as good as I was gonna get. "Any ideas on how to get his fever down?"

Elijah disappeared and then walked back carrying a bowl and towel. Huh. So that was a real thing. "Wring this out and lay it across his forehead. It was what my mother used to do when we were ill as children."

I did as told and the Original took a seat on a loveseat nearby. "What was it like, way back then?"

"We lived under the tyrannical rule of our father, but we had happy memories. Times where the village would dance together or hunt."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be." Elijah gave me a gentle smile. "My father isn't a danger anymore."

"Is- or was he a vampire?"

"He lies desiccated somewhere only Niklaus himself knows of." Elijah shifted. "He devoted his eternity to killing the very monsters he created."

That was- a lot. No wonder Klaus was always so paranoid. "Do you know how to cure wolf bites?"

"Why do you care for this vampire?"

"He's my friend Elijah, I don't want him to die." It was weird seeing Damon defenseless. He always acted so infallible.

"If I told you I had a theory, would you come with me?" He was bribing me.

"That depends. What is it?" And it was working.

"Niklaus is a hybrid of vampire and werewolf, at least he will be when he breaks this curse. Vampire blood has a tendency to heal, I think his blood would heal Damon."

I dipped the rag in water before replacing it on Damon's forehead. He leaned into it, so there's that at least. "You think Klaus would go for that? He hates Damon."

"Yes. You are Niklaus' greatest leverage should he raise Kol."

"So what you're saying is, I trade my life in Mystic Falls for the chance that Damon can be cured."

Elijah nodded. "You aren't safe in this town and you need to adjust to being in our family."

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