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No ones POV

Running. Always the relentless running. No matter what she did, it always came to running. She'd hide then They would find her.

Celina ran through the sodden grass in her mesh converse.
The gate, splayed on her left, looked like something from the 17th century. Pearly, black steel with delicate arrowheads atop each spoke. The fence was only a mere 9 feet tall, easy to jump over. She jumped over and landed with nothing more than a barely audible grunt.
The chapel was out another 30yards or so, but its beautiful features were still visual. At first glance it looked like a Russian Gothic Church. Gargoyles sat patiently on their platforms, shadowed by the large window with an over hanging peak. As Celina got closer she could easily tell the place was run down. Black burns adorned the exterior walls. She could also see that the windows had been blown out. The glass still lined the side walks, like the stars lined the sky. She stopped to take in the pure beauty of the building.
A noise came from behind her and someone grabbed her from behind. At first panic filled her body, then realizing the strength of her capturer, realizing she had no chance to fight ,she relaxed. His face came down to her ear, she could feel his breath on her neck, quietly he whispered, "Shhhh... Its just me"
She got loose of his grip and turned around with a grin on her face.
" Long time, no see." Celina said after a brief moment of silence.
" Yea too long." He replied.
"So? How have you been Damon?"
"Good. And yourself?"
" Better then usual." Celina said monotone.
With that they walked into the chapel. They walked through the room once used for Sunday prayer. Celina imagined it, people kneeled down in between the pews in silence. So peaceful it must've been.
Damon turned down a narrow hallway. She followed and went down the stairs that were at the end of that hall.
It smelled of mildew and was dark. No sounds were made except the sound of their footfalls and occasional drip of water hitting the concrete.
At the top she thought she had heard the steady beat of music. And with each step the music became louder.
They reached the bottom of the long staircase and they came to a door. The door was rusty from being in the damp air for so long. And not to mention how old it was, though it was significantly newer than the rest of the building.
Damon banged his fist against the large metal door. And the music shut off, footsteps came on the other side. The door slowly squeaked open to reveal a large body bathed in darkness. The only part she could see fully was his feet.
"I've been waiting for you Celina," the mans voice echoed throughout the building.
Then the man stepped out into the light where she could see his handsome features.
The man had soft hazel eyes and hair that matched. His brown hair reached to his jawline. He had 5 o'clock shadow.
She knew who he was, " Eliza!" She said with excitement. She jumped into his arms and they both laughed.
They made it into the building. They all sat on the black velvet couch, and talked a while.
"So are Felix and Zeno here?"Celina asked.
" They should arrive at any mo-" before Eliza could finish his statement, there was a knock at the door, "speaking of the devils."
Felix and Zeno came in with their faces white.
"Get ready to leave. They flagged us all the way here with those damn dogs." Zeno said in his Jersey accent.
They all rushed to their room, grabbed their bags and ran out the escape route in the back. They ran into the forest which was dark and if they went off the invisible path they'd get lost and never get out.
They all ran, not taking a break until a predetermined stop.
When they made it to Alpha, or the first stop, they looked at their surroundings. The lake on their left was a crystal blue and the moon sparkled across the surface. The white light bathed the dark land making it harder to avoid Them should they need to. They continued on after taking a drink.
The second and third were not nearly as beautiful. Dead trees lied on the floor and some strong, brave dead trees stood amongst the other trees that were alive. The leaves either on or that remained on the trees, were brown and falling.
"We should be there soon." Eliza said. He was right. They ran strait into the clearing before the gate.
The gait was humongous. In the vast land beyond the gates held a tree. It contrasted the trees they could see. Where the trees around them were dying this one was thriving. It had to be the width of 100 people standing shoulder to shoulder. The roots jutted in any direction. Going back under the dirt, only to emerge once again. The brown liquor of tree bark rose for miles. The branches seemed to reach to the far ends of the Earth. Smaller branches came off each other going crazily in any direction. They followed the path of the sun, as if it were guiding them home.
They gate began to open . inch by inch slowly did it open. Celina felt like she was being watched but could tell by what. The slow opening of the gate began to annoy her. She found herself subconsciously tapping her foot and ceased immediately. The feeling of being watched didn't stop, but became worse.
Once the gate was open enough for them to slip through, they did just that. They looked around as the walked through the abandoned concourse. Dead leaves blew in the wind through the cold fog. The empty area was abandoned and dark.
"looks like no ones been here in over 100 years" Felix, who was British, said.
" well we should still try to find the archive building. They may have a way to defeat them," Celina said reasonably.

The archive building's architecture was over 400 years old. The massive building had 3 equally spread pillars made of quartz, as the rest of the building was. The exterior of the building was magnificent though the inside was marvelous. The paintings were the most exquisite and classy of artworks. Centuries of art had been all over the walls, almost swallowing them whole. Celina had gone with Eliza to see the Sistine chapel. The murals that cover the ceilings there looked like a four year olds finger painting compared to this ceiling.
"Can I help you?" A lady with beautiful red hair said. Her eyes were the golden color of the sand of the Sahara Desert. Her skin was white and seemed to have a translucency to it. As if reading their minds she said in a soft voice, " records are the third door the the left," she pointed towards the hallway behind her.
As they walked passed her, Celina couldn't help but notice Damon looking at her perfect figure and felt a twinge of jealousy. I'm not his lover, she thought, why do I care?
She went in the archive room and was in shock by what she saw. Humanoid robots sat in chairs where computers should be. This technology was decades ahead of their time. Celina walked up to the robot labeled Quatz and she heard it whir to life.
"Hello Celina, and welcome to the Keepers Gallow. How might I help you today?" The robot spoke.
"How do you know my name?" Celina said, half afraid and half amazed.
"No need to be freighted, my dear. It's simply face recognition software. Now about your questions. The answer you seek on Them you must figure out yourself. Your question as to him is in your heart. Let that be your compass and all your imponderables' answers will become clear. In time of course." Quatz very wisely advised.
Celina glanced around the room and the only person missing was Damon, who no doubt went after the nice secretary. That jealousy inside her flared up again. She had no clue as to why though.
"You already know the answer." Quatz said from over her shoulder as he morphed into some very attractive man around her age.
"What the...'' Celina said highly confused.
"We've bonded I believe. I'll be bound to you till eternity's end," he bowed just then, "your loyal servant."
She started to shake her head. It was a lot to take in, but she didn't have anytime to think about it because there was a loud scream coming from the next room.
They rushed to see what had happened. Celina was the only one to see the crimson red on the floor. There were tiny droplets of blood leading into the dark. Part of her knew what had happened but she needed to see it for herself to actually believe it. She was the only one who dared walk into the dark, even after the others dismissed it as they saw nothing alarming.
She heard heavy breathing and slight grunting as she continued step by step.
"Damon? Are you there?" She asked, and that's when she saw him.
She rushed over to him and scanned him, afraid to touch him thinking it'd hurt him. She saw a gash big enough for her to put her fist in it.
"Oh my God..." Tears feel down her face, while her hands shook violently.
"Celina I need you to know something. I've loved you for as long as I've known you. I never told you because you seemed happy with Eliza and I didn't want to hurt you or him," he coughed twice and continued," I hope when I die you remember me in the next life."
"My turn, I feel the exact same way. I always loved you, even in past lives," she said talking about her dreams," I was happy with Eliza but I've don't want him."
He pulled her close to him and kissed her with as much passion he could muster on his last dying moments. When his body went limp Celina knew he had gone. She cradled him in her arms and cried hysterically.

Celina returned to the small concrete room where the rest of the group was. She walked in with blood on her shirt and her face. She didn't look at any of their faces because she was afraid that she might break down again.
"Celina..." Eliza was the first to speak.
She turned her head half way and still wouldn't look directly at anybody.
"What happened out there? Where's Damon?" Eliza was annoying her with all the questions.
A tear slipped down her red cheek as she finally looked at him and said, "he's dead."
"What do you mean Celina?" Felix spoke for the first time since their arrival.
"I mean that he's dead. Why else would there be blood all over me?" She barked back angrily.
"okay, don't get your knickers in a twist." Zeno said and rolled his eyes.
There was a moment when no one spoke, and when a voice was heard it wasn't Eliza, Celina, Felix, Zeno, or any of the robots. It was deeper and more rough than any voice any of them had ever heard. Celina couldn't tell what was being said. She slowly stepped toward the open door. She peered through thinking she may see something. But there was nothing but darkness. The rest of the group came to stand next to her to look. Celina noticed that one large area, human shaped, was darker than the rest. It was blacker than the blackest cave. For a second of sheer horror, she thought she could make out a sickening smile. Then she saw the figure lunge forward and a moment it hovered above them. It dove onto them and their senses went dark. They couldn't taste, feel, see, or hear.
I had alot of fun writing this part. It has a lot going on in it and has allota info. Comment if you guys think I should continue writing the rest of the novel on here.

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