Chapter Two/OF COURSE I WILL!!!

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I tried to get out, over and over. I only accomplished ripping my arms up from the ricochet from the bullets. Eventually I fell asleep from pure exhaustion.

I woke up to someone shouting "I FOUND HER!!!" 

My breathing was heavy, but a guard came in as well as Gavril. I suddenly noticed that his pin looked a lot like a North Star. So Gavril was a rebel too. The guard scooped me up and before I knew it, I dozed off.

I woke again in what looked like part of the hospital wing. Since it was so private, I assumed it was Dr. Ashlar's office. I blinked the sleep out of my eyes and yawned. I sat up and hopped off the bed. My bare feet hit the tile softly. I walked out of the office to see the whole hospital wing filled to the brim with occupants. I looked toward the end of the left side, and there I saw the one and only, Aspen Leger.

 I walked over to him. "Mer? It's so good to see you."

 "Aspen, I- What happened to your leg?" 

We hugged, relieved that we had both made it through. "Nothing that can't be healed over time." he smirked.

 I rolled my eyes. "Hey...Did Maxon make it?"

 I asked timidly, tears threatening to fall.

 He understood and said, "Unlike the King and Queen, Maxon did make it through the battle." 

The tears fell freely down my face, they were tears of joy. "Aspen I have to go, it was great to see you."

 "You too. Go get him, Mer. And will you-LUCY!!!" He shouted. 

Lucy ran over and threw her arms around him. They shared a long kiss. I took that as my cue to leave. I was happy for them.

I went to the Royal's quarters in search of Maxon. I found him in the King's suite, completely (I assume) redecorated to fit Maxon's personality. Advisors were hustling in and out. 

Officer Markson spotted me and said, "Go in. He's been waiting for you." 

All of the advisors hurried out. I walked in to see Maxon. Tears flowed down my face and I threw my arms around him. He embraced me with his uninjured arm, squeezing me tightly.

 "My love, I am so relieved that you are still alive. I don't know what I would have done without you. I love you, My America." Maxon said.

 We pulled away, tears streaking down both of our faces. "Oh My Maxon, You are my world, I Love You too." 

He planted a firm kiss right to my lips and I happily returned it.

He reached for something under his pillow and said, 

"I know that I should probably be on one knee right now. But I hope you can hear me out like this instead. America, since the day you came to the palace and yelled at me, I have been in love with you. I fell in love with you, and I was terrified. Terrified that I would say or do something that would send you packing. I am so in love with you, America Singer, that it terrifies me. But Loving you has been the best decision ever, and the one that has felt most right. So, can I love you, for the rest of time and eternity? I really hope so. America Singer, will you marry me?"

 "OF COURSE I WILL!!! I love you, Maxon Schreave, always have, always will." I grabbed his face and kissed him.

I know, I know, it's short. But I thought I should keep it short and sweet. I also don't want it to feel like I'm just copying the books, so if you hate it...don't read it. But if you like it, seeya soon! Love you all!!! *hypothetical hugs to all*

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