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"Good morning bhabhi".
DD greeted me when I opened the door for him. He has been calling me hindi word for sister in law from the day we shifted to this apartment.   At first it was kind of awkward for me. Neil and I are not married yet!  Though he put vermilion in my hairline.  He did it because he never wanted someone in this building question our relationship.  But DD knows the truth. I told him not to call me his sister in law as I am not married to Neil yet.

"Marriage is just a contract but relationship happens in the hearts of people. There is no need of legal papers for that. You will always be my bhabhi."

I looked at DD tougue tied. Was he this much philosophic ? I didn't know.

"Is Neil sir ready?" DD asked settling himself on the sofa.

"He is taking bath. Why are you so early? Did Neil ask you to  come early?"
I asked pouring a cup of tea for DD from the dining area.

"No bhabhi. I came early to see this little angel. Just tell him that I am here."
DD sat beside Misty. She was playing with toys at dining table. "Baby... are you playing? Can I join you?" DD asked caressing Misty's hair. I placed the tea infront of DD and left to see if Neil has finished his bath.

"Neil... are you done?" I asked knocking the bathroom door.  I heard  him turning off the shower.
"Avni.. what did you say?"
"Are you done bathing? DD has arrived. Make it fast. I will serve your breakfast. "
I was about to go when I heard him calling me.
"Wait! Can you pass me the towel? It will be on the bed."
"Seriously Neil?  You forgot it again? I can't believe you being this clumsy. I am not going to give you. Come and fetch yourself. " I said in anger.
"Will you be ok if I come infront of you like this? "
Neil's words took me with surprise.
"Oh! Don't tell me you want too see me like this and that's why you are not passing me the towel."
His words made me flushed. What's with him? He peeped his head out of bathroom with a mischievous smirk. I looked at him with wide eyes and immediately averted my eyes as I can't handle his gaze on me.
"Avi.. you are impossible! When I met you in that forest moths ago, you were so furious and bold but look at you now.  Blushing and all"
"W.. what do you mean?" I asked him. 
"Nothing! Just pass me the towel." Neil said dismissing something in his head which I clearly see from his expression.

"Don't think that I am naive and coward just because I don't react to your dirty talk. Here is your towel."

I handed it to Neil who is still peeping his head out of bathroom. I am irritated because of his words. But what happened next startled me to the core. He pulled me inside the bathroom and pressed me against the door closing it with a thud. My eyes were closed and breath laboured. I can feel his stare on me.
"Hey... don't worry. I have a towel on me.  It was just a prank!"  Neil told in husky voice taking the towel I was holding tightly in my fist.
I slowly opened my eyes to a smirking Neil. Yes. He has a towel wrapped around his waist but his upper body is naked. Water is dripping from his messy hair. I leaned on the door for support as I felt my knees are turning jelly.   He is looking smoke in hot in his after shower look. He caged me with his both hands and I felt my heart beats violently inside my ribcage. 

"I want to tell you something."

"W..what?" I sought.

"We are going to register our marriage. Today afternoon. "

"Huh? Marriage? Today? Why ?" My eyebrows arched to maximum.

"Why? You don't want to marry me?"
He countered me with another question.

"Y yes.. but isn't it too soon? Today afternoon. "

"Don't worry about the arrangements.  I have done everything.  And you have a surprise in the cupboard. Check it after I leave ok?"

"Still... "

"What still.? You said you love me and we are living together. We have the blessings of your mom. People in this building already think that we are a couple. So, it is better to make it official. "
I silently looked at him. He continued his monologue seeing my silence.
"Aren't you happy with me?"

"Yes I  am. But..."
He put his index finger on my lips stopping me from saying further.

"No ifs and buts. You have no idea how... how I am controlling myself being under the same roof with you. Try to understand darling.  I am a human being who has hormones and emotions. "  He said in a husky voice that made me shudder.  I gulped at the vividness of his explanation. I could not say anything.

"I want to marry you Avi.. please.." Now he is making a puppy face. How am I supposed to deny those! I mentally chuckled at how effortlessly he is changing his strategies to convince me.  And I have to admit he succeeded.

"Ok. Let's get married. Today itself. " I gave him a blushed smile.
"Now let me go." I added.
"Do you really think I will let you go just like that?" Neil leaned in.

"Hmm.. Mr., We are getting married today. So, as per traditions, we are not supposed to see eachother until then!"

"Hell with traditions, we are doing a court marriage. Who gives importance to traditions there?" Neil said impatiently.

"I give. I want to follow the traditions of marriage in our religion. " I raised my chin proudly.

"Really? You want to follow all the traditions?" Neil asked with a smirk.

Now what is cooking in his head? I nodded. "Yes."

"Agreed. We will follow all the traditions including our first night!"

There he is. I didn't see that coming.

"Why are you so shocked?  It was your idea to follow traditions. I will arrange everything for the traditional ceremonies like Haldi, Mehndi, Varmala etc. And our special night. So take care Mrs. Khanna." He pecked my lips and went outside the bathroom in a hurry. I  stood there in daze.

"DD, you know someone who is good at Mehndi?"

"Of course sir. But what's the matter?"

"You know we are getting married this afternoon and Avni wants all the religious traditions to be followed. "

Cough... Cough... Cough... I choked the tea. Neil, DD, Misty and I were seated in our dining area having breakfast when Neil suddenly proposed this.

"Careful with your food Avi.." Neil caressed my head earning a glare from me.

"A traditional marriage! Good idea bhabhi. I will arrange someone who is good at Mehndi designing. Also I will arrange for haldi. We can have a varmala exchange outside the registration office. That will be alright. And for phaire... yes.. we can do the arrangements in the nearby temple."
He said in one breath.

"Relax take a breath DD." Neil said with a smile.

"Sir, I  need leave for today. My superior is getting married and I am the only in charge of his marriage. So, I need it at any cost." DD said with a serious tone.
"Why not? You are granted with the leave." Neil said with the attitude of a king.

"Unbelievable! Last week when I got sick you prevented me from taking a leave. Today, for arranging your marriage you are leisurely giving me leave. What a hypocrisy!"
DD muttered.

"Is mommy getting married?" Then only I realized Misty was listening to all these.
"Yes, my little angel. This superman uncle is going to marry your mommy." Neil said placing Misty in his lap and caressing her hairs.
"Really?" She looked at me. I nodded in affirmation.

"So.... now, I will call you Daddy?" Misty looked at Neil with hopeful eyes.
"Of course my angel. I am your Daddy."
"Yeah..." Misty clapped with excitement.  "Now, I  have a perfect family..."
She jumped out of Neil's lap and ran towards her room. She came back with a drawing which has a male figure and female figure holding hands of a little girl.
"Look Mommy. This is you, this is super.. no Daddy and this is myself: Perfect family!" Misty jumped in happiness.  I felt my eyes brimming with tears.  "Yes. It is our perfect family." I could speak that much only.  Whenever she asked about her Daddy, I used to give some excuses and lies because the truth is, she has a cruel Daddy who killed her Mommy.  How can I tell this to this innocent soul.  I had no idea what will I do when Misty become mature enough to question me.   She wished for a perfect family.  Now, she is getting it. Neil would be a perfect father for Misty. I have witnessed it.  I hugged Misty tightly and she hugged me back. Soon I felt someone's embrace on us. It was obviously Neil. My tillu.

To be continued.
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