Chapter 5: Harley!!!

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Why did I tell him I wanted to be just friends? Why did we kiss? Why did I even sign up for this thing in the first place?

My mind was swirling at a million miles per hour as I face planted straight into my hotel bed, sobbing. I managed to hold off the tears until I was in the safety of my room. The kiss. The words that slipped out of my mouth. Him.

The kiss felt so good, but it was wrong. I wanted to keep going forever but my conscience was holding me back. It was like forbidden love, the type they always speak of in Romeo and Juliet types of stories. I was always one of those people who would just be reading the book or listening to the song and just be thinking in my head, "Don't go looking for trouble! If you go with him, you're going to end up breaking your heart! Just stay away and you'll be fine!" Now I know why they just don't stay away. I want more. If only Brendan were here I could kiss him instead! But the kiss Drew and I shared felt so much more different than the kinds Brendan and I share. Drew's felt more natural, sweet, loving. There was a spark there. For some crazy reason, I don't feel the spark between Brendan and me anymore.

Stupid. Stupid! STUPID! Why'd you have to go and kiss Drew? Why? You have Brendan! Your Brendy!

I felt the tears soaking the comforter on the bed. Why did I tell him I wanted to stay as friends only?

I could just deny my feelings for him but I know that would only lead to more heartbreak. Or I could cheat on Brendan with him but that would also lead to heartbreak. I could completely ignore him but that too would end in heartbreak. No matter what I do about this situation, heartbreak is the only option.

I decided if I called Brendan, maybe I'd feel a little bit better. I slipped into the booth and dialed the Snowpoint City Pokemon Center's number. That's when I remembered I was still dripping wet from that Muddy Water attack. I silently cursed Chloe and started to get up when Brendan picked up.

"Hey Babe," he said with a smile. Then he noticed my soaking wet clothes. "What happened?" he asked.

"A little battle accident courtesy of Chloe Sparks," I said.

"You were battling Chloe Sparks?" Brendan asked, wide-eyed.

"Well, I didn't battle her," I said. "I was watching from the sidelines and she used this HUGE Muddy Water attack and I just happened to be in the way. So here I am! Soaking wet with mud infused water!"

Brendan laughed. "You always were somewhat… accident prone," he giggled, referring to my clumsiness.

I laughed too. Brendan had this great way of making me feel better, only it was different from the way Drew cheered me up. Drew felt, almost like, a (do I dare say this?) boyfriend. Brendan did it in a best friend kind of way. But it should be reversed! Brendan's my boyfriend and Drew's my rival/best friend since forever!

"I'm going to get some shut-eye now babe," he said. "Tomorrow I'm going to go over to Pastoria City to challenge the gym there. Long trip! I'll call you tomorrow from where ever I am. Bye!" Then the screen went black and I once again had no one to talk to.

"Except me," a familiar voice said.

I nearly jumped out of the hotel room. "Chloe what are you doing here? And how'd you get in? And how'd you know what I was —"

Chloe stepped out of the shadows and smiled. To her side were her Lucario and Gallade by her side.

"I was doing some special training specifically for my two fighting types here," she said sweetly. "And then Lucario happened to pick up on your loneliness through Aura and Gallade picked up your thoughts," she explained. "So I thought you might need some company!" She smiled brightly and I sighed.

"I'm fine Chloe," I said, not in the mood for her rapid mood swings.

"If you're sure," she said hesitantly. "Oh by the way, an old friend of mine told me to send a message to you." She smiled. "He knows you too. Make sure you call Harley over at the Goldenrod City Pokemon Center." Then with a smile, she walked out of my room, leaving me alone.

I decided to call my extremely flamboyant ex-rival over in Goldenrod like Chloe told me to. Unlike Drew and I, we've seen each other here and there within the last four years but we never battled against each other. For some reason, Harley's always had a knack for locating me wherever I was and we had a couple of chats on the phone every now and then.

I dialed the Goldenrod City Pokemon Center's number and waited for my flamboyant ex-rival to show up on the other end. After a couple of seconds or so, Harley showed up so abruptly I was surprised.

"May hon! How have you been?"

"Great Harley," I said shakily. Maybe it was a bad idea calling HARLEY for company.

"So I heard from my old friend Chloe-bell that you're in the same tour as her and you're performing with Drew! That's so sweet!"

I backed up a little bit. "It really is…" I said.

"Isn't Chloe-bell fabulous?" Harley gushed.


"Check out my new outfit! I designed it myself just for my next contest! Isn't it fabulous?" Harley stepped back and showed me his new outfit. It was a puffy, balloon like crop top paired with a pair of skin-tight leggings. Both were a Jigglypuff pink color. On his head was a hat made of similar material as his leggings, topped with two rabbit like ears. "I decided it was time I paid tribute to my dear Wigglytuff!" Harley said happily.

"That's great Harley…" I said, backing away as far as I could without slamming into the door.

"I love it! And you look fabulous too Honey!"

I awkwardly grinned. "Well, uh. I've got a big day tomorrow so I'll talk to you later…" I said, desperately trying to end the conversation.

"Awwwww. Okay. I'll be watching the tour on TV! Toodles!"

I immediately ended the call after that and sighed a sigh of relief. How Solidad, the only sane person I know, understands and is good friends with him is completely beyond my reach.

I took a quick shower and got dressed in my pajamas before dozing off into dreamland.


When I got home from the sushi place, I felt, sad, confused, and lost, and all because of one girl who I haven't seen in four, long years.

I can't brush off that kiss. It was better than the one four years ago, yet it was worse. The one four years ago held no guilt. We kissed and it felt good, no yucky aftertaste. This one felt even better, but there was that disgusting aftertaste, of cheating, and we both knew it. I may seem like a player as far as the media is concerned but I hate the idea of cheating, and I'm pretty sure May hated it too.

But that wasn't the worst part. Afterwards, she told me she wanted to just forget the kiss never happened and she wanted to stay just friends, which killed me, even though it shouldn't have because I have Brianna!

"Drewykins! How could you just stand there and let her do that to me?" she whined. "And the bike she left for me was all broken up and rusty! I demand you un-friend her ASAP!"

I sighed. "She's Chloe Sparks. And she's a nice person, she just doesn't want any fans around." I know it was a lame excuse but I needed to get her to shut up. I already had enough on my mind without her complaining about Chloe.

"Hmph!" Brianna said indignantly. "Nice person my ass!" she said angrily. "I want you AWAY from that bitch of a person! You hear me Drew?"

That was another thing about Brianna that kind of annoyed was that she could be so bipolar. One minute she's glowing from an intense make-out session and the next minute she's bristling with anger about me not being as "in to it" as she was. And her bipolar-ness struck once again. She was just using yet another one of her pet names for me in a sweet and nice-y nice tone and then she starts swearing her assoff!

I just don't understand girls.

"I'm going to go take a nice long hot bath!" she said as she stuck her nose up in the air before storming off.

I decided to watch some TV while I waited for Brianna to finish up her nightly forty-five minute shower. There wasn't much to watch except for a special on Coordinator Channel. Tonight's special was part of a series they were doing in preparation for the tour's opening performance. This time, it was all about… May? And me?

"The dynamic duo all the way from the Hoenn region started out together back when they were only ten! Since then, they have traveled through the Hoenn, Kanto, Johto, and Sinnoh regions together, taking the contest world by storm!"

Lies, lies, lies. We did not travel together (even though I wish we did) and took the contest world by storm. (Okay, so maybe May did do pretty well as a coordinator.)

Ugh! FOCUS! May's your performance partner! Quit thinking about her that way! She's a weak, pathetic, dimwitted trainer!

Yet I just couldn't shake her off. I knew I was just using lies to diminish the effects of other lies, which was no good because then I'd be spinning a web of lies in my head. Confused yet?

"Now we turn to an old friend for some background history on the dynamic duo of May and Drew! Take it away Harley!" the newscaster said as she pointed to a big screen behind her.

I nearly fell off my seat. HARLEY? It couldn't be the same one. Not the Cacturne loving, scum eating, lying Harley that we all knew and somewhat loved? I stared at the screen in shock. It was Harley, only dressed in a different suit. Over the years I've known him he's done Cacturne, Ariados, Octillery, and Banette, in that order. Those were all pretty easy to identify, only this time it wasn't that easy. He was wearing a puffy pink crop top and a pair of pink skin-tight leggings. On his head was a tightly gripping pink hat with Lopunny-like ears, only without the fur. In other words, he looked like a butchered Wigglytuff.

Harley started blabbering about our first four years together. Some of it was true. Most of it was his butchered opinion. And this is generally why no body really listened to the drama queen we all know as Harley. During the entire segment, I was silently countering all of Harley's heinous lies with the truth in my mind.

"And now I have a SUPER EXCLUSIVE clip of a SUPER ADORABLE May and Drew moment after the Sinnoh Grand Festival!" he said cheerfully.

Oh no. It couldn't be. He wasn't even there when we did it! Was he trying to ruin my life? What is he thinking? What will May say?

"And roll it!" he said in his chipper tone.

I watched in horror as the clip played. And at that moment, Brianna decided to cut her shower short and spend some time with her "Drewykins." I desperately tried to turn off the TV but it was no use. And then all hell broke loose.

A/N: Okay. So I know it was short but I wanted to end it there for now. If you remember a couple chapters back, you'll probably guess correctly which little scene Harley is playing. ;) So Harley has some guest appearances in this chapter.

I also promise the next chapter will be longer than this. Pinky-swear! I also pinky-swear that the next author's note won't take up half of the actual chapter. (Hyperbole, yes, but I tend to exaggerate A LOT)

On a much less chipper note, WHERE ARE ALL THE REVIEWS? I only have like two reviews for chapter four! I know school's starting up again, but it doesn't take long to write a review! Generally I don't demand reviews in return for updates but TWO REVIEWS for one of the longest chapters I've wrote so far? Seriously peoples? I know I'm acting like a spoiled brat but I am a teensy bit pissed off about the dismal amount of reviews I got for the last chapter.

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