Forever Golden

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"Just friends, just friends, just. Fucking. Friends!"

I've wanted to tell Mangle to cut the shit, so many times so far, but I didn't.

Tammy was talking to me about shit I don't have time for, so I texted Mangle while pretending to listen.


Talking to Satan (Tammy)

Bruh. You shouldn't talk
about her like that 😂😂😂

Ah boo-fucking-hoo


Brb I got shit to do.

"I don't believe in God," Tammy says as I turn my phone off.

"Why is that?" I asked her despite not giving a shit.

"If God is supposed to be some perfect could he create such a fuck up like Mangle?" She started laughing.

I rolled my eyes when she wasn't looking, then forced a laugh myself.

"Anyway, I gotta go, bye!" The way she said, 'bye,' her voice was so high and obnoxious, you could tell she forced it.

Tammy's talking shit.

You know a girl is in no mood to text you when she doesn't respond within fifteen minutes...

I honestly don't know if Mangle wants to get back together or not...a few days ago she said she did...but the last time we spoke she said that she still needs time to heal...I'll wait for her though...just like I did when she moved in high school. It took time but it was worth it.

A/N(gie): Im-effing-portant. Shockingly...Foxy didn't consider what Mangle was doing or why she doesn't want much to do with him despite making amends. guys should keep an eye out...


"Did you...?" Springtrap stopped and cleared his throat, "Tell your other brother yet?"

I shook my head, "I haven't visited him since the...incident..."

He nodded, "That's good...don't tell him anything he doesn't ask. If-When! When you find your brother-"

I cut him off, "'s okay to say if..."

"I know...I just don't want to say if..."

"Anyway, what were you saying before?"

"When Frederick finds out, Freddy went missing and asks why you didn't tell him, say that it's because he didn't ask,"

I nodded, "Will do!" I salute him.

He stared at me in confusion, "Did you...joke around in a serious situation...?"

I laughed, "I guess I did!"

I know that discussing where my missing little brother may be was no time for jokes but...I couldn't help myself! Springtrap might've proven to me that he's an asshole but he's still my dude, I've known him for so long. Long enough to know that what he showed me a few years ago wasn't his true colors.

He smiled, "Look, we're gonna find your brother, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but we will."

"Thanks, I appreciate that,"

"Appreciate what? The truth?"

"Well...the truth is rare's nice to have someone who has the mental ability to give it to me."

Just as I thought we were having a heartfelt conversation...things became about they always do...

"Mangle this! Mangle that! Mangle's hot! Mangle's too good for Foxy! Does he ever think that I wanna talk about something else? About something interesting? Mangle's like a sister to me...but does he understand that maybe I'm not in the mood to talk about her every second, of every minute, of every hour, of day, of every week, of every month, of every year? Does he think I want to talk about us? I guess I don't know what I'm talking about...there never was an us, we're just Springtrap and Goldie coexisting somewhere in the universe.

"You haven't been getting the truth?! What about Mangle?!" He shouted at me.

"You're right. I suppose I was being selfish." I got up, going into the kitchen for a glass of water.

"Oh God...I'm're not being selfish...your situation is way more difficult than Mangle's...I was being selfish.

Considering someone else's feelings? The words, ' More,' and, ' Mangle,' in the same sentence, with more before Mangle?

"Who are you and what have you done with, Springtrap?" I asked him jokingly.

"Shut up," he punched me in the arm playfully.

I laugh and walk to the fridge. With everyone else caught up in their own drama, it's nice to know that somebody has my back. Even if that somebody wasted most of his life chasing a girl he'll never be good enough for. When he chose her over me, I waited. And now it's here, Our Golden Reunion.

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