Chapter Twelve

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"Wyatt!" Phoebe exclaimed, looking at her grown-up nephew as if he and Chris appearing was one of the most mundane things she'd ever seen.

"Chris!" Paige smiled, leaping up from her chair and hugging the man; he hugged her back just as tightly, and it'd grown obvious to the sisters that he'd yet to even slightly recover from losing Aurelia.

"What're you two doing here?" Piper asked, causing her brunette son to sigh.

"Somebody just screwed up our future. . ." He glanced to Paige and Phoebe, ". . .again."

He'd never wanted to return to the past, knowing that everywhere he'd look, memories of the woman he'd loved more than anything would flash through his brain. Just looking at his family when they were younger brought his heart a slight tinge of pain, but he'd only managed to mask it from everyone but Paige.

"I mean, we don't know what happened." Chris shrugged, "One minute, everything's fine, we're kicking demon ass, and--"

"Actually, I was kicking some demon ass."

"Oh, pssh." Chris scoffed, before their great grandmother spoke.

"Language." Penny scolded, causing the brunette to sigh.

"Sorry, Grams."

"Wait," Wyatt began, "Grams? As in THE Grams?"

"Yeah," Chris nodded.

Patty furrowed her brows, "Uh, confused. Are these my future grandkids, or yours?"

"Yours." Phoebe confirmed, causing the woman to smile and greet the men.

"Anyways, as you were saying." Piper smiled, causing her eldest son to sigh.

"Suddenly, in the middle of all the fighting, everything changed."

"And the demons started kicking our ass-- butts," he corrected, earning a nod of approval from Penny, "butts, just because Wyatt, here, lost his powers."

"Wait, how did you lose your powers?"

Suddenly, a blue swirl of light illuminated everyone's faces from the center of the living room; a brunette whitelighter had appeared, facing Piper, the back of her head facing Wyatt and Chris. "Because, Paige's little charge and her sister used the Hollow to take them from him." The woman motioned toward Paige, slight irritation in her tone. "I've been keeping an eye on them for a while, because they killed my charge's best friend--"

The familiar voice caused Chris to freeze, staring at the back of the woman's head with wide, glossy eyes. He slowly approached her, gently grasping her shoulder and spinning her to face him; once those golden flecks caught his eyes, his knees grew weak, and his stomach had begun to churn.

"Lia. . ." Paige whispered, standing and approaching the whitelighter, herself, followed by Phoebe. "Are you--"

"A whitelighter?" She asked, her gaze never leaving Chris'. "Yeah, and, uh. . . one of my charges from the future -- don't ask, I can't tell you anything other than her name -- is, in a way, related to the problem."

"Wait," Wyatt began, an unbelievable smile on his lips, "you're Mellie's whitelighter?"

"You're. . . no." Chris muttered, his gaze turning pained as his eyes drifted to a tattoo on her collarbone. Always and forever, it read. "No. Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I couldn't, Chris." Aurelia spoke, her tone assertive, before she turned toward the sisters. She gave them all brief hugs, before taking a deep breath, "We need to get Wyatt's powers back. The only way to really do it, is to go back to the exact moment when it happened, and--"

"Stop them." Phoebe finished, sending the brunette a small smile, "Being a whitelighter sure has filled you with determination, huh?"

"Oh," she looked back to Chris, a mischievous glint in her eyes, "you have no idea."

The ginger on the couch chimed into the conversation, "But, how do we know exactly when to go back to?"

Wyatt sighed, tearing his gaze away from his little brother's broken eyes. "I'll know, or, at least, I'm hoping little Wyatt might jog my memory."

"Well, he's at Dad's-- I mean, Granpa's. Um," she looked to Chris, "do you remember how to get there?"

"Yeah," the brunette nodded, clearing his throat as he finally tore his gaze from Aurelia, "absolutely."

"I'll meet you guys there." The whitelighter nodded, before Paige sent her a small glare. "What?"

The brunette lightly slapped her friend's shoulder, "Like hell you will! You have a lot of explaining to do, not only to me, but to--"

"Paige, stop." The woman snapped, annoyance radiating off of her. Everyone could see that she'd changed; she'd grown confident, more snarky, mission-oriented, and. . . emotionless. It wasn't the Aurelia that they'd held a funeral for. It wasn't the woman that Paige had practically raised, the woman Chris had shared numerous joints with, the woman that they'd all grown to absolutely adore -- the woman that saved Chris' life, losing her own because of how emotionally driven she'd once been.

She changed.

"I had strict instructions not to interfere with your lives, anymore, seeing as that's what got me killed, in the first place. I'm only here to protect my future charge, who isn't even gonna be born for another two years. Now, we either fix this and drop the subject, or you cost Wyatt his powers because you're pissed that I didn't let you know that I'm a whitelighter. Which is it gonna be?" She snapped, her tone cold as she looked at her childhood friend with expectant eyes.

The future Halliwell boys orbed from the manor, their grandmother joining them, despite being informed that something had happened between her and Victor. Chris couldn't break his gaze from the woman, even as the scenery dissipated, and his grandfather's front door came into view.

Wyatt patted his brother's shoulder, "You alright?"


"That's the chick in the Polaroids, huh?" He asked, a small smile on his lips as he remembered how fondly Chris would speak of her; she hadn't seemed anything like the stories he'd told him, though.

"Can we talk about it, later?" The brunette muttered, "We kinda have to focus on, I don't know, saving your powers."

"Yeah, yeah." The blond nodded, "But you know damn well Mellie's getting an earful when we get back."


"You need to let me out there!" The girl yelled, pacing back and forth, "Me standing here, while a dead woman mixes a potion, no offense Penny, is doing nothing to help my charge! Or Wyatt!"

"What does your charge have to do with the boys' future?" Piper questioned, crossing her arms over her chest.

The twenty-two year old scoffed, rolling her eyes as she mimicked the woman's actions. "Oh, please. Chris spoiling the future for you may have benefitted him and Wyatt, but it won't do anything good for my charge."

"Wyatt called your charge Mellie." Piper recalled, "It sounds like they know her, pretty well enough to be on a nickname basis."

"Piper, drop it."

"Aurelia, do I end up having a daughter?"

The brunette scoffed, orbing from the house and reappearing in her old apartment. It'd been too long since she'd stood within these walls, despite the fact that Chris had moved into this very apartment in the future. She watched every mood he made, after forcing Melinda to promise not to tell any of her family that she was her whitelighter; it pained the woman to see how badly he was struggling, but last time she'd allowed her feelings to cloud her judgement, she'd literally gotten stabbed in the heart by an Elder.

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