Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


       Driving all around Miami and doing a lot of different things was one of the best things ever. I was able to spend basically the whole day with Jerome, and I couldn't be happier. I know we just met, but it honestly felt like I had known him for a long time.

       He just made me really happy and not afraid to be who I am.

       When our little trip was, unfortunately, over, Ryder had to drop Mae and Jerome off at Mae's aunt's house. After he pulled up to the driveway, Jerome gave me a hug and a kiss. "I'll see you tomorrow," he said.

       "Yeah, see you," I said, smiling slightly.

       Once he and Mae were in her aunts house, Ryder pulled out of the driveway and started driving home. "You know, it's nice to see you this happy," Ryder said. "Now, I can tell Janelle didn't even make you happy."

       "Yeah," I said. "I kind of feel bad for using her."

       "Don't be. The Bennets are snakes."

       "Uh....Weren't you dating April?"

       "Yes, but she got really mad when I broke up with her, then called me a manwhore."

       "Well, you did break up with her over the phone."

       "So? She still would have been mad if I broke up with her in person to get back together with Mae. She's a very angry person."

       "Yeah, true," I said. "But if you think April was mad, just think how Janelle is going to react when she finds out I dumped her for a boy."

       "You didn't technically dump her for Jerome."

       "I kind of did...."

       "What are you talking about?"

       "You know when they were at the beach with us? Yeah, as soon as I saw him, I just....I don't know. Love at first sight, I guess, if that's even a thing."

       "Aww, that's so cute," Ryder said. "So adorable."

       I rolled my eyes. "Whatever."

       Ryder soon pulled into the driveway of our house, and as soon as we walked inside, Alan looked over at me and crossed his arms over his chest. "I can't believe you, Nolan," he said.

       "Uh....Remind me what I did," I said.

       "You dumped Janelle to be with a boy," Alan said, and he did not look happy about it. It did hurt that he was homophobic and I was really hoping he would change his views on that when I came out, but I guessed not.

       "Alan...." Dad said in a warning tone, but Alan completely ignored him.

       "Do you not know how embarrassing it was for Janelle to go on Facebook and find out that her ex-boyfriend is gay and dating a boy now?" Alan asked me. "Or how embarrassing it was for me since I was with my friends when she saw that post?"

       "How is it embarrassing?" I asked. "Oh, no, Nolan is gay and dating someone that makes him really happy. How embarrassing. Get over yourself."

       "It's embarrassing because it shouldn't be a thing," Alan said. "A man should be with a woman."

       "Well, you said that I'm dating a boy, not a man, so...."

       "You know what?" Alan began but this time, Dad didn't let him continue.

       "Hey, Alan, I'd like your phone please," Dad said.

       "What? Why?" Alan asked.

       "Because as of right now, you're grounded," Dad said before holding out his hand. "Phone, now."

       "That's not fair!" Alan said. "You're grounding me just because I don't agree with it?"

       "I don't care if you don't agree with it," Dad said. "But you're bashing your brother right now, and that's why I'm grounding you. You don't have to agree with it, but you sure as hell won't be allowed to bash him and hate him over it."

       Alan scoffed and handed Dad his phone. "Glad to know your picking favourites."

       "I'm not picking favourites, Alan," Dad said. "I'm stopping you from bashing your brother for something he can't control. If you don't agree with it, fine. But you'll have to accept the fact this he's gay and very happy with Jerome."

       "Whatever," Alan said before standing up to head upstairs. He then stopped and looked at Dad. "I don't have to share a room with him, right?"

       "Wow, you are something else," Dad said. 

       "Don't worry about him, Nolan," Ryder said. "You can move your stuff into my room for now."

       "Thanks," I said. At least one of my brothers were accepting of it.

       "Dad, how long am I grounded for?" Alan asked.

       "Well, because of what you just said, I say a month," Dad said.

       "A month?!" Alan asked. "Are you serious?!"

       "Deadly," Dad said.

       "I'm going to tell Mom about this," Alan said.

       "Hey, Flower?!" Dad called for Mom.

       "Yeah?!" Mom called back from the office.

       "I grounded Alan for a month for bashing Nolan, then asking if he has to share a room with him?!"


       Dad looked back at Alan. "Sorry, you're out of luck."

       Alan scoffed. "Unbelievable."

       He then made his way upstairs as Tulip was bouncing down the stairs. "Why is Alan moody?" she asked.

       "For reason you're too young to understand," Ryder said.

       "Actually, she already knows I'm gay," I said. 

       Tulip nodded. "Yes. I found out what gay was a few days ago when Jerome told me. I didn't know about it, but I think it's cool. It doesn't matter who people fall in love with."

       That moment when my six year old sister was more accepting than my fourteen year old brother. Then again, hate was taught, not learned, and the people Alan hung out with were homophobic so that probably influenced him.

       "Oh, and I already have a new ship," Tulip said. "It's Jerlan. I shipped them before Nolan said he was gay."

       "Tulip, guess what?" Ryder asked.


       "Nolan is dating Jerome."

       Tulip smiled widely. "Seriously? Yay!" She then hurried over to me and wrapped her arms around me. "I'm happy!"

       "At least someone is," I said softly.

       "Hey, Alan will get over it," Dad assured. "Which is why Jerome and Mae should come over for dinner tomorrow since your grandparents are coming, and you know how accepting your grandpa will be about it."

       "Yeah, that's true," I said.


Alan, dude, what got into you? Oh, right, my evilness did lol oops.

I'm starting to think this might get passed 10 chapters. cx It's just nice writing about Jerlan again.

So I don't think I'll be able to update tomorrow because I'M GOING TO SHAWN MENDES'S CONCERT AND I'M SO EXCITED. It ends at 10:30 so idk what time I'll get home, so I'll probably just write a bonus online chapter since some of you kind of already guessed there'll be one soon. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

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