03. Emery

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Grayson's obnoxious smirk makes me want to slap him across his stupid face.

I cock my head to the side and give him an annoying smile, "can I be honest with you?"

"Is 'no' an option?" Grayson asks.

"Nope," I smile. "You know that movie Finding Nemo? Yeah, you remind me of Darla. That annoying bitch who pounds on the fish tank."

"I hate you," he snarls.

My eyes widen innocently. "Why?" I murmur, "I'm lovely."

"No," Grayson snaps, "you're really not."

Before I can reply to him, Devyn comes around the corner. His eyebrows go up as he looks back and forth between me and his best friend. "What the everlasting hell are you two doing in here?" Devyn asks.

"Your sister is a bitch," Grayson mutters, pushing past Devyn and walking toward the living room.

"What'd you fucking do this time?" Devyn demands.

"Nothing," I smirk. "He started it. Why'd you come over here? Were you looking for me or Grayson?"

"I was wondering why the hell both of you disappeared for so long," Devyn's eyes narrow.

"Relax," I tell him, patting the top of his head, "it's not like we're fucking or something. You're the one going out with my friend, remember?"

His face goes red and I laugh, "you guys are cute together. You're like two little lovesick puppies."

I walk past him to go back to the living room. Aria smirks at me, "took you long enough."

Devyn walks in behind me, and I have to bite my lip to keep from saying something about him and Leia and their new love life.

Devyn rolls his eyes and walks to his bedroom.

My eyes wander around the room and I frown when I notice Jack isn't here anymore. "Where's Jack?"

Everyone exchanges glances and refuses to meet my eyes.

"Rebekah?" I ask.

"He left," Rebekah murmurs, keeping her eyes on her lap. "He said he didn't want to wait around for a girlfriend who was probably making out with someone like Grayson."

Yeah, he hates Grayson even more than I do.

I feel tears stinging in the back of my eyes, but I refuse to cry. Jack doesn't fucking deserve it.

"And where is Grayson now?" I whisper.

"He's in Devyn's room," Aria says softly. "Emery, are you okay? I know—"

"Yeah I'm fine," I say quickly, wiping my eyes, "I just need a minute."

I turn around and walk to my bedroom. I hear Aria say something but I can't make out what it is.

The second the door slams behind me, I slide down the door, keeping a hand over my mouth so no one hears me crying.

I can't fucking believe I actually thought Jack was a good guy.

My phone beeps and I slowly walk over to my nightstand to check it, only to find a new message from Jack. I pull myself into my bed and crawl under the covers before reading it.

Jack: Just so you know, we're over.

Emery: Yeah, no shit.

Fucking asshole.

Someone knocks on my door. "Em?" Aria calls, "can I come in?"

"Sure," I say hoarsely.

When my door opens and she sees me under the blankets, she rushes to my side and crawls in next to me. She throws her arms around me and hugs me tight. "Don't cry," Aria murmurs, "Emery he's not worth your tears. You can do so much better than him."

I nod and snuggle closer to Aria, trying to stop crying but failing miserably.

Aria doesn't tell me to stop crying again. She just lays next to me, hugging me and gently rubbing my back. A few minutes later, I hear the door creak and the voices of my friends as they murmur to each other while they walk in.

They don't say anything to us as they sit down on the bed and gently squeeze my hand one at a time.

The five of us stay there for a long time until Devyn and Grayson appear in the doorway. "Hey, when are—" Devyn cuts himself off when he sees my tear-stained face.

"Emery," Devyn says urgently, "what's wrong?"

"Nothing," I mutter, "go away."

"Emery," Devyn repeats. "What happened?"

"Jack and I broke up," I murmur. "That's all."

"What'd he do?" Devyn demands.

"I don't want to talk about it," I whisper.

"Joslyn," Devyn says, taking a different approach. "What did Jack do?"

"Uh," Joslyn says, looking back and forth between me and Devyn before finally telling him everything. I have to squeeze my eyes shut to keep from crying again.

Once Joslyn stops talking, I open one eye to see Devyn and Grayson exchanging looks. Grayson nods once and turns to walk down the hallway.

"We'll be back," Devyn mutters.

"No," I frown, "where are you going?"

"This asshole needs to be taught a fucking lesson. My sister wouldn't cheat on him," he growls, then he turns and calls out to Grayson. "Grayson! Hurry up!"

Grayson comes back into view holding his car keys and two baseball bats.

"What the hell are you thinking?" I snap at him. "Are you being serious? You can't use that on him."

"We're not going to use them," Devyn says, walking toward the front door with Grayson close behind him. "We just need them to scare him."

I try to get off the bed to follow them, but Aria pulls me back onto the bed. "Just let them," Aria mumbles, "Jack is an asshole. He deserves whatever they do."

I hear the front door slam shut and know the boys are probably leaving now, so I slump back into bed.

"They'll be fine," Joslyn rubs my shoulder.

"Yeah," Leia says. "Have you seen them fight? They always beat the absolute shit out of people."

"And are you watching both of them?" I question her a small smile playing on my lips, "or just my brother?"

"Shut up," Leia blushes.

"Leia," Rebekah smirks. "I don't know how Levyn is going to work out if you guys keep blushing at each other like school girls."

Leia's blush darkens, but a smile slowly spreads across her face.

"I can't believe you people," Aria snorts. "Emery is the perfect example of why boys are a waste of time."

"You'll find someone one day," I say, patting her shoulder, "someone who will make you change your mind about that."

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