08. Grayson

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When we pull up to Devyn's house, he still hasn't completely calmed down.

Not that I blame him—no one should be allowed to talk to Emery like that.

Devyn runs his hands through his hair and rests his head against the steering wheel. "I'm going to fucking kill him," he murmurs.

"No," I smile softly. "You can't. I don't need you getting arrested."

"He needs to back the fuck off of her," he mumbles.

"We'll figure something out, Devyn," I tell him.

He nods before opening his door, and I follow behind him. If anyone gets to kill Hugo or Jack it's going to be me.

"Oh hey Devyn," Emery calls when he opens the door. "It took you forever to get here."

No, it didn't. We were sitting in the car for twenty minutes so Devyn could get his shit together.

"Yeah," Devyn mutters instead. "Traffic."

Emery nods and Devyn walks away to the couch where Leia's sitting.

"What's his problem?" Emery turns to face me again.

"That's probably the first time you've talked to me, without insulting me," I raise my eyebrows.

"Don't get used to it," she smirks.

I roll my eyes and walk to where Devyn is sitting. Leia looks up at me and gets up. "I'll see you later," she tells Devyn, who makes a small pout before nodding.

"What?" Devyn snaps when she leaves.

"Chill," I laugh. "She didn't need to leave. I'm just going to sit down over here."

"Devyn," Aria calls as she walks out of her bedroom. "Don't leave. Emery and I are going to go get fast food for dinner. You want some?"

"No, I'm good," Devyn calls back.

"Okay," Aria nods as she and Emery walk out.

The house is quiet now, so the other girls must have left already too.

"You know," Devyn smirks after a few minutes. "You should ask out Mystery Girl."

"I've already told—"

"Or at least tell me who she is," he cuts me off.

I look over at him and study his expression. "You're not going to like it," I sigh after a minute.

"Yes I will," Devyn pushes. "Come on. I've always told you."

"Yeah," I murmur, "but this is different."

"We'll just tell me and I'll decide if it's different," Devyn presses.

He's going to fucking kill me.

"Okay," I clench my jaw, "but you can't be mad. I swear to fuck, Devyn, if you get mad—"

"I'm not going to be mad," Devyn turns to face me.

"Emery," I grind out, looking away from him as his eyes narrow.

"Be serious, Grayson," he scowls. "You don't like her. You've hated each other since the day you met."

"No," I shake my head.

Devyn quickly gets up and paces the room.


"See I told you I shouldn't—"

"My fucking sister, Grayson? Seriously?" Devyn snarls.

"Look," I snarl back, "I didn't want it to be. I didn't meet you and decide, hey look, I'm going to be friends with this guy and just fall in love with his sister."

"I can't fucking believe you," Devyn growls, storming to his room.

I grab my keys and march outside, quickly driving away. 

I fucking told him I should keep it to myself.

What am I going to do? Devyn probably doesn't want me around his sister anymore, meaning I probably won't see her very often anymore.

I hope like hell he doesn't tell her.

Oh please, don't let him fucking tell her. I can't deal with two Jenson siblings finding out today.

I'm not sure how long I sit in my car, it could be ten minutes, or it could be hours, but I don't move until my phone beeps with a text message.

Devyn: We need to talk.

Possibly a good sign?

Grayson: Okay.

As I drive back to his house, I can't stop thinking about what I could walk into. He could be okay with this now. Or, he could be absolutely pissed and he could have told Emery and now I have to deal with two pissed-off Jensons.

When I pull up, Aria's car is back. I've probably been gone a long time.

Normally, I wouldn't bother knocking, but now, I think it's safer to just wait for someone to let me in.

"Oh. It's you," Emery says flatly when she opens the door.

Maybe she doesn't know.

I don't bother waiting for her to say anything else, instead, I push past her to see Devyn staring at me.

He nods before turning and walking to his room.

"What's he mad about now?" Emery snorts, shaking her head and walking to the couch.

She doesn't know. Good.

I shut the door behind me and slowly turn around.

Devyn's jaw works as he thinks of something to say. "Emery," he finally mumbles.

"Yeah," I nod, not wanting to piss him off more by saying something else.

"I can't say I'm—" he stops himself and shakes his head. "Look, I wish it wasn't my sister, but you're right. I can't stay mad at you for long because it's not your fault. Not entirely."

Not entirely. I'll take that.

"So you're okay with this?" I ask.

"Not 'okay,'" he grimaces, "but I think I'll get used to the idea. Especially since you've been in love with her for years."

"It doesn't matter," I murmur.

"Why?" He cocks his head to the side.

"Because," I snort, "she hates me."

"Maybe," Devyn smiles, "but that doesn't mean you—you know what, never mind, she doesn't need another boyfriend anyways. Just leave her be."

So he doesn't completely hate the idea of us.

"Are you going to tell her?" I mumble.

"Emery?" he smirks. "Nah. But I'll tell Aria."

"What?" My eyes go wide. "You can't tell her. She and Emery don't keep secrets from each other. You can't tell her, Devyn."

"Yes I can," Devyn smiles wickedly. "And I will."


"No Devyn you—"

"What are we talking about?" Emery barges in and flops down on Devyn's bed.

"What do you need?" Devyn smirks.

Double damnit.

"Nothing," Emery sighs. "I'm just bored as shit. Why the fuck are you making that face?"

"No reason," Devyn murmurs.

"Okay, sure," Emery cocks an eyebrow.

"Emery, leave them alone," Aria comes in and grabs Emery's hand, pulling her to the door.

"But I'm bored," Emery whines.

"You guys should stay," Devyn bites his lip to keep from laughing.

"Yeah see," Emery smiles, twisting out of Aria's grip and sitting back down next to Devyn.

Aria raises her eyebrows and studies Devyn's face, as he turns to smirk at me.

He's fucking enjoying this.

"If you say so," Aria mumbles, shaking her head and walking out of the room.

"I don't think—"

"Oh, hush, hotshot," Emery snorts, cutting me off. "No one asked for your opinion."

"Hotshot? Seriously?" I snarl.

"Yes, hotshot," Emery repeats. "If you have a problem with it, that's your problem."

I look over at Devyn to see he has a hand over his mouth and he's shaking with laughter.

"Fuck you," I mutter, more to Devyn, but Emery's still the one to answer.

"When?" She smirks as Devyn chokes on his laugh.

"You're a fucking idiot," I growl.

"Mhm," she murmurs. "I bet I am."

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