64. Grayson

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My eyes snap open when I feel Emery moving.

"Where are you going, pretty girl?" I yawn.

"Nowhere, my love," she kisses my nose. "I'm just going to lay down next to you."

"Okay," I mumble, tucking her into my arms.

"Did you sleep good?" She smiles.

"Yeah, I did," I kiss her head. "How long was I asleep for?"

"Like three hours," she hums.

"Mm," I close my eyes again.

"Good night, love," she whispers.

I try to say it back but fall asleep again.

I hear a soft knock on the door and I open my eyes.

I look up and see Emery smiling at me.

"Good morning, pretty boy," she kisses me. "You just slept a little over twenty four hours. Do you feel better?"

"I slept a full day?" I try to get up and she gently pushes me back into bed.

"Mhm," she takes my hand. "Don't stress about it, Gray. You really needed it. You didn't sleep well when you were in New York."

"How did you know?" I blink at her.

"Devyn said you were restless in your sleep the whole time you were there. He said you were always mumbling about things, like your body wouldn't let you completely relax," she whispers, her eyes saddening.

"Don't be sad, baby, it's—"

Another knock interrupts me.

"Yes?" Emery calls.

The door opens and Devyn walks in.

"You're still in bed?" He blinks.

"My baby was tired," Emery narrows her eyes.

"I thought you had school?" I arch my eyebrow.

"I did. I'm done. It's already after two," he laughs.

"What?" I grab my phone.

"Here," he shakes his head, handing me a packet. "Our History teacher decided you've had enough time off. He wants you to do this assignment by Monday."

"Stupid school," Emery grumbles.

I kiss her head and she grins.

"Emery, I swear, you have the craziest mood swings," Devyn rubs his face.

"Um, no, I actually don't," she frowns.

"Um, yeah, you actually do," he shakes his head.

"Excuse me—"

"Anyways," Devyn smirks. "Leia and I are going to the pool if you guys want to go with us."

"Aw, Devyn, are you inviting me on a double date with you?" She smiles sweetly at him.

"Shut up," he rolls his eyes. "I invited Aria and Stella too."

I guess Aria told everyone about them.

"So it's a triple date?" She waggles her eyebrows.

"Do you want to go or not?" He huffs.

"Yes?" she murmurs, looking up at me.

"You don't need my permission, pretty girl," I shake my head. "We'll do whatever you want."

"Yes," she says again, smiling.

"I'll do the history assignment and then we'll meet you there," I tell Devyn.

"Okay," he says, walking out of my room.

Emery smiles at me before pressing her lips to mine.

I groan as she presses soft kisses to my neck.

"I love you," she breathes against my neck.

"I love you too," I cup her head.

Mr. Whiskers meows impatiently and Emery turns her attention to him.

"Where are you going?" I try to grab her but she dodges me. "I want cuddles."

"I know, my love. But so does Mr. Whiskers," she giggles.

I kiss her head again before I roll out of bed.

She sits up on my bed and watches me as I grab the homework packet and sit at my desk.

After fifteen minutes, I look over and see Emery lying on her stomach with her face buried in the pillow.

I think she's asleep.

I turn back to my homework.

When I hear Emery take a sharp breath, I turn to look at her.

"Gray, I don't feel good," she moans.

"I'm sorry, pretty girl. Just give me five minutes, I'm almost done," I murmur.

"Gray," she pleads.

"I know, baby. Three minutes," I soothe.

I hear her roll over on the sheets.

I finish the last part of the assignment as quickly as I can and blow out a breath.

I walk towards the bed and pull Emery against my chest.

I hear her sniffle and gently turn her face to me.

She's crying.

"Oh, baby, why are you crying? I'm so sorry. I wasn't trying to hurt your feelings. Come here," I kiss her forehead.

"You didn't hurt my feelings," she wipes her eyes. "My stomach just hurts. Like really bad."

"Cramps?" I brush her hair back.

She nods and buries her face in my neck.

"I stained your sheets," she whispers, her face flushing with embarrassment.

"Hey, it's okay. Don't be embarrassed," I cup her face. "Do you need a tampon?"

"Yes," she whispers.

"Okay, come here, baby," I gently pull her to her feet.

I open the bathroom door and pull her in with me.

"There's a box under the sink for you," I rub her back. "There should be Advil in there too. And pads if you'd prefer that."

"Thank you," she wraps her arms around my waist.

"You're welcome," I kiss her head. "I'll wait in my room."

Her wide eyes snap up to mine and she grips me tighter.

"Please don't leave," she whispers.

"You want me to wait in here? Or outside the door?" I squeeze her hand.

She bites her lip while she thinks.

"In here. But can you keep your eyes closed?" She chews on her bottom lip. "And plug your nose?"

"Your smell won't bother me, baby, if that's what you're worried about," I murmur.

"I just—okay. Okay. Can you just turn around then?" She exhales.

"Whatever you need, pretty girl," I kiss her.

I turn around and wait for her to finish.

"Actually, I changed my mind," she wraps her arms around me. "Can I take a shower?"

"I'll get you a towel," I smile

"Can you shower with me?" She grins.

"Mhm," I tap her nose before grabbing two towels from the closet.

I grab my phone and quickly text Aria.

Grayson: Can you bring clothes over for Emery? Her navy sweatpants and hoodie?

Grayson: And something chocolatey?

Aria: Yeah. Give me 10 minutes.

Grayson: Thank you.

I set my phone down and Emery tilts her head.

"I asked Aria if she could drop clothes off for you," I tuck her hair behind her ear. "I know you have certain clothes that you like wearing when you're on your period."

"Thank you," she breathes.

"You're welcome, pretty girl," I rest my chin on her head.

After a couple of minutes, she looks up at me and wrinkles her nose.

"I need to take a shower now," she sighs. "I stink."

"No, you don't," I frown.

"Yes, I do," she fights a smile.

She pulls her hoodie up over her head. She slowly takes off her shirt and shorts, then grins up at me.

I pull my shirt over my head and pull my pants down.

I start moving towards her and she tenses up. I freeze and wait for her to relax. She exhales deeply and closes the distance between us.

I turn the water on for her and she reaches over to adjust the temperature.

I follow her into the shower and she wraps her arms around me again.

She lets out a little breath when the water washes over her.

I grab the shampoo bottle and start massaging it into her scalp.

She closes her eyes and sighs happily.

"Can we still go to the pool with Devyn?" She whispers.

"If you want to," I gently massage soap into her neck and shoulders.

She nods softly.

After a couple of minutes, I reach over and turn the water off. I wrap a towel around my waist and one around Emery.

"I'll see if Aria brought your clothes over," I kiss her head.

She nods and stands in the doorway so she can watch me.

I walk into the living room but don't see her clothes.

"Emmy, she didn't bring anything over yet," I murmur, walking back over to her.

"That's okay," she shrugs. "I can just put my clothes back on."

"I can give you some of mine, pretty girl. I don't want you to have to wear dirty clothes," I mumble.

"I don't want to get blood stains on yours," she whispers.

"I don't care if you stain them, baby. I'm sure they'll come out in the washer. And even if they don't, I won't mind. They're just clothes, I can buy new ones," I grab the hairbrush and run it through her hair.

"Okay," she hums after a while.

I reach under the counter and grab the bottle of Advil and a tampon for her, before gently pulling her back into my room.

"Can I wear this?" She bites her lip, holding up one of my hoodies.

"You don't have to ask me, baby. You can wear whatever you want, whenever you want," I smile.

She grins and slides the hoodie on.

I hand her the Advil and tampon, and she kisses my hands.

"Thank you for taking care of me," she gives me a watery smile.

"Don't cry, Emmy," I say softly.

"Okay," she breathes.

I hand her a pair of soft sweatpants and she kisses my cheek before she bites her lip again.

"Can you turn around, please? I don't want to be in a different room than you," she smiles sheepishly.

I turn around and hear her shuffling around.

After two minutes she wraps her arms around my waist.

I scoop her up and crawl back into bed with her.

I reach over onto my nightstand and hand her a water bottle.

"Do you need this for the pills?" I murmur.

"Yes," she takes the water from me and quickly takes the two pills.

I kneel between her legs and she lets out a little breath, trying to get up.

"Baby, it's okay," I soothe, gently helping her lay down again. "I'm just going to rub your stomach."

She nods slowly and relaxes.

I rub her stomach and press kisses against her lower stomach until I see her fall asleep.

Mr. Whiskers comes over and cuddles into her arms.

I lay my head down on her stomach before falling asleep with her.

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