Nine Years Later

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"Daddy, come on," Anastasia shouts.

I giggle to myself as I watch Grayson chase our twins around the living room.

Mr. Whiskers lays on the couch sleeping, all the noises not affecting him.

"I'm hungry, mommy," Atley shouts, throwing himself into my arms.

"Me too," Anastasia giggles.

"Me three, Mommy," Grayson smirks at me.

"Daddy is making grilled cheese," I tap Atley's nose.

"Um, no, he's—"

"Yay," Anastasia squeals, jumping into his arms.

He blinks at me and I grin.

"I'm on break today," I kiss him.

"Eww," the twins shriek.

Grayson kisses me again before walking to the kitchen.

They follow him to the kitchen and I can't stop the smile from spreading on my face as I watch them.

My phone rings and I dig it out of my pocket.

"Hey, Leia," I say as I answer.

"Auntie Lele, Auntie Lele," Anastasia comes running to the couch and takes the phone.

I don't know how Leia ended up being her favorite.

"Hey, Tasia," Leia says. "How's it going?"

"Good," she grins.

I walk into the kitchen and leave Anastasia on the couch with my phone so she can talk to Leia.

I hop onto the counter to watch Grayson and Atley.

"Daddy?" Atley says.

"Yeah?" He ruffles his hair.

"How did you know that you were in love with Mommy?" He looks up at Grayson.

"What?" He blinks, confused.

"How did you know you were in love?" Atley repeats.

That's a random question.

Grayson turns to look at me, his eyebrow arching.

I just shrug.

"I've been in love with Mommy since I met her," he says, his eyes never leaving mine.

"Yeah, I know, but how did you know?" Atley wrinkles his nose.

A smile tugs at my lips and Grayson shakes his head.

"Why are you asking me these questions, Atley?" Grayson sighs, running his hands through his hair.

"Because I think I'm in love," he says seriously, his eyes wide.

Grayson raises his eyebrows at me and I tilt my head.

"In love?" I smile.

"Yep," he nods.

"With who?" I murmur.

"Her name is Melody," he informs us.

"You're too young for love, Atley," Grayson shakes his head.

"No, I'm not," he narrows his eyes. "I'm almost the same age you were when you fell in love with Mommy."

"You're only five," Grayson grumbles.

"I'm almost six," Atley points out. "And you were seven."

My husband stares at Atley and he sticks out his little chin.

"And we're dating," He announces proudly.

"What?" Grayson chokes. "You're too young—"

"Gray, you are so protective," I shake my head, pulling him into my arms and fighting a smile. "Atley, are you sure you're dating? Did you ask her?"

"Yep. I didn't ask her though, she told me. We're going to get married, just like you and Daddy did," Atley grins at us.

He skips into the living room and I hear Anastasia giggle.

"Love, I'm sure he's just joking around," I kiss his nose when I see him staring after Atley.

"He's in love," Grayson whispers, his eyes wide.

"He's not in love, Gray. I'm sure it's just a crush," I smile softly at him.

"That's what my dad used to say. It wasn't just a crush, though, Emmy," he mumbles.

"Well, if he falls in love at his age, we both know it'll be an epic love and they will live happily ever after," I grin.

He smiles back and kisses me.

"You've been so quiet today, baby," he breathes. "Usually you love talking with the twins. You're always talking to them."

"I know," I whisper. "I just don't feel the best today."

"Are you sick?" He touches my forehead gently.

"I don't think—"

"Daddy," Anastasia calls.

Grayson hesitates before pulling away and sighing and walking back into the living room.

I hear her squeal before she starts laughing.

I hear Grayson laughing softly with her and I smile.

I hop off the counter and walk to the fridge.

I grab out the jar of pickles and set them down. I grab the honey and hop back onto the counter.

I pour some honey into a bowl and dip the pickle into it.

I close my eyes and lean back.

I don't even like honey. What the hell am I doing?

Grayson comes walking back in after a couple of minutes.

I pick up the pickle jar and drink some of the juice.

"Emmy, baby, what are you doing?" He murmurs, looking down at the jars.

"I'm hungry again," I whisper.

"But you don't like honey, pretty girl," he tilts his head.

"I know. But I really want honey," I bite my lip.

He walks over to me and kisses my forehead. He grabs his phone out and looks at it for a minute.

"Emmy?" He shuts off his phone and takes my face in his hand.

"Yes?" I whisper.

"When was the last time you had your period?" He rubs his thumbs over my cheeks.


Shit. I'm late.

"It's late," I breathe.

"How late?" He mumbles.

"I think it's been almost two weeks," I bite my lip. "What did the app say?"

"About two weeks," he murmurs. "Do we still have any pregnancy tests?"

"I think so," I nod.

"Okay. Do you want to go take one? I can stay with the twins in the living room so they don't interrupt you," he rests his forehead against mine.

"What if I call Devyn and ask him to keep them on the phone for a couple of minutes? I want you to be with me," I whisper.

"I'll call him, baby," he smiles softly at me and kisses my head.

He grabs his phone and calls Devyn. He answers on the forth ring.

"What's up?" Devyn says.

"I'm going to give the phones to the twins. Can you keep them entertained for a few minutes?" Grayson asks.

"Yeah sure. For what?" He murmurs.

Grayson looks at me with a questioning look.

I nod and smile softly at him.

"Emmy needs to take a pregnancy test. She wants me to be able to be in the bathroom with her. Without the twins trying to come in," he mumbles.

"Okay. Good luck, Ems," he murmurs.

"Thanks, Devyn," I breathe.

Grayson walks into the living room and hands the phone to Atley.

"Uncle Dede," he exclaims.

Grayson comes back over to me and helps me off the counter.

We walk into the bathroom and I reach under the sink, grabbing one of the tests.

I look up at him and bite my lip.

"Nervous?" He murmurs, pulling me against his chest.

"Kind of," I admit.

"It'll be okay, baby. Don't be nervous," he kisses my head.

I nod and quickly take the test. I set it down on the counter and blow out a breath, waiting for it to finish.

Grayson sets a timer on his phone and wraps his arms around me, his chin resting on my shoulder.

He rubs my neck until the timer goes off.

I grab the test and look up at him.

"Ready?" He murmurs.

I nod and we look down at the test.

It's positive.

I let out a breath and look up at him.

He's grinning down at me.

He sinks to his knees in front of me and lifts up my shirt, pressing kisses to my stomach.

"We're pregnant," I breathe.

He looks up at me and his eyes are shinning with happiness.

The bathroom door opens and Anastasia scrunches her nose.

"What does pregnant mean?" She tilts her head.

"Anastasia, I told you to leave your parents alone," I hear Devyn say from the phone.

"It means you're going to have a new baby. It'll either be your little brother or little sister," I smile softly.

"I don't want another brother," Anastasia grins. "My brother is a pain in the ass most of the time."

"Anastasia," I gasp.

"Watch your language," Grayson sighs.

Devyn starts laughing and I roll my eyes.

"Em, your daughter is your twin," he laughs.

I shake my head, fighting a smile.

She really is.

We walk back into the kitchen and I grab another honey-dipped pickle.

Grayson grabs one and tries it.

He scrunches his nose in disgust, but does his best to hide it.

"You don't have to eat these, love," I smile.

"My beautiful wife is craving them. Of course I do," he kisses my nose.

"I love you," I close my eyes.

"Forever and ever," he murmurs.

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