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Continuing from the last part..

Just then mahir goes by that way and sees a car damaged, he goes near the car and sees pragathi lying unconscious there.

Mahir immediately picks pragathi in his arms and places her in the back seat of his car and directly drove to the nearby hospital. They reach soon and mahir again picks pragathi and goes inside and puts her on the stretcher. He pats her cheeks and tries to gain her conscious but all vain. Dr's take her inside and start the treatment.

Mahir walks to and fro in tension and then calls pragathi's father and Andy and informs about pragathi's accident. Soon everyone come to the hospital and is waiting for the Dr to come out.
Soon after an hour the Dr comes out.

Mahir - Dr how's pragathi?

Dr - don't worry she's out of danger

Sumi - can we see her?

Dr - sure, you may go

Pragathi's parents go inside and them Sumi also goes. Dr says that she can be discharged in the evening.

On the other side at Bela's house Rohini had fixed that bela's and Rocky's marriage after one week.

In Sehgal's house Ruhi is sitting in her room fuming in anger.

Ruhi's pov - what the hell is going on? How could this Pragati survive? I planned it so well but still she's alive now, and as already decided pragathi and mahir will get married next week. But how can I let this happen?
I already did so much before, I made Bela leave mahir just because I want to marry mahir, but what's happening now? Till now mahir was not ready to marry anyone and now he accepted to marry pragathi? Then what will I do?
No.. I can't let this happen. I'll not mahir marry pragathi, he's only mine and will remain mine only.

Ruhi remembers how she made Bela leave mahir.


One day after mahir left for office in the afternoon Ruhi comes to Bela's room and finds her reading a book.

Ruhi - Bela I want to talk you

Bela - Haan tell Ruhi

Ruhi - not here come with me

Bela - but...

Ruhi - come Bela please

Bela - hm

Ruhi takes Bela to her farmhouse. Bela goes inside and finds her parents, Rohini and Anurag there.

Bela - mom, dad! What are you both doing here?

Anurag - I don't know beta! Ruhi only took for us here

Bela - what's happening Ruhi?

Ruhi - u know what I dont like dragging... So let me come to the topic directly. I love mahir and I want him at any cost, so it will be better to you and your family to move away from my way

Bela - what the hell! Are you out of your mind? I'm already married to mahir so it will be better if you stay away from us

Ruhi - oh so I guess you still don't know about me...

Ruhi takes a gun and points it on Rohini's head and throws some papers on Anurag and Bela.

Ruhi - sign them

Anurag - what's this?

Ruhi - property papers! Sign those and legally handover your entire property to me

Anurag - no way! You....

Ruhi - (interrupting) I guess you don't want your wife alive

Ruhi loads the gun and again aims at Rohini.

Anurag - no please don't do anything to her... I'll sing

Anurag and Bela sign the papers and Ruhi pushes Rohini towards them.

Ruhi - this isn't over yet! You have leave my mahir Bela

Bela - he is not yours, he's my mahir so you dare call him yours again... If he knows about you then he will kill you for sure

Ruhi - I know how will mahir react when he will the truth about me.. but how will he know?

Ruhi immediately shoots Anurag and he falls on the ground. Bela and Rohini rushes to him while he slowly falls unconscious.

Ruhi - now what if I kill you both also?.. I'm not too bad, I'll spare you both if you guys leave my mahir (specifying my mahir)

Bela - ok I'll leave mahir.. but please let me admit my dad in hospital

Ruhi - hm if you are requesting me then ok.. take him and never show me your face to me or mahir again

Bela and Rohini takes Anurag to the hospital but Dr declare that he's already dead.

After all the last rituals Bela comes home and packs all her things and leaves from there with Rohini without anyone's notice as mahir is in the office.


This is for today.. I hope all your doubts are cleared if any then do ask me comments.
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