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Next morning Anurag comes to Bela room and finds her getting ready.

Anurag - bela I want to talk to you

Bela - Haan papa tell

Anurag - beta I want to handover the Sharma's industries to you today only

Bela - but papa this fast?

Anurag - if not today then someother day you will have to takeover, so why not today Bela

Bela - ji Papa, as you wish

Anurag - ok get ready we will go together

Bela - hm

Bela gets ready and goes to the Sharma's industries with Anurag

Soon Anurag completes all the formalities and Bela takeover the company duties.

On the other side in mahir's cabin mahir calls his PA Rakesh.

Mahir - Rakesh do we have any meetings today ?

Rakesh - yes sir we have a meeting with Sharma's industries in the evening

Mahir - ok, you may leave

Rakesh leaves from there.

In the evening Bela comes to Sehgal industries for the meeting. Mahir is already present in the room and is shocked to see bela entering. Bela also sees mahir and widen her eyes. Both try to be normal and mahir extendes his hand to bela.

Mahir - mahir sehgal

Bela - Bela Sharma ( by shaking hands with him)

Mahir - please sit

Bela - hm

Bela sits in her seat while mahir starts explaining about his presentation. All this time Bela completely stares at mahir without listening to what he is telling.

Mahir - so how did you like my idea

Bela comes into her senses and curses herself for not listening to him instead staring at him lost in her own thoughts.
Mahir felt surprised seeing his effect on her for that lift scene the day before.

Bela - we really liked your ideas. It's out pleasure to work with you

Mahir - thank you

Bela comes out of the room followed by mahir.

Mahir - Bela!

Bela turns towards mahir

Mahir - coffee?

Bela eyes widened seeing his boldness but she hesitating accepts.

Mahir takes Bela to a coffee shop.

Mahir - I didn't know that you are the owner of Sharma's industries

Bela - actually my dad was handling this, infact I took over this today itself

Mahir - so this is your first meeting?

Bela - yes

Mahir - don't you feel its destiny? We first met in flight and then in the mall and today we are going to work together

Bela - isn't it just a coincidence?

Before mahir could answer anything more there order comes.

Both have there coffee.

Bela - I think I have to make a move now

Mahir - ok but can I have your no

Bela - why ?

Mahir - to keep in touch

Bela smiles and takes his phone and she herself saves her no and leaves from there. Mahir felt happy for getting her no.

Mahir - Bela shall I drop you

Bela - no thanks I have my car

Mahir - still can't we go together?

Bela - will try someother time

She smiles and leaves and mahir also leaves from there feeling happy thinking how Bela reacted positively.

Next day again Bela comes to Sehgal industries for discussing about the new project which sehgal industries and Sharma's industries will do it together.
Bela was still nervous to face mahir thinking about the lift incident.

Soon after there small meeting Bela starts going but she feels someone pulling her. It was mahir who pulled Bela by her hand into his cabin after assuring that no one saw. He pins her that the wall.

Bela - are you

Mahir - I'm happy to see that my closeness is affecting you a lot

Bela - what? I don't feel anything

Mahir comes more close to her making there bodies collide.

Mahir - now also would you say no?

Bela noddes her head.

Mahir moves more close making there noses touch.

Mahir - now?

Bela noddes in no.

Mahir then kisses on bela's cheeks which was completely unexpected by Bela.

Mahir - now?

But this time Bela doesn't respond, mahir tries coming more close to Bela but bela Push him slightly and after a second pause she nervously leaves his cabin.

Mahir to himself - arre Yaar what did I do? I kisses on her cheek? Buy how could I.. I shouldn't have behaved like this with her. Now what do I do, I'll surely have to apologize to her.


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