Chapter 6: He's My Boyfriend

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Usually, the wealthy could the Windsor Country Club. Today, disadvantaged children wearing hand-me-down clothes were strategically placed around the main club room to help the press nab pictures of the rich doing good deeds.

Clowns, face-painting, and other children-friendly activities were available. In one corner of the club room stood a pink Triceratops, directing children to bags of candy.

"Explain to me why I'm here," Knox muttered to his assistant Jason.

Jason grinned. "Because your brother is pissed at you...again."

"So? He usually comes to these events. He knows I hate—"

"That's exactly why he didn't come. He wanted you to know he's angry."

"Yeah right. He's probably got a date."

Jason shrugged. "This event isn't so bad. Just think of it as another way to make important contacts. Also, you may show up on the news as a kind human being. Good press is never a bad thing."

Knox straightened his shoulders, his eyes landing on the pink dinosaur surrounded by children. A snickering pre-teen purposely stepped on the dinosaurs tail, almost causing the poor human inside the costume to trip and fall.

"I must not be the only one that's having a terrible time today," Knox said under his breath.

"Knox? Knox Marsden is that you?" An older man with a huge gut and gray hair waved at Knox. "I'm so glad you could come today. It's a rare accomplishment to get you at an event like this."

"Mr. Montgomery, of course I'd come. Our family has always cared about children and my father is always going on about how great you are," Knox shook the older man's hand. "He still talks about how you beat him at a round of golf last month."

"Yes, that was an exciting afternoon. You know, my son is finally back in town. I don't think you two have ever met. Maybe we can all have a round together? Montgomerys versus Marsdens."

Knox chuckled. "Perhaps. I'll let Jason know to contact my father and set something up."

A group of men gathered around them. Mr. Montgomery encouraged them to donate to the charity before turning back to Knox.

"I have a few more people to say hello to but please meet my son, Tate. I'm sure he'd love to meet you."

With another plea to donate, Mr. Montgomery and his friends left Knox behind. 

"Most people smile when they see young kids," Jason said drolly.

"Not me," Knox said in a sing-song voice.

"You've been in an exceptionally bad mood since you fired that secretary this week. Do you regret it?" Jason asked,ignoring the scowl on his friend's face.

"Don't remind me about her," Knox warned. "I still can't believe she and Jessica tried to pull one over on me. Not to mention how they knew about my grandmother's—"

"Your grandmother?"

"Nevermind." Knox sighed. "The point is that if I ever see her or Jessica again, there's going to be hell to pay."

"Is that so?" Jason asked, lifting an eyebrow. "This is the most I've seen you worked up in a long time. I might have to find this psychic secretary. She really impressed Patrick."

"Birds flying in the same direction impress Patrick. He's an idiot. He told me she took donuts from the snack cart. I should have her arrested for stealing."

"Now you sound ridiculous." Jason laughed. "I actually miss this side of you. You're all business lately. Listen, I'll get us both something to drink. Hopefully someone spiked the punch although I doubt it. Don't get too close to any of the children. I'm afraid you might scare them."

Jason looked past Knox and grinned. "Isn't that Mr. Montgomery's son? The one with the dinosaur?"

Knox didn't bother to respond. Jason smiled, shaking his head. Knox turned to see Tate Montgomery and another woman standing in front of the pink dinosaur who no longer wore its mask. His eyes widened and a spark of anger ignited within him.

Nessa normally didn't mind rambunctious kids and this wasn't her first time wearing a full body costume. Being around children while in a costume could get dangerous.

Nessa knew this because she'd had all kinds of drinks and food spilled on her, a few punched her stomach, and one boy tried tripping her by stepping on her trail. They should've assigned her a bodyguard.

As if her thoughts weren't enough to jinx herself, a scuffle between two young boys sent a cup of red cherry punch flying at her dinosaur head. One of the other volunteers gasped and scolded the boys before handing her some napkins.

"You may want to wipe your mask before it stains," the volunteer whispered, looking around.

Nessa nodded, the oversized dinosaur mask falling forward. "I'll be right back."

She headed towards the bathrooms before removing her mask to stare at the damage. Red punch covered half the mask. "Great. Just great."

"Nessa? Is that you?"

Nessa's shoulders froze and a shiver of dread sanced down her back making sure to step heavily on her pride.

She turned to see Tate, her ex-boyfriend, standing outside the women's bathroom. She looked around and inwardly grimaced. He would be here to see her in such a moment of lowliness.

"No," she said in a high-pitched voice. "I don't know a Nessa. Do we look like one another? She must be a doppleganger."

Tate gave her an incredulous look before laughing. "Stop playing. I know it's you. What are you doing here?"

They both looked at her costume and Nessa cleared her throat. "Well, you asked if it was me. I thought I could play a joke on you."

"Are you working here today at one of your...your part time jobs?" he asked, his words dripping with discomfort.

Why couldn't he have ignored her like a normal person did upon seeing an ex? Now, they both had to pretend to be nice while being uncomfortable.

Nessa frowned. Why did she have to be nice?

If she could slug him, she would. Her costume didn't give her the freedom to make a fist.

He gave her a trite smile. "Good for you."

"Yeah, it is good for me. There's nothing to be ashamed of when it comes to working hard to earn your own money. You wouldn't know since you just live off your father."

Tate's smile faltered. "That's not very sweet of you to say, Nessa. I cared for you once."

She couldn't maintain eye contact with him and that galled her.

"Nessa, I know you better than you know yourself. You don't have to pretend in front of me. I know this is embarrassing for you. Especially in front of me."

She did turn to him after he said that. "What? You know me better than I know myself? You think I'm embarrassed to be seen in this costume? Why?"

"Nessa, there's no need to be nasty. You're right. I've seen you in all sorts of costumes. I have to admit, I miss seeing you in that nurse's uniform." His suggestive tone rubbed her the wrong way, much like he used to do in bed.

"Why? Because you need medical attention...for your head?"

Tate stared at Nessa, a look of pity in his eyes. For a moment, Nessa wondered if he was giving thanks for having dodged a bullet by dumping her. Her unusual abilities and job-hopping probably weren't attractive to him.

The door to the women's restroom opened and the brunette Nessa saw Tate with at the hotel stepped into the hallway. She wore wearing a short black dress and black pumps. She glanced quizzically between Tate and Nessa before turning to Tate. "What's going on, Tate?"

"This is my girlfriend, Petunia," Tate said casually to Nessa, his arm wrapped around the brunette.

"Charmed," Petunia said in a voice that meant anything but charmed.

"I don't suppose you're here with someone," she said, taking in Nessa's attire.

"Of course she's not." Tate scrunched his nose up as if Petunia had just told a joke.

Nessa pushed her shoulders back and raised her chin. "Of course I am. You can't possibly think I'd still be single after you and I broke up. I just can't tell you about him because we're keeping our relationship a secret. We don't want anyone to find out just yet."

Tate gave her a thin smile. "It's okay, Nessa. You don't have to pretend."

"I'm not pretending."

Petunia covered her mouth to hide her laughter but Nessa wouldn't be swayed.

"I do have a boyfriend and he's over there," she said pointing to where a cluster of wealthy men had been standing. She turned her head to look where she pointed. Apparently, they had left to take pictures. Only one man stood where she pointed, his big blue eyes staring at her.

Nessa gulped.

The man her finger pointed to was Knox Marsden, the man who fired her.

"You're dating Knox Marsden?" Petunia gasped, her eyes taking in the handsome man who looked furious and was suddenly coming their way.

"You!" he pointed a finger at Nessa.

"We just had a fight and he's very jealous," Nessa whispered quickly before giving Tate a scathing look. "He's so jealous he wants to attack any other men who try hitting on me."

"You tried hitting on her?" Petunia growled.

"Well, I better go before he gets here. Adios!" Nessa tried running towards the nearest exit but someone grabbed her by the tail.

"Stop, right there!"

Nessa turned to see a furious Knox behind her. She cleared her throat. "Is there something I can help you with, sir?"

"Nessa, this is your boyfriend?" Tate's voice asked behind them.

Nessa closed her eyes and wished for a sinkhole to suddenly open up beneath her.

Knox kept his eyes on Nessa. "Boyfriend?"

"Yes," Tate continued. "Nessa was just telling us how you were her boyfriend. Her jealous boyfriend."

"I'm going to kill you," Nessa whispered to Tate who smirked. Petunia had her lips pursed in laughter.

"You told them I was your boyfriend?" Knox's words were calm but Nessa could see the anger in his eyes.

"I find it hard to believe," Petunia picked a small piece of lint from her sweater. "I've only ever heard of you being linked with models."

"You told them I was your boyfriend?" Knox asked again.

"Nessa and I used to date," Tate admitted. "You have to forgive her for her antics. Isn't it cute how she pretends to be a psychic?"

"You dated her?" Petunia's mouth fell open and, like Tate, she reminded Nessa of a horse.

"Her parents are quite wealthy," Tate said as if that were a good explanation.

"You told them I was your boyfriend?" Knox growled.

Nessa stood tall and pulled her tail out of Knox's hands. "I did. You've got a problem with that? I know you wanted to keep it a secret but you need to accept me for who I am. If not, you can walk away. I won't blame you. Just walk away." Nessa hoped he would get the hint. "Just walk away. One step at a time. Walk away."

A kaleidoscope of emotions played across Knox's face before he turned to face Tate and Petunia. He smoothed his tie and eyed Tate. "You dated her?"

Tate's smile faltered under Knox's glare. "I-I did."

"Then maybe you can explain to me why." He pulled on Nessa's dinosaur arm until she was tucked under his arm. "Why you would let go of someone."

Knox pinched her cheek.

"Who's so darn adorable?"

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