Chapter 4

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AYEEEE I actually got this chapter done on time!!!! It's pretty short, though, not even 1500 words. However, I wanted to get this out to you guys! So here it is!

This chapter is dedicated to @jessec13 for being a constant reader and voter of both my main stories go check out their poetry book! It's really great!

And without further ado, here's chapter 4!! Enjoy!!!

The large box filled with the Gems of Lasgalenwould not fit in my satchel, so I left it in the room I found them in and vowed to return for it later. The Queen's necklace and box, however, would. I placed it in the very bottom of my bag and left the room, closing the door before moving on. I made my way through the halls of the dwarven kingdom. I found a stack of blankets where I had left them before I had set off for the Shire. I pulled a couple off of a stack and set up one of the cots from the storage area. I hadn't slept for several weeks so I needed at least a few hours to regain my energy before I could set off to rejoin the Company.
Once I was sure that everything was settled, I lay down to sleep for a few hours. I wasn't sure how long I would be unaware of my surroundings, but I would wake up when my dragon had gotten enough rest. I stared up at the tall arched ceiling of the Great Hall. Previously smooth edges have been worn to roughness with the years of no maintenance. The tops of large stone columns have begun to crumble away, and the copper and iron have rusted green and brown.
Though I was exhausted, I was unable to fall asleep. My mind was too active, the memories of my old life flooded my senses. Leaving me mentally and emotionally defenseless. Memories of the palace, my friend, and my almost-but-not-quite father. Every cherished moment flashed through my mind, so vivid it was as if I were reliving each and every memory.
I remembered the time Legolas and I received our first practice bows, when we were just sixty years old [12 ish].
~ • ~
I watched as Legolas struggled to nock an arrow in his bow string. It kept twisting and falling to the right of the bow's arch. Once he managed to keep the arrow in place, he drew the bowstring back, his arm shaking slightly, but visibly. He let go of the arrow, and I watched as the arrow flew high over the target, and across the archery range. My eyes widened as I saw where the arrow was headed. Thranduil was meeting with some of his councilors. " r nin! Tir-o! [My king! Watch (out)!]" I shouted as loud as I could manage. The king ducked his head, and the arrow embedded itself in the trunk of the tree behind him, right where his head had previously been. He turned to glare at us, and I held up my empty hands in innocence, while Legolas tried to hide his bow behind his back. He put his forehead in his hands and shook his head. Giving us one last glare, he turned back to his meeting.
~ • ~
I smiled at that particular memory. In addition to Legolas almost injuring his father, I remember my own attempt at shooting my first arrow, and my friend's annoyance at my arrow hitting the third ring from the center.
I replayed several memories like this through my head, smiling and laughing to myself until I drifted off into a deep sleep.
~ • ~
I opened my eyes and absorbed the energies of my surroundings. The trees were crying. Moaning. Screaming. The growing darkness had seeped into this forest. I was drawn to a gnarled tree with blackening roots and dry black leaves falling from its branches. At its base lay a small animal. 'Sebastian' I thought. 'Oh, the poor creature.' I heard rushed footsteps coming from behind me. I heard someone muttering. 'Oh no. oh no no no no.' I turned to see who it was, but before I could turn fully around, my vision went dark.
~ • ~
I opened my eyes to arched ceilings and stone walls. That was no mere dream. I jumped up off my cot, and gathered my things in a rush. I no longer had plain old dreams or nightmares. Only memories and visions. That "dream" was not a memory, so it must have been a vision. Sebastian is the hedgehog companion of a wizard that resides in the northwestern part of the Mirkwood Forest, west of the Mirkwood elves.
I wasn't the strongest in the field of foresight, so the vision couldn't be far off, but I had powerful healing skills, and I could sense and manipulate energy. I grabbed a few gold pieces and some lembas from my dwindling stash. I need to make more of that soon. A small flask of oil and a whetstone to care for my blades were added, as well as a flask of water. Then I leaped into the air, transforming Into a medium sized dragon, about the size of a horse.
I flew for about a day and a night without stopping and reached the western edge of Mirkwood by mid-morning the next day. I returned to my elven form but kept my wings so I could travel faster.
As I glided between the trees, I could feel the sickness and shadow that lay like a thick blanket over the forest. The twisting trees, once green and flourishing, were groaning and crying out in pain. I was searching the forest floor for any sign of life when I saw a glimmer of fading energy at the base of a dying tree. At the roots of an ancient oak lay a young fawn. Its glistening black eyes were lifeless and dulling. There was a thin layer of light hovering over the dying animal. I watched as the faë of the youngling rose up away from the body and stopped in front of me. I put my hand out, and it touched it's nose to my palm. Tears threatened to spill from my glistening amethyst eyes. "May the Valar protect you, young one," I whispered, my voice cracking. I reached into my bag and pulled out the smallest of the Gems of Lasgalen. I placed it on the forehead of the spirit. It glowed for a moment before settling itself into the faë. "And may the light of Lasgalen lead you to the next life." A single tear rolled down my cheek, and the fawn gave my hand one last nudge before trotting into the western sky.
I sealed my bag once more, and folded my wings against my back, choosing to keep them out, should I need to escape from anything.
As I walked along the forest floor, I conversed with the trees. The dying ones knew who I was and asked me to purify their energy and transfer it to the younger and healthier trees. Their wisdom exceeded mine, and I was not in any place to argue against their last wishes. The task was draining but I carried on anyway, glad to be able to at least be able to save some of the trees and ease the passing of others. As I made my way along the western border of the forest, I was about to pass the path that led to Mirkwood when I heard leaves crackle and branches snap. I followed the sounds and relieved when I found my old friend, Radagast the Brown.
He was muttering to himself, and from my dream-vision, I knew exactly what he was saying. "Radagast, mellon nin!" He turned abruptly. "Ah! Fëawen! What has brought you to these sickening woods?" I smiled sadly before replying: "Well I came to help the trees, and to heal Sebastian." He chuckled soberly and resumed walking. "Come come! If you are to heal my companion then you must have the proper area to do it." I nodded and walked up to him to take the hedgehog into my own hands. "Let us go then."
I followed the wizard as he led us back to his forest hit, acutely aware of the dark presences lurking in the trees above.
Thank you all so much for all the reads and votes, and everything! It means so much to me that all of y'all are enjoying my work! See you next week!

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