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Nick POV

By the time I reached home it was almost sunrise. To my surprise Lucy was standing on the porch looking very angry. "Where have you been? Do you have any idea how worried dad and I have been?" She says hitting me on the arm.

"First off, in case you've forgotten I'm the oldest. It's my job to worry about you not the other way around. Secondly, I'm not a kid anymore. If I want to be out all night that's none of your business. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a headache and need to go lie down."

"Tough night Son? You looked like death warmed over." Dad said with a chuckle as he slapped me on my back.

I can't help but wince as the sun light hits my eyes and I groan slightly. Lucy gives me a look of unapproval and dad cocks and eyebrow at me. "Don't tell me you rode your bike home drunk last night. You know, for supposedly being the eldest you sure behave more childishly then I do." She states crossing her arms at me.

"Yea well, you behave like an old maid.. You know, you may look like mom but you will Never be able to fill her shoes. Why don't you do dad and I a favor and stop trying too."

His father shakes his head at him and sighs "Nicholas what did your mother tell you?"

"If you can't say anything nice don't say nothin at all."


"Words can be as sharp as a double edged sword. They can stab deeper then any weapon ever could."

"You know what you need to do."

I run my fingers through my hair in frustration and swear under my breath as I head inside. The last thing I needed to deal with right now was apologize to Lucy. I was exhausted and all I wanted to do was crash on my bed. I sigh as I stand by her door. Best to get it over with. "Lucy can we talk?"

"Go away."

"Come on Lucy, open the door." 

Lucy opens her door slightly and I smile. "You have one minute. Say what you came here to say and then go away!" The hurt look in her eyes broke my heart.

"I am so sorry Lucy. I should have never said what I did. I hate that I hurt you." I reply running my fingers through my hair and rubbing the back of my neck nervously.

I sigh and glance away as I can't stand the hurt look in her eyes. I really screwed up this time. However, as I turned to go Lucy grabbed my arm. "You were right. I should stop trying to fill mom's shoes. It's just that before she died she made me promise to look after the two of you. She said you'd both self destruct if left to your own devices."

I sigh and shake my head I definitely couldn't say what I was thinking. I tried to hide my frustration with a semi fake smile and chuckle. "That's mom for you. You know your a lot like her."

"I am?"

"Yes. Your always looking out for others despite the problems that it may cause you."

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