Family Drama

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Azrael POV

My name is Azrael and I am what you humans would call Dhampir. Or daywalker. For those who don't know what that is I was born half vampire half human.

Even though I was the eldest child my father was not pleased that I was born a hybrid. He often treated me with distain. Even though I am a member of the royal family I am often mocked by other vampires.

My father, who's name is Norman was ashamed of me but though he'd never admit it,
he was also terrified of what I was. Dhampir's despise vampires and often became hunters. They have all of the abilities of a vampire but none of their weaknesses. Silver, holy water, sunlight they are immune to them.

As I grew up I eventually discovered that I was a Dhampir and that wasn't the only way that I was different from my family. I despised the holier then thou attitude vampires held especially towards mortals. It disgusted me that mortals were seen as inferior to us and only useful for food. They were so much more then that.

My thoughts began to wander towards the young woman that I had spotted earlier that evening. Upon seeing her I knew immediately that she and I were meant to be together. The only thing that stood in the way was my family's laws concerning mortals.

It was forbidden for us to persue a relationship with them. It was one of our most sacred laws and to break it meant banishment or worse. I found this law to be quite hypocritical since both Norman and Alpha Adam married and had children with mortals before turning them immortal.

Was this young woman who had somehow enchanted me and stolen my heart worth losing everything? A knock on my bedroom chambers interrupts my thoughts.

"Excuse me sir, your presence is requested in the banquet hall immediately." A servant stated as I opened the door. Again I sigh in frustration. I can never get a moment of solitude.

When I reach the banquet hall I sigh. My grandfather Adam is seated at the head of the table along with his lover Gwen. My father is seated next to them with my mother besides him. My siblings in their assigned seats. However, a woman I didn't recognize was seated next to my mother.

"How nice of you to finally honor us with your presence." My father stated semi-sarcastically. I chose not to reply as I took my place at the table. The servants immediately brought forth our meal. Or rather, the humans that we would be feasting on tonight. When he noticed that I hadn't joined in the feast father paused and glared at me.

"What's the matter Azeral the food not to your liking?" My father asked coldly.

"Of course not Norman, it's I'm just not hungry at the moment." I reply. Upon hearing my response my brothers snicker. Yes, I call my father by his first name. Let's face it, the truth is that he's never been much of a father to any of us.

"Not hungry?" Norman repeated as he bit into a woman.

"His thoughts are elsewhere father." My brother replies.

"Yea. Probably on that blond chick we saw earlier today. Azeral seemed mesmerized by her."

"Shut up!" I hiss at my brother who smirks at me in reply.

"Is that so?" Norman replies cocking an eyebrow at me. "She must be very beautiful indeed to have caused you to lose your appetite."

"Could it be that my son has found his soulmate?Who is the lucky lady who has stolen my son's heart?" My mother asked.

"Who indeed." The woman next to my mother replies her gaze remaining fixed on me as she drummed her fingers on the table in irritation.

"What's the matter brother cat got your tongue?" I glare at my brother clenching my fist in anger letting out a low growl in warning. My brother chuckles in amusement. "Azeral is in love with a mortal."

"If this is your boys's idea of a joke I can assure you, I don't find it the least bit amusing." Norman replies his voice laced with a hidden rage. Peter on the other hand seemed intrigued a hidden smile on his face. He seemed to revel in my father's distress even more so when he was angry. My mother placed a hand on my father's arm in an attempt to calm him.

"May I be excused? I've lost my appetite." I reply placing my napkin on the table.

"No you may not. You will eat your dinner after which we will meet to discuss your marriage to Lady Valentina. There is to be no more talk of this mortal being your mate. I forbid you to see or speak to her again. Is that clear?"

"Norman darling just because the young woman who has caught Azeral's eye is mortal doesn't mean that she's not his mate..."

"No son of mine will have a mortal as a mate. I forbid it!" Norman states angrily and my mother sighs.

"Norman please be reasonable."

"Silence!" He snarls accidentally slapping Her across the face. Upon realizing what he had done his gaze turned to one of regret but it is quickly replaced with fury. "How dare you challenge my authority in front of our sons! I am the King of the castle."

Glen cleared her throat at this comment but upon seeing Adam's smile she continued to eat in silence as they watched the situation unfold. She could tell that Adam was getting more entertained by the minute. As Norman continued his rant.

"I make the rules and I alone decide what is best. I have been far too lenient on you my dear wife and that ends tonight. The next time you challenge my authority so openly you will suffer the consequences. Do I make myself clear?" Norman states coldly.


"Yes What?" Norman demands irritatedly causing my mother to flinch.

"Yes my lord." My mother replied quietly glancing downward not daring to look my father in the eyes. "May I be excused my lord? I am not feeling well." My mother whispers her request still not daring to look Norman in the eyes.

"Of course you maybe excused my Dear." Adam replies answering for Norman with a glint of amusement in his eyes. With Adam's approval my mother quickly left the table.

"I hope your satisfied. All this nonsense has upset your mother." Norman replies glaring angrily at me.

"Me?! Your the one who hit her and made uncalled for threats!" I replied angrily and waiting for or asking for approval I quickly followed after my mother.

As I was leaving I heard Peter chuckled in amusement and let out a satisfied sigh. "Are you going to let him get away with talking to you like that son?" Peter said in a mocking voice.

I didn't wait around to hear Norman's reply because I already knew what it would be. Infuriated that Adam was amused by the situation he'd turn his anger on him. Which would give me the time I needed to seek out my mother.

"Mom are you alright?" I ask rushing after my mother who I found out on the balcony. "I'm sorry about what happened at the table. You know that I hate seeing you so unhappy. If the idea of my perusing a relationship with this woman is what is causing you to be distraught then I will refrain from doing so."

My mother sighed her gaze filled with sadness but she forced herself to smile despite the pain. "Nothing would make me happier then to know that you had found your true love. That's all I want for all of you."

I frowned as I saw the hand print my father had left on my mother's cheek which was starting to bruise. "It was my fault not your Father's. I shouldn't have challenged him. Especially while in the presence of staff, our mortal meals, our guest, his parents and more importantly your siblings and yourself. Besides, it was an accident. Your Father didn't mean it. You saw how upset he was when he realized that he had hit me."

"What I saw was him blaming you for what happened and threatening to do it again."

"Azeral, you just don't understand. Please for my sake just forget about it ok?"

I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration and let out an irritated sigh. Then nod but I was resolved to discuss this issue with my brothers. However, to my disappointment not only were my brother's not upset by what had happened, they sided with our Father.

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