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Catherine POV

I rush up to my room and closes the door eager to begin packing. I glance around my room wondering what to bring with me. Baltogo whines and I glance over at him sadly. I'm not sure that they'd let me bring him. Yet, I couldn't think of my life without him. 

So I decide that if they won't let me keep him then I won't go with them. Letting out a yawn I crawl into my bed to try and get some rest.

I was just about to fall asleep when I hear a gentle knock on my door. I groan in frustration. All I wanted to do right now was sleep. Shoving my backpack under my bed I sit up. "Who is it?"

"It's Michael." I groan and slowly crawl out of my bed. What does he want? Yawning I open the door a small crack to look at him.

"What do you want?"

"I was hoping that we could talk."

"I don't think so. Go away! Leave me alone." I reply. I go to close the door but Michael puts his foot in the doorway effectively blocking it from closing.

"Catherine please talk to me. You've always talked to me when something was bothering you."

"When did you notice that Stacy and I were missing?"

"I'm sorry?" Michael replies questioningly.

"When did you notice that we were missing?"



Michael sighs. "To be honest, I was so tired that I feel asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. The truth is that right now I'm dangerous to be around."


"It's complicated. Anyway, I went to the lair to ask the one person who I  could trust to answer my questions truthfully."

"Let me guess, Star?" I reply somewhat bitterly.

"How did you know her name?"

I shrug not wanting to tell him that I had hung out with David and his friends. "Your home safe and sound and that's all that truly matters."

I rolled my eyes at him and then shook my head in disappointment. "Look, I'm tired. So go away." I reply. Michael sighs but removes his foot from the door so that I can close it.

He then goes to try and talk to Stacy hoping that she wouldn't be as uncooperative as I had been.

Michael POV

That hadn't gone the way that I expected. Usually Catherine refused to leave me alone. Yet, upon her arrival home she seemed different as did Stacy. I had to admit that I really didn't like this new change in attitude.

I hesitated as I reached her door but then gently knocked on it. "Stacy can we talk?"

"What do you want?" Stacy grumbles through her door.

"You're angry with me too I see."

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