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I'm empty inside, yeah,
I'm empty inside
And I don't wanna live,
but I'm too scared to die
- Empty by Olivia O'Brien

Dinah's P.O.V.

I woke up screaming at the feeling of cold water engulfing my body.

"Rise and shine sweetheart!" A deep male voice yelled at me.

I took in my surroundings to find myself in a small dark room filled with three people: an older looking general (most likely the source of the voice) a beautiful young woman with bright red lips and another soldier who was filling up a bucket with more water. They all stood before me critically as I was sat in a wooden chair, my arms and legs tied to it.

"Hello Miss. Schmidt, I'm Agent Carter. I will be asking you a series of questions and it is critical that you answer honestly or else there will be consequences," the woman explained with a British accent as she turned to the man with the water.

I glared at the group. They though I was with him, they though I was the monster he tried to create.

"First, where is your father?" she asked with her hands behind her back.

"I don't now," I spat back as I looked up at her through my lashes.

She didn't respond, all she did was move aside so that the soldier with the freezing cold water could dunk me once more.

"I'm not lying! I have no clue where he is! I haven't seen him since he attacked Steve and I... Wait where are Steve and Bucky?!??!? They'll be worried sick," I screamed as I looked around for any kind of exit but found none...

Until a door opened.

"Leave this poor woman alone!" A man with an accent just like mine stated as he walked into the room.

Every eye in the room turned towards him and he made his way towards me while taking off his lab jacket. He placed it on my shoulders in an attempt to warm me up.

"Are you alright," he spoke to me in my native tongue.

"I'll let you know when I can feel my arms again," I rolled my eyes as I fell back in my seat.

"What is the meaning of this?" the general exclaimed in English, clearly angered with the scientist.

"She's innocent, she doesn't know anything about her father. If you had done your research then you would know that she escaped as a young girl with her sister," the scientist explained as he slowly untied me and helped me get up to leave the room.

We were almost at the door when the general grabbed my arm, "Where's this sister of yours?"

"She's dead," I whispered sadly before pulling my arm out and following the scientist.

We walked together in silence, not once saying a word. We went trough several different corridors filled with people who stopped in their tracks to stare at me pass by. They either knew who I was or were just shocked at the state I was currently in.

Once we arrived at a door, the man opened it and ushered me inside.

"This will be your room until we can properly accommodate you," he finally spoke as he helped me sit down on the bed in the room.

"I want to go home," I replied, confused as to why they still wanted me here.

"No can do sweetheart, we still need you if we're going to win this war," the general spoke as he walked over to me with a hand extended towards me, "Colonel Chester Philips".

All I did was look down at his hand before continuing my rant, "Why are you keeping me here? I've done nothing wrong, your scientist already told you."

"Well 'my scientist' here, was also forced to create a super soldier serum that your father took. Now we're planning to recreate it quickly so we can be back on equal ground or even have an advantage, but for this to work we need you and any kind of information you may have on his behavior in case we need to anticipate an attack," Philips spoke down at me, his anger now towards me.

"And what about my... family?" I asked, the last part as a whisper.

"Those two boys you were living with? That isn't a family. They'll get over you after a while. Don't worry too much about them, they're in the past now. You need to focus on the mission," He started before turning to the scientist, "Let's get you back to your lab so you can continue making your magic steroid juice."

They both soon left, but not before the scientist, who I would soon learn to be Dr. Abraham Erskine, gave me a quick goodbye.

"Auf Wiedersehen," he smiled before being pushed out the door by Philips who then proceeded to slam the door behind him.

I sighed and made my way to the door only to find that Philips had locked it behind him.

"Great," I mumbled before taking a small tour of the room which consisted of a bed, a dresser with a mirror and a door that led to a very small bathroom. There were no windows, I guess so I wouldn't get out.

Soon I was interrupted by the sound of someone knocking at my door. I furrowed my brows, it's not like I could open the door.

"Come in?" I almost questioned.

There was a bit of shuffling before the door opened to reveal the beautiful woman who had introduced herself earlier as Agent Carter.

"Hello," she softly smiled with a more softer tone that earlier.

I didn't say anything in return, I just examined her to find any trace that this could be a good cop/bad cop situation.

"I know what you might be thinking but you're wrong. I'm here to make a truce after this whole misunderstanding. I was even able to snatch this out of the evidence locker for you," she smiled before pulling out my yellow jacket from behind her.

"Oh my god," I immediately reacted taking it from her. I held it close to my person, almost in a hugging way, as if I had Steven with me once again. I looked back at her and slightly smiled, "Thank you."

"Of course," she reassured me then extended her had to me, "I'm Peggy Carter."

"Dinah Smith," I replied taking her hand to shake.

"Well Dinah, there's a bathroom past the door on your right and clean clothes in the drawers over there," she explained while pointing, "If you need anything I'll be in the room on the left. There's gonna be a meeting later to decide your fate, but be assured you'll probably be appointed as a consultant and maybe even an Agent in later years if you cooperate."

"I'd rather just go back to my family and retire," I chuckled knowing it wasn't an option.

She gave me a look of pity, "I can tell those boys meant a lot to you, hopefully when the war is over you'll be let go to see them again for good conduct."

"Bucky is a big strong man, he'll probably be joining the war soon too, who knows if he'll make it out alive. He was always so cocky, but in a good way and he truly had a heart of gold. God I hope he makes it. At least Steven will be okay though, he's too small to join the war and he had so many illnesses. That didn't stop him from becoming the best artist I know, though. You should see his work, it's amazing. He wanted to draw me next, but I guess we never got the chance to do it," I explained to her while going down memory lane, a tear falling from my eyes.

They were the first real family I had ever had, but definitely not the last. That didn't change the fact that it hurt every time I lost them.

But let's not talk about that yet though, the more I think about now, the more I regret then.

"Are you going to be alright on your own?" Peggy questioned pulling me out of my train of thought.

"Yeah I will probably just clean up then go to sleep for the night," I sighed pulling out a pair of pants and a t-shirt from the drawer.

"I'll see you tomorrow then with the news about your accommodations," she smiled one last time before making her way out of the room, however I didn't here it lock behind her this time. At least some people here didn't treat me like an animal.

I slowly began to peel off my clothing but instead of making my way to the bathroom, I went to stand in front of the mirror instead.

I looked at myself and saw a girl who was broken. It was the first time I had seen myself like this, completely defeated.

I was obviously covered in water, my dyed blonde hair now looked incredibly dark. Next was the countless scars that decorated my body from the different times I had endured torture from my father in my short life of 22 years. I also still had a black eye and several bruised ribs from my most recent attack that still hadn't healed. But the thing that struck me the most was the emptiness I felt and exuded.

What was the point in reacting to loosing them anymore?

It wouldn't change anything. It wouldn't change the fact that I was born to suffer. To this day I still believe that fact because if I wasn't then why is it that everyone I care about always ends up disappearing, leaving or dying?


Steve's P.O.V.

It's been a few years since we lost Dinah.

Buck and I have been getting by but things just aren't the same. We've lived most of our lives without her yet she brought a whole new perspective to our lives and it's become increasingly harder to adjust to a life without her.

In the time that's past Bucky was drafted to the war and I've been trying to get enlisted but sadly due to my health issues I've had little luck.

Ever since the war began I've wanted to join. I can't stand sitting behind while the rest of the country puts down their lives for the greater good. I wanna help save the country, I wanna avenge Dinah.

Somehow I know she was tied to everything that's going on in the country or more like the man in the alley is.

I can't give up hope but a part of me always wanders to the dark conclusion that he was the one who took her and possibly killed her...

Nevertheless, no matter what I'm gonna keep fighting. I'm gonna be on the front line with my best friend to protect my country from oncoming threats no matter who they might be!


Sorry it's been a while guys. I had major writers block, but after watching Endgame I know exactly where this story is going and how I wanna do it. I hope you guys join me on this journey!



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