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Now I'm a warrior, yeah I got thicker skin, I'm a warrior, I'm stronger than I've ever been
-Warrior by Demi Lovato


Dinah's P.O.V.

"Get out now you little freak!" my 'mother' exclaimed throwing me out the door, "I'm not harbouring fugitives! You should be surprise that I haven't done this sooner!"

"But mom...!" I cried as she threw me a jacket.

"Don't call me that!" She screamed slamming the door in my face.

I immediately started crying as I walked down the street. I couldn't control myself. I wasn't going to stop anytime soon, unless I run out of water in my body. I get severe panic attack so just a small thing can make me an emotional wreak, so you can imagine what this did to me. I'm still looking for a cure for it and when I find it I'll be forever grateful to whoever provides it to me. But for now I have to stay distant from the world and try my best to not let my real appearance show.

Sorry I got a bit sidetracked there lets go back to the story. You see my foster mom kicked me out because I'm different. I'm very different, from any normal person. She was afraid of me. She thought I was some kind of monster, maybe she was right.

Because of that she decided to leave me homeless without anything but a simple coat which I'm pretty sure is meant for a man. All I could do now was walk. Walk until I find a job or a place to stay. Each day that passed my expectations diminished, I was actually starting to consider prostitution or even death, until he found me. Until he saved me.

It was a simple Monday morning or maybe it was a Tuesday. I wasn't that sure, I stopped keeping track of the days by then. Anyways I walking through the streets of Brooklyn, looking like a mess, when a man stopped me by placing his hand on my shoulder. I looked up to be met with a pair of blue eyes.

"Ma'am are you ok?" he asked me, concern evident in his tone of voice.

I examined him more in depth. He seemed like a pretty decent young man as he wore a plain grey suit with a striped tie. His brown hair was also combed back in the common style of this era.

"No," I replied, admitting the truth. Even if this guy tried anything I could probably kick his ass.

"Come with me you need medical attention," he said placing his hand on the small of my back to help me.

"No!" I exclaimed using all my strength to push him away from me, "I can't go to the hospital."

"Well at least let me take you back to my place, I can give you some food, some of my mom's old clothes and you can stay there until you find a place to stay," he offered.

"Why, why do you wanna help me?" I asked stepping back from him in fear.

He quickly caught on and tried to explain himself, "No, no, no, no I would never do that, you look like you're gonna pass out and I don't wanna just leave you here to die. These streets are dangerous at night."

"Ya I know, I've already beaten up a few creeps in these parts. But I think I'll pass, bad people are looking for me and when they do there'll be no mercy for anyone who tried to help me," I told him, my presence could put him in a lot of danger that he doesn't even deserve.

"Oh come on please, I can take care of myself and I know that you can definitely do the same" he pleaded giving me a small smile.

"What does it cost?" I challenged, I mean there had to be some kind of catch right?

Even though I didn't want to hurt him I still needed somewhere to stay and I definitely needed something to eat and drink, desperately. I could stay with him at least for a while until I acquire enough money to leave the country.

"Maybe, dinner and a movie?" he smiled while extending his hand for me to take. I gave out a small chuckle at his attempt to woo me.

I smiled back and took his hand, "Ok fine but I'll only stay for a while until I get back on my feet."

"That's great. Take as much time as you need," he said giving a small victory dance before pulling me along to his car.

"I didn't catch your name," he asked as he opened the door for me.

I tensed up.

"Dinah Smith," I lied as I took a seat in his car.

He nodded running over to the other side of the car before getting in and buckling up, "I'm James Barnes," he told me as he took my hand to shake, "But everyone calls me Bucky."

"Nice to meet you Bucky," I said while retracting my hand.

"You too Dinah," he replied as I shifted in my seat uncomfortably. He looked over to the street and smiled to himself before starting the car to head back to his apartment.
Once we got to his place he excused himself to go find me some new clothes and make me something to eat.

As I waited I decided to wonder around the apartment until I stopped at a picture of Bucky and a handsome man. The man was very short and skinny but he had blond hair that fell perfectly on his head and a pair beautiful blue eyes.

I picked up the frame to get a better look but immediately put in down when I heard the front door open. I quickly whipped my head around, ready for anything that came my way. Instead of a fight I was met with a pair of confused blue orbs.

The ones from the picture.
Steve's P.O.V.

After a long day I came back to mine and Bucky shared apartment only to find a beautiful young woman standing in our living room. I only had to take one look at her to be stuck in a trance. Although she looked like a mess she was still the most gorgeous woman I had ever seen. She had messy dirty blond hair that seemed to be dyed, sparkling blue eyes and some dirt smudges on her fair skin. Most of the clothing that she wore was ripped and tattered but the only thing that seemed to of survived without a scratch was her leather men's coat.

"Buck who's this?" I asked not keeping my eyes off of her.

Bucky soon ran into the room, holding a pile of clothing in one hand.

"Oh this is Dinah, she was walking alone on the street, so I invited her to stay for a while," Bucky said nonchalantly as he walked over to her.

"You really don't have to do this," she told him.

"Please it's fine," he said taking her hand and kissing it, "Here are the clothes."

Oh Bucky always the charmer.

He handed her the clothing and lead her to the bathroom. "Hey Steve, do you mind getting the food I left on the kitchen counter!" He yelled from the bathroom.

"Sure!" I called back before making my way to the kitchen. Bucky hand served up a few hot dogs for each of us with some pop.

Jesus Christ Buck that's what you decided to give a woman who hasn't eaten for days?

I rolled my eyes and made a few trips back and forth from the kitchen to the living room until everything was set up to eat. After I finished I sat down, Buck soon came in and took a seat next to me on the couch.

"She's gorgeous isn't she?" he sighed, turning his attention to me.

"Ya if you like that kind of girl," I lied, trying to do my best to show that I didn't really like her.

"So I can have her?" he asked grinning.

"Go ahead," I sighed as he celebrated his victory.

Even if I did like her I knew that a girl as gorgeous as her would never go for a little guy like me. Meanwhile Bucky is tall and strong just what any girl would want...



Hey guys so I'm restarting this series because I didn't like the way things were going so far so I changed some things. For example the main character's name isn't Jean anymore it's Dinah. It's pronounced like Die-Nah not Dina, like the Black Canary's first name.

Anyways I hope you guys understand. I just wanna make things flow better so it all ties in at the end.



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