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noun ~ the action of helping someone with a job or task


On a high of adrenaline, nothing could get in my way. The twins, my mate and my unborn child were all well and nothing has gone wrong in a long time. It was peaceful, and I relished in the peace of my morning routine.

Peace never lasted long. Chaos lingered like smoke after a fire, like ash waiting to come back to life.

I was calm. I was happy in my office overlooking the next pack visit when the phone rang.

My curiosity got the best of me when the number came up as unidentified. It was not a mobile; the code screaming northern territory.

Probably another pack wanting to complain about my mate's blood. So far, we have kept the transformation of Calida away from interfering ears. It was successful in its concept, and the results would've been just as strong if we had really cracked down on the small probabilities of her escaping.

We should've pressed tying her down somewhere safe. Our own naivety and trust betrayed us.

I answered on the sixth ring, a soft sigh as the phone connected.

"Alpha Titan, Blood Moon." I murmured.

The male on the other side of the phone barely waited a heartbeat before throwing harsh words and insults at me. Too much for me to consider. My eyes darkened as he continued to belittle me. I caught the tail end of curse words and accusations of war before I snapped.

Snarling, I cut him off. "Who do you think you are, calling me and shouting at me unprovoked?"

"I am Beta Jermaine of the Valborga pack." He snapped. "Your fucking beta just stormed out pack on a murder spree."

I paused, the burning fury in my chest simmering. "My beta? I think you are mistaken, Jermaine."

He growled, frustrated. "I am standing here amongst the remains of fifteen of my patrolmen, three innocent bystanders, my alpha, and the knowledge that your beta did this."

"Beta Evans is not a murderer. I believe there is a misunderstanding."

"Well, isn't he your pack?"

I hesitated. "No... He is taking time away for personal reasons."

Jermaine snorted. "More like he lost his shit again. Don't think we don't know that you keep feral wolves close, Alpha."

I snarled, clutching the phone in my hand. "I suggest you retrace your findings, Beta, before you cause a battle that you will not win if a simple rogue wolf has killed half of your pack."

"I have more of my pack chasing after him this insistent!" He insisted. "Brown wolf with distinct markings of your beta running with a damn feral rogue female with tricolour fur."

Fuck. It was Charlie.

"Now I do not know why your beta is running with feral wolves, Alpha, but I can assure you that this means war." He growled. "Your pack member has murdered my own."

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. This was the first we have heard from Charlie in months, and it wasn't good news. I was pleased he was alive, but to kill innocent wolves was something I was dreading. Had he too gone rogue? Has his wolf taken over like it did so many years ago?

Fucking dammit.

"I apologise, Beta Jermaine." I murmured. "But I dismissed my beta from my pack and all duties around ten weeks ago. He is no longer a member of Blood Moon. His actions are not of ours."

The line fell quiet, nothing but his harsh breaths in the background. He must've pulled the phone away from his ear, and I waited patiently for him to get back to me.

"So, what you are saying is there is an opening for a beta in your pack?"

I frowned, completely taken aback. His alpha and a sizeable chunk of his pack were just murdered, and he asks if there is a position?

"There is not." I stated. "You are acting alpha now, Jermaine. That is your duty."

He sighed. "I am not alpha born. I do not know how to run a fucking pack."

"Start off by calling all of your warriors back." I explained.

I can't believe I have to manage a fucking pack.

"Fuck no. They deserve to die."

"Killing feral rogues that killed members of your pack?" I tutted. "The rogues will slaughter you just like the rest of them. Not the best move for the new alpha."

He huffed a breath, muttering an okay. The line went silent, and I heard the muffled sound of cursing and frustration before he picked it up.

"They killed six more mere moments ago." He groaned.

"You have called them back?" I probed.

"Yes." He stated.

"Good." I cleared my throat. "Beta Jermaine, do you wish for me to send assistance?"

He hesitated. "Fuck, I don't know."

"Do you have the knowledge and the strength to perform as the pack's alpha?" I wondered. "Can you lead them through the grief, appoint a new beta, control finances, members, inventory, and the paperwork that comes with it?"

He stammered.

"Do you have a mate, Jermaine?"

"No, Alpha."

"Do you have a gamma, Jermaine?"

"We do." He breathed. "Does Scott become my beta?"

"He will." I nodded, although he couldn't see me. "But if you need temporary relief for grieveance, I am happy to supply somebody."

Perhaps it was his ego in the way, and I hoped that this would be an easy way around it.

The last thing I needed was an entire pack falling to the slums or turning rogue. We didn't need more rogues, and they needed supplies and strength. A weak alpha in times like these causes the pack to fall apart. A pack has to have a pact; and that was unity.

"Yes... Yes, I suppose it is hard..." He trailed. "Anyone... Anyone in mind, Alpha?"

"I will check my records and I can contact you after." I stated.

"Yes, that's... that will do." He cleared his throat.

My lips pursed. "Console your new pack, Alpha."

A pause before he muttered an agreement. "I will."

The phone line ended, and I hung up straight away. I sighed, slumping into my chair. My hands fell to my face, pressing into my eyes and temples as I groaned with frustration.

Had Charlie truly gone rogue?

Why have they killed so many members of the Valborga pack?

Sitting upright once more, I shook off the anxious frustration and turned on my computer. It buzzed to life, and I immediately pulled up the pack records files. Scrolling to the very end, I found the file I needed and brought it to the screen.

Valborga pack.

It seemed familiar.

Alpha Tomas Ruiz, Luna Sophia.

Beta Jermaine Aboah.

Gamma Scott Moreno.

I sighed before adding to the file that they were possibly deceased. The person I'd send as temporary alpha would confirm it for me, but I'd need to go there personally and create a report. If he had called anybody else; it would be their problem. But nope, my damn beta had to kill a load of people.

Laughing to myself, I scrolled to the bottom of the file to sign my name, but then something caught my eye. A closed report of a missing person.

I frowned, opening it and scanning the document only for my eyes to widen. Frozen in my seat, understanding suddenly dawned on me.

Calida's pack.

Charlie must've noticed, and the revenge must've consumed him. Rage has blinded him; killing those who harmed his mate and anybody that came near. I hoped he was unhurt, but if the fresh six bodies were anything to go by; I was certain he was fine.

Fucking Charlie.

If I ever see him...

I'd give him triple the paperwork.

All my phone calls were recorded thanks to the constant threat of harm. It meant I could also create notes for this conversation, forming a document that would outline what is required. I searched my files for a decent alpha blood without title; an alpha pup would be ideal. I pondered Lyra's fling before remembering he was a beta born and dismissed the idea completely.

Eventually, I found the perfect candidate.

A first born female alpha that is refused her title because her father is too sexist to care. He was the type to hold on to the last breath before giving up. And by then, she'd be too old and worn to care. A wolf's spirit eventually dies when they are revoked of their birthright, and it's a horrible thing to see.

Pulling up her address, I made the arrangements before creating yet more paperwork. I wrote official demands by hand before sealing it with the pack emblem and calling in a wolf to deliver it by hand.

Sean eyed the letter in my hand with a raised eyebrow. "Hand delivery? What's so serious?"

"Two rogues murdered an alpha and half of their pack warriors." I murmured. "The beta is not fit to run, and I am recruiting a temporary stand in."

He took the envelope with curiosity, eyeing the name on the front. "Are you sure about this?"

My lips curled into a smile. "A female alpha being able to prove herself to her father? Why not?"

Sean rolled his eyes. "I mean, a lot of wolves are still sexist."

"Even better." I mused.

Sean snorted. "You can explain to Rose why I come back with a black eye from the father."

"It's a far journey. If you go by foot, it'll heal in time." I chuckled.

He rolled his eyes. "I will rearrange my plans and be on my way tomorrow morning."

"You will go today." I shook my head. "It is an hour's journey by car, and you will be back for sunset. It is most important; a pack cannot be without an alpha for so long before people notice."

Sean grimaced. "Yes, Alpha. I will go mention it to Rose."

"Keep it as private as you can, Sean. I trust you with this."

"I can't believe this would usually fall upon Charlie, of all people." He muttered, turning to leave the room.

"Tell me about it." I exhaled.

Even when he was gone, that beta caused so much stress.

If it wasn't his mildly amusing pranks or childish attitude with just about everything; it was the concern for his mental stability.

Charlie would peek at that letter.

Sean left my office a moment later, and I continued to track the report of the events. After I finished outlining a vague plan of actions, I searched for my mate.

She deserved to know that Charlie was alive... As feral as he may be.

'What is it?' She wondered.

Do you have a moment? I asked. It's important.

She paused before muttering a yes. 'I'm just cleaning lunch away.'

I cut straight to the point, telling her everything that had just happened in the easiest detail I could. As I finished, her mind paused, and she momentarily dipped from the conversation. I waited patiently for her to come back, and when she did, her mind felt pained.

'But they're alive?'

It appears so. I murmured.

'That's... That's good, right?' She wondered.

I suppose. A killing spree is not, though.

'I can imagine... Save him the paperwork?' She wondered.

I laughed softly, shaking my head. Oh, I will. But for now, the pack needs empathy and an alpha, and Sean is on his way to deliver a letter of demand now.

'You think they will accept?'

I have high hopes she will.

'A female?'

Of course. I muttered. Who else to help a pack through a grievance than a powerful female?

I could feel her happiness through the bond, and it flooded my chest with its warmth. 'That's good. I hope she sorts it all out. Those poor people...'

I may have left out one minor detail. I muttered, hesitantly.

Immediately, her guard was up, and the bond twittered. 'What?'

It's Calida's old pack.

She paused, and I counted five seconds of breath before she sighed. 'Fuck. That must've been... Hard for them.'

Could be why he turned feral.

'Let's just hope that's the end of it and the next time we hear about them, it is good news.'

I nodded, agreeing. I really hope that Charlie stays out of trouble, but knowing my beta; it was right behind him in his wake.

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